Italian contacts at the University of Kassel
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Erasmus partnership with Università degli Studi di Perugia (Fachgebiet Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Campi Elettromagnetici), Erasmus-Subject Code: Information and Communication Technologies; Electricity and Energy; Electronics and Automation.
Erasmus partnerships with the universities of Verona, Cagliari, Naples 2, Lecce. Research Fellow at Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies Florence. Regular study trips to Florence in the summer semester.
Network spokesperson
Contact: ibaum(at)
Erasmus partnership with the University of Pisa; contact Dr. Angelika Bönker-Vallon/Kassel and Prof. Simonetta Bassi/Pis.
Contact: a.boenker-vallon(at)
Erasmus partnership with the University of Salerno, Civil Engineering Department.
Contact:<xwrap> uwe.dorka(at)</xwrap>
Contact: komorowska(at)
Erasmus partnerships with the Universities of Padua (Prof. Luca Illetterati) and Florence (Prof. Stefano Poggi).
Research contacts and collaborations: Università della Calabria- Institute of Philosophy (Prof. Felice Cimatti); University of Milan-SEMM (Prof. Giovanni Boniolo); Universität Reggio Emilia - Institute of Philosophy (Prof. Vallori Rasini); University of Trento - Institute of Philosophy (Prof. Paola Giacomoni; Dr. Carlo Brentari) and CIMEC (Prof. Vallortigara); FBK Trient (Dr. PD. Paolo Costa, Dr. Lucia Galvagni); University of Genoa - Institute of Philosophy (Prof. Franco Camera).
Organizer (together with Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy) of the German-Italian Biophilosophical School.
Contact: michelini(at)
Erasmus partnerships with the universities of Milan (Statale), Roma III, Perugia (in preparation), intensive contacts with Padua.
Contact:<xwrap> kai.ruffing(at) </xwrap>
Contacts for research stays and internships in institutions via visiting professorship (University of Roma III), study and scholarship stays at the Max Planck Institute, Bibliotheca Hertziana, and at Casa di Goethe, Rome (2015/2016); Erasmus partnership with Università degli Studi di Sassari (Sardinia), Dipartimento „Architettura, Design e Urbanistica“ (Prof. Dr. Michael Groblewski, mgroblewski(at), regular excursions to Italy.
Contact:<xwrap> sitt(at) </xwrap>
Contact:<xwrap> witthaus[at] </xwrap>
Website of the <xwrap></xwrap>~~Language Center~~~</xwrap>