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Guest lecture by Dr. Sina Lautenschläger from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg at the GeKKo conference in November 2022 with the title: Zwischen Elfenbeinturm und rauer See. On the precarious relationship between science and politics and its mediatization using the example of the "Corona crisis" (To the project)

Guest lecture by Dr. Fabian Wolbring from the University of Siegen on the occasion of the anthology project "Rap | Text | Analyse. Deutschsprachiger Rap seit 2000 in 20 Einzeltextanalysen." (ed. Felix Woitkowski, Nils Lehnert, Dagobert Höllein) with the title: Pop/Prägnanz/Poetik - Lyrikdidaktische Überlegungen zur Bewusstmachung textgesteuerter Popularisierungsdynamiken.

Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Diewald from Leibniz Universität Hannover on gender-equitable language from a linguistic perspective.

Guest lecture by Harald Kimpel, associate researcher at the documenta archive: Von Kassel lernen: Die expansive Geschichte der Weltkunstausstellung documenta.

Guest lecture by Dr. Eberhard Zwink, journalist and winner of the René Macic Prize of the City of Salzburg:Die Vulgata. Entstehung, Geschichte und umstrittene Bedeutung der lateinischen Bibel für Luthers Bibelübersetzung.

Guest lecture by Georg Diez, author and cultural journalist: Digital schreiben. Literaturkritik unter den Bedingungen der Internet-Moderne.

Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Óscar Loureda from the University of Heidelberg: Migration, Sprache und Identität in Spanien.

Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Joachim Knape from the University of Tübingen: Persuasion als Zentraloperation der Rhetorik.

John Searle as a guest at the GeKKo doctoral program

As the people listed here are only a selection of the guest list, please contact the Coordinator for further information on guests from past conferences.