student representatives
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Page overview
The student council of the FB02
Bottom row, from left: Daniel Paul (German Studies), Lisa Maren Stöhr (German Studies), Kimberly Pompetzki (German Studies, English Studies), Lisa-Michelle Bege (German Studies, Philosophy), Luise Nolte (Catholic Theology)
Top row, from left: Erik Stottut (Catholic Theology), Lea-Marie Brinkmann (English Studies), Dominik Bielinski (Catholic Theology)
Missing from the photo: Michelle Ißleib (German Studies, English Studies), Paula Kafitz (German Studies, Romance Studies), Linda Leuschen (German Studies), Jannis Winzinger (English Studies), Dominik Watzl (English Studies)
Bottom row, from left: Lea-Marie Brinkmann, Luise Nolte, Lisa Maren Stöhr (elected representatives)
Top row, from left: Daniel Paul, Lisa-Michelle Bege, Erik Stottut (deputies)
Study counseling during the semester break
We would also like to provide you with advice and support during the semester break. Although there are no weekly consultation hours during this time, you can still arrange a consultation appointment with us (via Zoom or in person) by sending an email to fachschaft02[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. Of course, you can also ask us your questions directly by email.
Our consultation dates for the summer semester 2025 will be announced here and on our social media channels at the beginning of the lecture period.
Until then, we wish you a nice lecture-free time and are always available by email if you have any questions.