student representatives

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In accordance with the statutes of the student body, the student council is the elected representative body of the students of the department.

Satzung der Studierendenschaft

Did you know...

... that the weekly meetings of the active student council - i.e. the one that represents the interests of the students within the department - are open to the public? In the current semester, these take place every Wednesday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in our student council room 1005 in Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5.
... that BA students can have additive key competencies credited for student council work?
... that students who receive BAFöG can have their standard period of study increased by up to two semesters through student council work?
... that it's generally pretty cool to be able to actively achieve improvements in the conditions under which we all study?

If you would like to volunteer in the department or just want to get a taste of what it's like, just send us a message at, we're looking forward to hearing from you!

The student council of the FB02

1st row (front, from left): Daniel Forster, Erik Stottut, Dominik Watzl

2nd row (from left): Denise Lara Becker, Lea-Marie Brinkmann, Johannes Hofmann

3rd row (from left): Vanessa-Aliéna Adam, Michelle Ißleib, Paula Kafitz, Lisa Maren Stöhr

4th row (from left): Lara Weiler, Laura Antonia Brede, Lisa-Michelle Bege, Jacqueline Höhle

Missing from the photo: Güler Akkaya, Anna Kegler Alvarado, Luise Nolte, Daniel Paul, Emma van Vonderen

1st row (front, from left): Vanessa-Aliéna Adam, Michelle Ißleib, Paula Kafitz

2nd row (from left): Lara Weiler, Lisa-Michelle Bege, Lisa Maren Stöhr

3rd row (from left): Laura Antonia Brede, Jacqueline Höhle

Missing from the photo: Daniel Paul

From left: Denise Lara Becker, Dominik Watzl, Michelle Ißleib, Lara Weiler (front), Lea-Marie Brinkmann (back)

Missing from the photo: Anna Kegler Alvarado


Inspiration for the photo: English and American literature studies

From left: Denise Lara Becker, Vanessa-Aliéna Adam

From left: Johannes Hofmann, Laura Antonia Brede, Jacqueline Höhle, Erik Stottut

Missing from the photo: Luise Nolte, Emma van Vonderen

From left: Güler Akkaya, Daniel Forster, Lisa-Michelle Bege

From left: Vanessa-Aliéna Adam, Denise Lara Becker, Lea-Marie Brinkmann, Lisa Maren Stöhr, Johannes Hofmann

Missing from the photo: Anna Kegler Alvarado

Induction of first semester students in winter semester 2024/25

Dear first semester students,

Welcome to the University of Kassel and to Faculty 02! To make it a little easier for you to start your studies, we are once again offering a three-day student first semester introduction this year, including a campus tour and joint timetabling. This introduction will take place from 8 to 10.10.24, on the first two days from 10 am to approx. 4 pm, on the third day from 3 pm. We will meet on the first day at 10 a.m. in front of Diagonale 1 and then go together to the room designated for the respective introduction. If you are studying several of the subjects listed below or if the introduction overlaps in any other way, please send us an e-mail so that we can find a solution together. You can find more information about our introduction by clicking on your degree program:

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Moritzstraße 18 - Campus Center, Lecture Hall 6

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Subsequent division into the study programs


Part 2:

Location: Arnold-Bode-Straße 12, lecture hall 6 (group 1) and Diagonale 5, lecture hall 3 (group 2)

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Arnold-Bode-Straße 12, lecture hall 6 (group 1) and Diagonale 5, lecture hall 3 (group 2)

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Moritzstraße 18 - Campus Center, Lecture Hall 6

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Subsequent division into the study programs


Part 2:

Location: Mönchebergstraße 7, Room 0614

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Mönchebergstraße 7, Room 0614

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Moritzstraße 18 - Campus Center, Lecture Hall 6

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Subsequent division into the study programs


Part 2:

Location: Mönchebergstraße 7, lecture hall 400

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Mönchebergstraße 7, lecture hall 400

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions



Important information for the teaching degree at vocational schools (L4): The study of the second subject usually only begins in the third semester. Of course, all first-semester students on this course are welcome to attend our induction, but the timetabling for German, for example, is not yet relevant for you at this point.

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Moritzstraße 18 - Campus Center, Lecture Hall 6

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Subsequent division into the study programs


Part 2:

Location: Diagonale 5, Lecture Hall 3

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Diagonale 5, lecture hall 3

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Moritzstraße 18 - Campus Center, Lecture Hall 6

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Subsequent division into the study programs


Part 2:

Location: Georg-Forster-Straße 4, Room 2004

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Nora-Platiel-Straße 5, Room 0109/0110 (writing boards)

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Moritzstraße 18 - Campus Center, Lecture Hall 3

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Subsequent division into the study programs


Part 2:

Location: Arnold-Bode-Straße 2, Room 0401 (Group 1) and Georg-Forster-Straße 4, Room 1004 (Group 2)

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Arnold-Bode-Straße 2, Room 0401 (Group 1) and Arnold-Bode-Straße 8, Room 0113/0114 (Group 2)

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions



Important information for the teaching degree at vocational schools (L4): The study of the second subject usually only begins in the third semester. Of course, all first-semester students on this course are welcome to attend our induction, but the timetabling for English, for example, is not yet relevant for you at this point.

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Moritzstraße 18 - Campus Center, Lecture Hall 3

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Subsequent division into the study programs


Part 2:

Location: Georg-Forster-Straße 4, Room 0005

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Nora-Platiel-Straße 6, Room 0207

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions



Our introduction is primarily aimed at Bachelor's students, but Master's students are also very welcome.

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Moritzstraße 18 - Campus Center, Lecture Hall 3

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Subsequent division into the study programs


Part 2:

Location: Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5, Room 0017

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5, Room 0017

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions



Our introduction is primarily aimed at Bachelor's students, but Master's students are also very welcome.

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5, Room 0019

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject


Part 2:

Location: Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5, Room 0020

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5, Room 0020

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions



Important information for the teaching degree at vocational schools (L4): The study of the second subject usually only begins in the third semester. Of course, all first-semester students on this course are welcome to attend our induction, but the timetabling for French/Spanish, for example, is not yet relevant for you at this point.

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Part 1:

Location: Arnold-Bode-Straße 12, Lecture Hall 5

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject


Part 2:

Location: Nora-Platiel-Straße 8, Room 0422 (writing boards)

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Nora-Platiel-Straße 8, Room 0422 (writing boards)

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Afterwards (approx. 10:15 am): Henschelstraße 2, room 1140 (writing boards)

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Henschelstraße 2, Room 1140 (writing boards)

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions



Important information for the teaching degree at vocational schools (L4): The study of the second subject usually only begins in the third semester. Of course, all first-semester students on this course are welcome to attend our induction, but the timetable for the subject of Protestant religion, for example, is not yet relevant for you at this point.

Tuesday, 08.10.24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m:

Meeting point: Diagonale 1


Afterwards (approx. 10:15 am): Henschelstraße 2, Room 0151

- General introduction to everyday university life with all new students of the subject

- Campus tour

- Creation of the university account



Wednesday, 09.10.24, 10 am - 4 pm - Please bring your laptop or tablet!

Location: Henschelstraße 2, Room 0151

- Introduction to the Moodle and eCampus platforms

- Introduction to the module examination regulations

- Creation of the timetable

- Campus rally



Thursday, 10.10.24, 3 p.m. - open end:

Location: Amphitheater at K10 (Henschelstraße 2) behind lecture hall center 1 (Diagonale 1)
Bad weather alternative: probably Diagonale 3, lecture hall 2

- Joint barbecue with small events and games for all new students of the department

- Clarification of open questions



Important information for the teaching degree at vocational schools (L4): The study of the second subject usually only begins in the third semester. Of course, all first-semester students on this course are welcome to attend our induction, but the timetable for the subject of Catholic religion, for example, is not yet relevant for you at this point.

Study counseling during the semester break

We would also like to provide you with advice and support during the semester break. There are no weekly consultation hours during this time, but you can still arrange a consultation appointment with us (via Zoom or in person) by sending an email to fachschaft02[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. Of course, you can also ask us your questions directly by email.

Our consultation dates for the winter semester 2024/25 will be announced here and on our social media channels at the beginning of the lecture period.

Until then, we wish you a nice lecture-free period and are always available by email if you have any questions.