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Information about dates, rooms and registration deadlines for Sprachpraxis exams in the winter semester 2024-25 can be found on the Exams page at the link below.
Module 1: 14/02/25 4:15pm in HS1 Campus Center
Oral exams: 10/02 - 18/02/25 in KW5, 4048
Module 9/MA 01/MA02: 08/02/25 8:30am in HS1 Campus Center
Important announcement re: old-style Module 1 exam format
The old-style Module 1 format has been discontinued and is now no longer offered. Students who were previously eligible to take the old-style Module 1 exam but did not take it prior to the winter semester 23/24 must now take the new-style Module 1 exam consisting of a grammar section and an essay section. Details about the structure and assessment of this exam can be found at the link below.