Language Practice

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Registering for language practice courses in WiSe 2024-25

Registration for Sprachpraxis courses in WiSe 2024-25 will begin on Monday, September 16. Please read the detailed instructions on our Registration for courses page carefully. This is also where you can find the priority registration forms for BA / MA and for teaching students.

Important announcement re: old-style Module 1 exam format

The old-style Module 1 format has been discontinued and is now no longer offered. Students who were previously eligible to take the old-style Module 1 exam but did not take it prior to the winter semester 23/24 must now take the new-style Module 1 exam consisting of a grammar section and an essay section. Details about the structure and assessment of this exam can be found at the link below.

Teaser Raster


Exam Paper Viewing of exams taken in SoSe 2022

If you took and passed a Module exam in SoSe 2022, you have the opportunity to take a look at it on Wednesday 9th November. Please click on the image below to download a pdf file with more information including how to register.

This pdf file contains details of the exam paper viewing to be held on Wednesday 9th November 2022.