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Frauke Mutschall
Research Assistant, Institute: Physical Education and Sports Science
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-5245
- frauke.mutschall[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Location
- Damaschkestraße 25
34121 Kassel
- Room
- Raum 1180
My new office hours for WiSe 23/24 are now Tuesdays at 2:15pm.
Please register at frauke.mutschall[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Head of study program L2
- Departmental Women's and Equal Opportunity Officer FB05 (Sport and Sport Science)
1974 | Born in Kappeln (Schlei) |
1994 | Abitur at the Gymnasium am Mühlenweg in Wilhelmshaven. |
From 1994-1997 | Training as a photographer in Oldenburg. |
From 1997-2003 | Studied sports science and German language and literature at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg (degree: Magister Artium). Master's thesis in 2002 on the topic "On the influence of eating disorders on the body image and exercise behavior of those affected, taking into account current theses on the body in society". |
From 2003-2005 | Lecturer at the University of Oldenburg in "movement theory and didactics" in rhythmic gymnastics, dance, dance and movement theater and theory-practice courses on the topic of eating disorders in the context of sports therapy. |
From 2004-2005 | Lecturer at the University of Vechta in the subject of sports in the learning field of gymnastic, rhythmic and dance movement arts. |
From 2005-2007 | Research assistant at Vechta University in the subject of physical education, theory and practice of gymnastic, rhythmic and dance movement arts, theory and practice of fitness, theory and practice of initial swimming. |
From 2005-2007 | Research assistant at the Institute of Sports Science at the University of Oldenburg, theory and practice of gymnastic, rhythmic and dance movement arts, theory and practice of eating disorders in a sports therapy context, theory-practice project fitness. |
Since 2007 | Teacher for special tasks at the Institute for Sport and Sport Science at the University of Kassel, theory and practice of gymnastic, rhythmic and dance movement arts, fitness, small games, fighting with and against partners, promotion of underachieving children and gender and coeducation in sports studies and school sports. |
- Aesthetic education
- Dance and physical education
- Fitness
- Promotion of underachieving children
- Animal-assisted pedagogy in movement promotion
- Fighting with and against partners
- Gender and coeducation in physical education
Dance education
- with Christine Lenartz in Modern Dance (Limòn), Tap, Jazzdance and Musical;
- with Regine Stein in Modern Dance (Graham/Wigman);
- with Ingrid Collet in ballet;
- with Lesley Hardcastle in tap dance;
- with Renate Killmann in Modern Dance (Limòn)
Further education
- with Cècile Kramer in Hip Hop;
- with Ina Heins in Hip Hop;
- with Maria Speth in children's dance;
- with Lilo Stahl in dance improvisation;
- from 2007-2010 student of Tanzwerkstatt Kassel in Funky Jazz, Ballet, Tap;
- with Ulla Wenzel in children's dance;
- from 2010-2013 student with Louisa Jacobs in dance improvisation;
- since 2014 student with Louisa Jacobs in contemporary dance technique.
Further professional activities
- self-employed as a dance teacher and exercise instructor in health and fitness sports
- sport-therapeutic occupation in psychosomatic medicine
01/2010-1/2014: Board member of the Society for Dance Research (GTF)
- German Association for Sports Science (DVS)
- Aktion Tanz - Federal Association Dance in Education and Society
Monographs and anthologies
- Mutschall, F. (2008): On the influence of eating disorders on exercise behavior and body image. An interview study among selected theses on the body in society. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken.
Conference Proceedings
- Mutschall, F. & Scheid, V. (2015). Gender competencies in sport students - Social constructions of gender in the movement field 'Fighting with and against partners'. In A. Marquardt & P. Kuhn (Eds.), Von Kämpfern und Kämpferinnen - Kampfkunst und Kampfsport aus der Genderperspektive - Martial arts and combat sports in research and teaching 2014 (pp. 100-111). Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag.
Freytag, V. & Mutschall, F. & Voss, C. (2019). Fostering an experimental learning attitude - Teacher* actions in open design processes. In M. Hartmann, R. Laging & C. Scheinert (Eds.), Meike Hartmann, Ralf Laging & C. Scheinert, Professionalization in physical education teacher* training - An introduction (pp. 84-96). Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag.
- Mutschall, F. (2007): Improvising with the body. In: Sportpädagogik 2/07.
- Mutschall, F. (2007): A soccer dance. In: Sportpädagogik 4/07.
- Mutschall, F. (2014): The air guitar in physical education. Discovering new movements with "nothing" in hand. In: Sportpädagogik 3+4/.
- Mutschall, F. (2014): Gender and coeducation in sports studies and physical education. In: Landeskonferenz der hessischen Hochschulfrauenbeauftragten (ed.): GENDER kompetent. Gender in the teaching of Hessian universities. Examples - fields of action - perspectives. Würzburg.
- Mutschall, F. (2016): Come on, let's dance... and evaluate! In: elementary school sports 12/16.
Essays in encyclopedias
- Mutschall, F. (2016). 'Improvisation', 'Jaques-Darcroze, Émile', 'contact improvisation '. In A. Hartmann & M. Woitas (Eds.), The great dance encyclopedia. Dance cultures. Epochs. Persons. Works. (PP. 284-285, PP. 297-298, PP. 323-324). Laaber: Laaber Publishing House.
Poster presentations
- Mutschall, F.; Scheid, V. (2017). On the influence of gender as a knowledge category in physical education and school sport - teaching gender competence. Poster presentation with short talk at the dvs University Day, September 13-15, 2017, Munich.
- Mutschall, F.; Scheid, V. (2017). Gender as a structural category in physical education and school sport - Teaching gender competence in teacher education. Poster presentation with short talk at the GFD conference, September 27-29, 2017 in Freiburg.
- 2012-2015: Gender and coeducation in sports studies. Special fund "Structural Equal Opportunities". Project management: Frauke Mutschall, Prof. Dr. Volker Scheid.
- 2015-2018: Gender and coeducation in the study of sport and school sport (GeKoSport). Quality offensive teacher education. Project management: Frauke Mutschall, Prof. Dr. Volker Scheid.
- Promotion of an experimental learning attitude. Together with Prof. Dr. Verena Freytag, Prof. Dr. Tanja Wetzel and Prof. Dr. Frauke Heß.
- Mutschall, F.; Scheid, V. (2014). Gender and coeducation in teacher training - the gendered body knowledge in teaching and learning processes. Paper presented at the dvs section conference Sportpädagogik, May 01-03, 2014, Kiel.
- Mutschall, F.; Scheid, V. (2014). Gender competence in sport students - Social construction of gender in the movement field "Fighting with and against partners". Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs commission "Martial Arts and Combat Sports" 09-11 October 2014 in Ludwigsburg.
- Mutschall, F.; Scheid, V. (2016). Gender as a category of social inequality- Teaching gender competence in teacher education. Paper presented at the dvs annual conference on the sociology of sport and the dvs commission on gender research, September 20-22, 2016 in Cologne.