Welcome to the Institute of Sport and Sport Science

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+++ Registration for SPS 2 takes place with the online registration at the end of March +++

+++ Registration portal open - registrations for the 2025 sports aptitude test are now possible +++

The Institute for Sport and Sport Science (IfSS) is a scientific institution of the Department 05 Social Sciences at the University of Kassel. The institute was founded in 2001 and emerged from the "Fachrichtung Sportwissenschaft" of the Gesamthochschule Kassel.

The tasks of the IfSS include teaching, research, the promotion of young scientists and the transfer of knowledge. In addition to the sports science work areas, the General University Sports (AHS) is also affiliated with the institute.

Press releases

03/20/2025 | Press releasesKassel Cycling Week 2025 - A celebration of sustainable mobility and cycling activities

@Sport und Sportwissenschaft

02/17/2025 | Press releasesFinal Steps WiSe 24/25: Off to the stage!

@Sport und Sportwissenschaft

02/10/2025 | Press releasesSport VERNETZT, the ACT Kassel, task and the Institute for Sport and Sports Science are…

@Sport und Sportwissenschaft

News for students

03/20/2025 | Study newsExaminer allocation state exam fall 2025

The allocation of examiners will take place from 14.04. - 28.05.2025 from Monday to Wednesday from 8 - 12 am. During…

Examiner allocation state exam fall 2025: read more
@Sport und Sportwissenschaft

03/20/2025 | Study newsRegistration for the SPS 2

Registration for the SPS 2 in Sport will take place for the first time this year with the online registration at the end…

Registration for the SPS 2: read more
@Sport und Sportwissenschaft

02/17/2025 | Study newsPosttest date swimming

The follow-up examination date in swimming (practice) will take place on 24.03.2025 from 9 a.m. in the indoor swimming…

Posttest date swimming: read more
@Sport und Sportwissenschaft

02/17/2025 | Study newsPost-examination date apparatus gymnastics & Trampoline

Dear students, the practical examination for apparatus gymnastics & trampoline will take place on Friday, 28.03.2025,…

Post-examination date apparatus gymnastics & Trampoline: read more
@Sport und Sportwissenschaft

Our work areas

Education and teaching

The topics in the research area are oriented toward sports pedagogy and sports didactics and essentially relate to the institutions of kindergarten, school, university as well as sports clubs and sports associations. In addition to the investigation of development and socialization processes in childhood and adolescence, the research work focuses on quality and structural characteristics of the pedagogical institutions.

Education and teaching: Read More

Psychology and society

The research area Psychology and Society deals with the explanation and prediction of human behavior in sport. With the help of empirical research methods, we want to record and understand the psychosocial foundations of experience and action in the practical field of sport. In doing so, we specifically look for ways to make this knowledge usable for practical application.

Psychology and society: Read More

Training and movement

The two sports science sub-disciplines of exercise science and movement science are combined for research and teaching in the Training and Movement Department. In addition, the sports medicine courses are coordinated in this work area and topics for scientific homework are offered.

Training and movement: Read More

Theory & Practice of sports and movement fields

The work area IV "Theory and practice of sports" addresses the close link between theory and practice in the subject didactic training. In addition to the interdisciplinary competencies addressed in the current curricular guidelines for the subject of sport, the subject didactic training is essentially oriented towards the central ideas and corresponding content areas.

Theory & Practice of sports and movement fields: Read More

General university sports

The General University Sports stands for health maintenance and promotion through movement and relaxation offers. In the sense of lifelong learning, this should be sustainably anchored in the daily exercise routine of all users. The content of the offers is based on the educational concept anchored in the university's mission statement. In addition, the General University Sports supports competitive sports at the University of Kassel within the framework of the cooperation "Partner University of Top Sports".

General university sports: Read More