Completed courses
BA-Module 1, What is Sociology?
- Lecture series "The Sociological Gaze
- Propaedeutic course "Introduction to scientific work
BA-Module 2, Sociological Theory
- Seminar "Sociological Theory: Reciprocity and Solidarity".
BA-Module 5 Structure, Interaction and Social Structure: Seminars
- Social Mobility
- Child poverty and educational opportunities
- Causes and consequences of family poverty
- Work, unemployment and social integration
- Families in the process of social transformation
- Raising children alone
- Social inequality: theory and empiricism
- Social classes and milieus
- Meritocracy: On the social legitimation of social inequality
BA Module 6, Empirical Practicum:
- Bought Time. Domestic Outsourcing from the Perspective of the Sociology of Inequality
- Dynamics of Family Poverty
- My Your Ours. The Power of Money in Families
- What is part of the student standard of living - and who can afford it?
- Early family formation
BA Module 7a, Sociological Practice:
- Seminar "Sociology in Practice. Follow-up to the internship"
BA-Module 8 Advanced Study, Social Practices and Collective Processes: Seminars
- Who is in the poverty trap? Self-assertion between welfare state and labor market
- Inclusion through work, exclusion through unemployment?
- Changes in employment histories
- Dynamics of poverty
- My Your Ours. The power of money in couple relationships
- No time. Torn between work and family
- Status and shame
- News from family research
- Experiencing time
- Class, gender migration. Intersectional inequality research
Bachelor final module:
- BA Colloquium
- Supervision and peer review of bachelor theses
MA-Module 1, Social Inequality and Social Inequality: Seminars
- Uptown Girls and Backstreet Guys. Spatial Segregation of Families in German Cities
- Long live inequality. Current analyses of the meritocratic promise
MA-Module 3, Advanced Methodology and Statistics: Seminars
- Interweaving biographical and life course research.
- Time analyses. Events and trajectories
- Sequential Pattern Analyses
Master's degree module
- MA Colloquium
- Supervision and review of master theses
Additive key competences
- Introduction to Stata