
Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Baumgärtner, Ingrid
Professor, Section: Medieval History
Image: Uwe Dettmar
Portrait Baumgärtner
Prof. Dr. Buckel, Sonja
Professor, Section: Political Theory
Image: Peter Jülich
Buckel, Sonja
Prof. Dr. Büschel, Hubertus
Professor, Section: Modern and Contemporary History
Image: Andreas Labes
Büschel, Hubertus
Prof. Dr. Carstensen, Anne Lisa
Professor, Section: Global Political Economy of Labour under the Consideration of Gender Relations
Carstensen, Anne Lisa
Prof. Dr. Dietz, Kristina
Professor in International Relations with a focus on Latin America
Image: Hanna Thiesing
Prof. Dr. Eis, Andreas
Professor, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Hagemann, Norbert
Professor, Section: Sport Psychology (Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence)
Professor, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Hagemann, Norbert
Prof. Dr. Honeck, Mischa
Professor, Section: British and North American History
Honeck, Mischa
Prof. Dr. Jaser, Christian
Professor, Section: Medieval History
Prof. Dr. Jürgens, Kerstin
Professor, Section: Microsociology and Faculty Speaker of Sociology
Vice Dean
Jürgens, Kerstin
Prof. Dr. Kibele, Armin
Professor, Section: Training and Movement Science (Institut: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence)
Kibele, Armin
Prof. Dr. Kruckemeyer, Frauke
Professor, Section: Geography
Prof. Dr. Krücken, Georg
Professor of Higher Education Research
Spokesperson Executive Board INCHER
Krücken, Georg
Prof. Dr. Lamla, Jörn
Professor, Unit: Sociological Theory
Lamla, Jörn
Prof. Dr. Langfeldt, Bettina
Professor, Section: Methods of Empirical Social Research
Langfeldt, Bettina
Prof. Dr. Pflüger, Christine
Professor, Section: Didactics of History
Pflüger, Christine
Prof. Dr. Preunkert, Jenny
Professor, Section: Macrosociology
Image: Holger Adolph
Preunkert, Jenny
Prof. Dr. Requate, Jörg
Professor, Section: West­ern European His­tory
Image: Sonja Rode
Requate, Jörg
Prof. Dr. Ruffing, Kai
Professor, Section: Ancient History
Ruffing, Kai
Prof. Dr. Ruß-Sattar, Sabine
Professor, Section: Comparative Politics
Ruß-Sattar, Sabine
Prof. Dr. Scheid, Volker (since 1.10.24 retired)
Professor and executive Director, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Professor, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Scheid, Volker
Prof. i.R. Dr. Schneider, Helmuth
Retired Professor, Section: Ancient History
Pro­fes­sor i.R. Dr. Hel­muth Schnei­der
Prof. Dr. Schroeder, Wolfgang
Professor, Section: Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany - Statehood in Transition
Schroeder, Wolfgang
Prof. Dr. Trepp, Anne-Charlott
Professor, Section: Early Modern History
Trepp, Anne-Charlott
Prof. Dr. Tuider, Elisabeth
Professor, Section: Sociology of Diversity
Image: privat
Tuider, Elisabeth
Prof. Dr. Dr. Vater, Hans-Herbert
Honorary Professor, Section: Sports Medicine (Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence)
Vater, Hans-Herbert
Prof. Dr. von Winterfeld, Uta
Professor, Section: Political Ecology
Prof. Dr. You, Mi
Professor, Section: Art and Eco­no­mies
Image: Dorfmeyster/Can Wagener.
You, Mi
Prof. Dr. Ziai, Aram
Professor, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
Ziai, Aram
Substitute Professor
Name, ForenameContact
PD Dr. Gallas, Alexander
Substitute Professor, Section: Global Political Economy of Labour
Gallas, Alexander
Dr. Krebber, André
Vertretung des Lehrgebiets Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte (Human-Animal Studies)
Krebber, André
Dr. Pochstein, Florian
Substitute Professor, Section: Sports Pedagogy and Didactics (Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence)
Pochstein, Florian
Dr. Seidenschnur, Tim
Substitute Professor
Seidenschnur, Tim
Dr. Dr. Vestena, Carolina
Substitute Professor, Section: Political Theory
Vestena, Carolina
Honorary Professor
Name, ForenameContact
Honorary Prof. Dr. Splitter, Rüdiger
Honorary Professor, Section: Ancient History
Ho­no­rar­pro­fes­sor Dr. Rü­di­ger Split­ter