
Personenliste A-Z nach Nachname

Name, ForenameContact
Adam, Jasmin
IT-Coordination, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Aikins, Joshua Kwesi
Junior Researcher, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies (E-learning coordinator in the Global Partnership Network (GPN))
Aikins, Joshua Kwesi
Dr. Albert, Andreas
Research Associate, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Albert, Andreas
Apmann, Stefan
Hall Attendant, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Apmann, Stefan
Dr. Bade, Gesine
Research Assistant, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Bär, Lidia
Research Assistant, Section: Macrosociology
Baggio, Elena (M.A.)
Research assistant in the Department of Methods of Empirical Social Research
Baghery, Nina
Research Assistant, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
Baghery, Nina
Dr. Banse, Frauke
Lecturer, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
Banse, Frauke
Prof. Dr. Baumgärtner, Ingrid
Professor, Section: Medieval History
Image: Uwe Dettmar
Portrait Baumgärtner
Dr. Bayer, Kristina
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Comparative Politics
Becker, Denise
Student Assistant in British and North America History
Becker, Denise
PhD Beljean, Stefan
Head of the Research Area "Academic Change" at INCHER
Bramsiepe, Annika
Sport and Fitness Management Assistant of University Sports
Bramsiepe, Annika
Breuer, Laura
Student assistant in International Relations with a focus on Latin America
Breuer, Laura
Dr. Brodersen, Isidor
Research Assistant, Section: Ancient History
Brose, Julia (M.A.)
Research assistant in the BMBF project ‘WiaQM - Knowledge transfer to and from quality management in teaching and learning’
Brose, Julia
Broß, Maximilian
Lecturer and School Teacher, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Broß, Maximilian
Prof. Dr. Buckel, Sonja
Professor, Section: Political Theory
Image: Peter Jülich
Buckel, Sonja
Prof. Dr. Büschel, Hubertus
Professor, Section: Modern and Contemporary History
Image: Andreas Labes
Büschel, Hubertus
Prof. Dr. Carstensen, Anne Lisa
Professor, Section: Global Political Economy of Labour under the Consideration of Gender Relations
Carstensen, Anne Lisa
Dr. Caruso, Clelia
Lecturer, Section: Brit­ish and North Amer­ican His­tory
Lecturer, Section: West­ern European His­tory
Image: Sonja Rode
Caruso, Clelia
Claußen, Lisa
Research Assistant, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Claußen, Lisa
Dr. de Ambrosia, Luigi
Lecturer, Section: Didactics of History
Portrait-Bild Luigi de Ambrosia
Prof. Dr. Dietz, Kristina
Professor in International Relations with a focus on Latin America
Image: Hanna Thiesing
Draganic, Aleksandra
Research Assistant, Section: Global Political Economy of Labour
Draganic, Aleksandra
PD Dr. Droß-Krüpe, Kerstin
Private Lecturer, Section: Ancient History
Einarsson, Ola
Lecturer, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence (Table Tennis)
Prof. Dr. Eis, Andreas
Professor, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Dean of Studies
Eisner, Marie-France
Graduate School Coordinator
Englmann, Tarik
Research Assistant, Section: Comparative Politics
Dr. Fellner, Magdalena
Head of the Research Area "Students and Graduates" at INCHER
Dr. Fischer, Sebastian
Research Associate, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Fischer, Sebastian
PD Dr. Fischer, Susanna
Research Associate, Section: Medieval History (DFG-Project: Burchard's Descriptio Terrae Sanctae)
Fischer, Susanna
Fixemer, Tom (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Diversity
Fonseca, Rocío (M.A.)
Research assistant in the BMBF project: "T!RAUM!B Impact: Begleitforschung zur Förderlinie T!Raum - TransferRäume für die Zukunft von Regionen"
Fonseca, Rocío
PD Dr. Freund, Nadine
Private Lecturer, Section: West­ern European His­tory
Freund, Nadine
Frey, Alexander
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Didactics of History
Gabriel-Kinz, Carina
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt "Grenzen des Komischen? Satire und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Deutschland und Frankreich am Beispiel der Zeitschriften Pardon/​Titanic und Hara-Kiri/​Charlie Hebdo (1960/​1962-2017)"
Image: Sonja Rode
Gabriel-Kinz, Carina
Gabriel-Kinz, Carina
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: West­ern European His­tory
Image: Sonja Rode
Gabriel-Kinz, Carina
PD Dr. Gallas, Alexander
Substitute Professor, Section: Global Political Economy of Labour
Gallas, Alexander
Gertenbach, Martin
School Teacher and Lecturer, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Prof. Dr. Gieler, Wolfgang
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Comparative Politics
Gieler, Wolfgang
Gneckow, Daniel (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Medieval History (Academy Project: Burchard's Decree Digital)
Göbel, Matthias
Student assistant in International Relations with a focus on Latin America
Göbel, Matthias
Goebel, Timo
Lecturer, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence (Tennis)
PD Dr. Greef, Samuel
Research Associate, Section: Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany - Statehood in Transition
Image: SG
Greef, Samuel
Gromova, Yulia
Research Assistant, Section: Art and Eco­­no­mies
Gromova, Yulia
Grünberg, Max
Research Assistant, Section: Art and Eco­­no­mies
Image: Max Koch-Grünberg
Grünberg, Max
Dr. Haese, Inga
Research Associate, Section: Macrosociology
Prof. Dr. Hagemann, Norbert
Professor, Section: Sport Psychology (Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence)
Professor, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Hagemann, Norbert
Heideloff, Christian
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachgebiet Didaktik der politischen Bildung (PoWi)
Heideloff, Christian
School Teacher and Lecturer, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Heinen, Matthias
Hall Attendant, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Helwig, Ingeborg
Sekretariat im Fachgebiet Alte Geschichte
Office Assistant, Section: Sociological Theory
Office Assistant, Section: British and North American History
Herlitze, Julian Lukas (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Early Modern History
Herlitze, Julian Lukas
Heussner, Florian
Research Assistant, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Heussner, Florian
Dr. Heyer, Tobias
Research Associate, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Director of General University Sports
Heyer, Tobias
Hollenbach, Anna (StEx)
Research Assistant, Section: Medieval History (Senior professorship)
Hollenbach, Anna
Prof. Dr. Honeck, Mischa
Professor, Section: British and North American History
Honeck, Mischa
Hucke, Verena
Coordinator of study program development on sustainability
Dr. med. Hulverscheidt, Marion
Part-Time Lecturer, Section: Modern and Contemporary History
Hulverscheidt, Marion
Dr. Inkermann, Nilda
Research Assistant, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Inkinen, Saara
Research Assistant, Section: Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany - Statehood in Transition
PD Dr. Ipsen, Guido
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Didactics of History
Isermann, Kristina
Research Assistant, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Isermann, Kristina
Jäger-Mayer, Anja
Office Assistant, Section: Methods of Empirical Social Research
Jäger-Mayer, Anja
Prof. Dr. Jaser, Christian
Professor, Section: Medieval History
John, Martin
Office Assistant, Section: Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany - Statehood in Transition
John, Martin
Prof. Dr. Jürgens, Kerstin
Professor, Section: Microsociology and Faculty Speaker of Sociology
Vice Dean
Jürgens, Kerstin
Kaufmann, Jan
Lecturer and School Teacher, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Keller, Marvin
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Anne-Charlott Trepp
Kendir, Hülya
Associated Fellow and adjunct Lecturer, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
Kendir, Hülya
Prof. Dr. Kibele, Armin
Professor, Section: Training and Movement Science (Institut: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence)
Kibele, Armin
Kipry, Alisa (StEx)
Doctoral candidate in the Graduate Programme (PRONET² Innovation Unit V)
Kircher, Sven
Lecturer, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence (Tennis)
Dr. Kirchhoff, Maren
Research Associate, Section: Global Political Economy of Labour
Klein, Petra
Office Assistant, Section: Modern and Contemporary History
Office Assistant, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Klein, Petra
Klinner, Marlene
Research Assistant, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Klinner, Marlene
Knop, Linda-Josephine (M.A.)
Project Member, Section: Modern and Contemporary History (ZFF Project: What Remains are Wood and Bone)
Knop, Linda-Josephine
Koch, Susanne
Office Assistant of Prof. Dr. Georg Krücken
Dr. Kohlert, Manuel
Lecturer, Section: Modern and Contemporary History
Kohlert, Manuel
Kohlmann, Eva Maria
Research Assistant, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Kohlmann, Eva Maria
Dr. Kopp, Judith
Project Team Member, Section: Political Theory
Kopp, Judith
Dr. Kranke, Matthias
Research Associate, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
Kranke, Matthias
Dr. Krebber, André
Vertretung des Lehrgebiets Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte (Human-Animal Studies)
Krebber, André
Kretschmer, Oliver
Lecturer, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence (Health Promotion in Fitness Sports)
Dr. Krome, Corinna
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Comparative Politics
Dr. Kropf, Jonathan
Research Associate, Unit: Sociological Theory (Head of the project “Music Analytics – The Evaluation of Data in the Music Industry” (funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation))
Kropf, Jonathan
Prof. Dr. Kruckemeyer, Frauke
Professor, Section: Geography
Prof. Dr. Krücken, Georg
Professor of Higher Education Research
Spokesperson Executive Board INCHER
Krücken, Georg
Küssner, Eva
Research Assistant, Section: Didactics of Political Education (Research Training Group: "JUST - just and sustainable transformation")
Kurth, Markus (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Microsociology (DFG-Project)
Kurth, Markus
Dr. Kutun, Melehat
Research Associate, Section: Political Theory
Kutun, Melehat
Prof. Dr. Lamla, Jörn
Professor, Unit: Sociological Theory
Lamla, Jörn
Landgrebe, Phillip (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Medieval History (DFG-Project: Burchard's Descriptio Terrae Sanctae)
Landgrebe, Phillip
Lange, Oliver
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Didactics of History
Lange, Oliver
Prof. Dr. Langfeldt, Bettina
Professor, Section: Methods of Empirical Social Research
Langfeldt, Bettina
Leuck, Paul
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Comparative Politics
Leuck, Paul
Dr. Limmeroth, Julia
Research Associate, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Limmeroth, Julia
Dr. Lluis, Conrad
Research Associate, Section: Macrosociology
Magura, Nicole
Office Assistant, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
Magura, Nicole
Mahbubie, Maryam
Secretary, Section: Comparative Politics
Secretary, Section: Microsociology
Secretary, Section: Sociology of Diversity
Mahbubie, Maryam
Mauel, Ann-Katrin
Referent of the Dean's Office
Mayer, Olivia
Research Assistant, Section: Medieval History
Mehrwald, Lara
Research Assistant, Section: Didactics of History
Portrait-Bild Lara Mehrwald
Mertens, Julia (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Microsociology (BMBF-Project "PRONET-D")
Meuser, Aline
Dekanatssekretariat; Tutoriumsverträge; Krank-, Gesund-, Urlaubsmeldung
Sekretariat Mittelalterliche Geschichte
Office Assistant, Section: Macrosociology
Dr. Mittermeier, Sabrina
Research Associate, Section: British and North American History
Mittermeier, Sabrina
Mönig, Erika
Lecturer and School Teacher, Section: Didactics of History
Dr. Mönkeberg, Sarah
Research Associate, Section: Microsociology (State Office and DFG-Project)
Müller, Florian (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Unit: Sociological Theory (DFG-Graduate College: "Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users")
Müller, Florian
Dr. Musil, Florian
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: West­ern European His­tory
Musil, Florian
Mutschall, Frauke
Research Assistant, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Mutschall, Frauke
Dr. Näser, Lena
Office Assistant, Section: Medieval History (Senior professorship)
PD Dr. Neun, Oliver
Private lecturer, Section: Macrosociology
Niegl, Andreas
Research Assistant, Section: Art and Eco­­no­mies
Image: Dorfmeyster/Can Wagener.
Niegl, Andreas
Noever Castelos, Carla
Research assistant in International Relations with a focus on Latin America
Image: Leonor Castelos
PD Dr. Ochs, Carsten
Research Associate, Unit: Sociological Theory (BMBF Project: ("Advice for users:On strengthening informational self-determina (BeDeNUTZ)")
Ochs, Carsten
Ödén, Clara
Research Assistant, Section: Didactics of History
Portrait-Bild Clara Ödén
Dr. Omidi, Reza
Associated Fellow and adjunct Lecturer, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
PD Dr. Panse-Buchwalter, Melanie
Research Associate, Section: Medieval History (Academy Project: Burchard's Decree Digital)
Panse-Buchwalter, Melanie
Pfläging, Mareike
Research Assistant, Unit: Sociological Theory (BMBF Project "Advice for users: On strengthening informational self-determina (BeDeNUTZ)")
Pfläging, Mareike
Prof. Dr. Pflüger, Christine
Professor, Section: Didactics of History
Pflüger, Christine
Dr. Pletl, Renate
Referent of the Dean's Office
Dr. Pochstein, Florian
Substitute Professor, Section: Sports Pedagogy and Didactics (Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence)
Pochstein, Florian
Dr. Pötschke, Manuela
Academic Senior Councillor and Head of the Section, Section: Applied Social Science Statistics
Pötschke, Manuela
Pohl, Danny
Lecturer, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence (Badminton)
Prof. Dr. Preunkert, Jenny
Professor, Section: Macrosociology
Image: Holger Adolph
Preunkert, Jenny
Dr. Puder, Janina
Research assistant in International Relations with a focus on Latin America
Image: Sonja Rode/
Puder, Janina
Rasch, Selina
Secretariat International Relations with a focus on Latin America
Image: Sonja Rode/
Rasch, Selina
Dr. Reef, Bernd
Research Assistant, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Reef, Bernd
Rei­fen­scheid, Ma­xi­mi­lia­ne (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Methods in Empirical Social Research
Prof. Dr. Requate, Jörg
Professor, Section: West­ern European His­tory
Image: Sonja Rode
Requate, Jörg
Restrepo, Carlos Mario Cano
Administrative Staff, Section: Global Political Economy of Labour
Restrepo, Carlos Mario Cano
Dr. Ritter, Claudia
Lecturer, Section: Comparative Politics
Ritter, Claudia
Rössner, Hanna
Research Assistant, Section: Global Political Economy of Labour
Rössner, Hanna
Roschka, Jakob (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Unit: Sociological Theory
Roschka, Jakob
Rosenkranz, Susanne
School Teacher and Lecturer, Section: Didactics of Political Education
Rozicki, Franziska
Office Assistant, Section: Art and Eco­­no­mies
Office Assistant, Section: Global Political Economy of Labour
Rozicki, Franziska
Rueda, Sarah
Lecturer and School Teacher, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Rueda, Sarah
Prof. Dr. Ruffing, Kai
Professor, Section: Ancient History
Ruffing, Kai
Prof. Dr. Ruß-Sattar, Sabine
Professor, Section: Comparative Politics
Ruß-Sattar, Sabine
Prof. Dr. Scheid, Volker (since 1.10.24 retired)
Professor and executive Director, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Professor, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Scheid, Volker
Schmand, Philip
Sport and Fitness Management Assistant Trainee of University Sports
Schmand, Philip
Schmidt, Tanita (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Early Modern History
Schmidt, Tanita
Prof. i.R. Dr. Schneider, Helmuth
Retired Professor, Section: Ancient History
Pro­fes­sor i.R. Dr. Hel­muth Schnei­der
Dr. Schneijderberg, Christian
Head of the Research Area "Innovation and Transfer" at INCHER
PD Dr. Schobin, Janosch
Project Leader DeCarbFriends
Dr. Schöneberg, Julia
Associated Fellow and adjunct Lecturer, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies (DFG Project "On the reinvention of development theory")
Schöneberg, Julia
Schöttner, Tanja
Study Coordinator
Schöttner, Tanja
Schöttner, Tanja
Office Assistant, Section: Political Theory
Schöttner, Tanja
Dr. Schonhardt, Michael
Research Assistant, Section: Medieval History (Academy Project: Burchard's Decree Digital (Digital Editing))
Schonhardt, Michael
PD Dr. Schröder, Stefan
Research Associate, Section: Medieval History (Senior professorship)
Schröder, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Schroeder, Wolfgang
Professor, Section: Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany - Statehood in Transition
Schroeder, Wolfgang
Schwarzer, David (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Unit: Sociological Theory
Schwarzer, David
Dr. Seidenschnur, Tim
Substitute Professor
Seidenschnur, Tim
Shah, Dr. Anil
Research Assistant, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
Shah, Dr. Anil
Sieberg, Paula
Studentische Hilfskraft
Sommer, Jacob
Studentische Hilfskraft
Honorary Prof. Dr. Splitter, Rüdiger
Honorary Professor, Section: Ancient History
Ho­no­rar­pro­fes­sor Dr. Rü­di­ger Split­ter
Spohr, Julia
Research Assistant, Section: West­ern European His­tory
Image: Sonja Rode
Spohr, Julia
Stoklossa-Metz, Silke
Dean's office, University calendar (HIS-LFS)
Stoklossa-Metz, Silke
Mag. Stoll, Jennifer
Research Assistant, Section: Sociology of Diversity
Strauß, Anna
Office Assistant, Section: West­ern European His­tory
Office Assistant, Section: Didactics of History
Image: Sonja Rode
Strauß, Anna
Dr. Thomas, Louisa D.
Research Associate, Section: Ancient History
Dr. Loui­sa D. Tho­mas
Toby, Lukas
Research Assistant, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Dr. Tören, Tolga
Associated Fellow and adjunct Lecturer, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
Tören, Tolga
Prof. Dr. Trepp, Anne-Charlott
Professor, Section: Early Modern History
Trepp, Anne-Charlott
Trümper, Anja
Office of Student Affairs /​ Examination Office, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence
Trümper, Anja
Prof. Dr. Tuider, Elisabeth
Professor, Section: Sociology of Diversity
Image: privat
Tuider, Elisabeth
Dr. Tuzcu, Pinar
Research Associate, Section: Sociology of Diversity (Project "Re:Coding" Post-Doc)
Dr. Uhlmann, Markus
Research Associate, Unit: Sociological Theory (BMBF Project: "Democracy-X: Analysis of the viability of a privacy-friendly, fair and public interest-oriented platform for news")
Uhlmann, Markus
Dr. Uhlmann, Sarah
Research assistant in International Relations with a focus on Latin America
Image: Roman Linz
Uhlmann, Sarah
Dr. Vanelli, Elena (M.A.)
Lecturer and Research Assistant, Section: Medieval History (Senior professorship,Academy project: Burchards Dekret Digital)
Vanelli, Elena
Dr. Vanelli, Elena (M.A.)
Lecturer, Section: Ancient History
Lecturer, Section: Medieval History
Vanelli, Elena
Apl. Prof. Dr. Vanja, Christina
Associate Professor, De­part­ment: His­tory
Prof. Dr. Dr. Vater, Hans-Herbert
Honorary Professor, Section: Sports Medicine (Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence)
Vater, Hans-Herbert
Dr. Dr. Vestena, Carolina
Substitute Professor, Section: Political Theory
Vestena, Carolina
apl. Prof. Dr. Vogel, Berthold
Adjunct Professor, Department: Sociology
von Lewinski, Sarah (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Early Modern History
von Lewinski, Sarah
Prof. Dr. von Winterfeld, Uta
Professor, Section: Political Ecology
Weißert, Teresa
Research Assistant, Section: Art and Eco­­no­mies
Weißert, Teresa
Dr. Wenten, Klara-Aylin
Research Assistant, Unit: Sociological Theory
Wenten, Klara-Aylin
Dr. Wetjen, Karolin
Research Associate, Section: Modern and Contemporary History
Wetjen, Karolin
Woble, Susanne
Lecturer, Institute: Phys­ical Edu­ca­tion and Sports Sci­ence (Support for underperforming children)
Dr. Wolff, Kerstin
Part-Time Lecturer, Section: Modern and Contemporary History
Wolff, Kerstin
Prof. Dr. You, Mi
Professor, Section: Art and Eco­no­mies
Image: Dorfmeyster/Can Wagener.
You, Mi
Zalewski, Ingmar
Research assistant in the BMBF project ‘AGePf - State and non-state universities as providers of hybrid study formats in the health and nursing professions’
Zalewski, Ingmar
Zankl, Gabriele Maren
Representative of IT
Zehe, Elisabeth
University Sports Employee
Zehe, Elisabeth
Prof. Dr. Ziai, Aram
Professor, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
Ziai, Aram