Clara Ödén
Research Assistant, Section: Didactics of History
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-7933
- clara.oeden[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- Didactics of History
- Location
- Nora-Platiel-Straße 1
34127 Kassel
- Room
- Raum 3309
Consultation hours by appointment
since 2021
- Research assistant at the Department of Social Sciences / History Education at the University of Kassel
- Master of Education in the fields of Mathematics and History at the University of Bremen
- Bachelor with teaching option in the fields of mathematics and history at the University of Bremen
- High school diploma (Abitur) at the Oberschule am Leibnizplatz, Bremen
Digitale Geschichtskultur - Erklärvideos als Bestandteil aktueller Geschichtskultur in the context of the "Medienhistorischen Forums für Absolvent*innen und Forschungsnachwuchs" of the Studienkreis Rundfunk und Geschichte e.V., 11.11.2022.
Digitale Geschichtskultur - Erklärvideos auf YouTube als Bestandteil aktueller Geschichtskultur in the context of the "FUER-"Early Career Researchers"-Kolloquiums" at the Universität Greifswald, 01.-03.03.2023.
Aestheticized remembrance in GDR-wave videos [together with Fabian Mehmel] in the context of the conference "The GDR Today VII" at the University of Liverpool, 06.-07.06.2024.
Sovietwave. Romantisierte Anemoia zwischen Chrustschowka und Gargarin [together with Fabian Mehmel] in the context of the interdisciplinary workshop "Futurische Idyllen: Zukunftsentwürfe und Impulse" at the University of Kassel, 03.-04.09.2024.
Clara Ödén / Lara Mehrwald, Conference Report: FUER "Early Career Researchers" Colloquium, in: H-Soz-Kult, 13.05.2024,
Clara Ödén / Fabian Mehmel: Sovietwave as idyll. Remembering the USSR between past, present and future, in: Stefan Greif / Fabian Mehmel (eds.): Futurische Idyllen: Zukunftsentwürfe und Impulse (publication planned for early 2026).
Digital history culture - explanatory videos on YouTube as a component of current history culture (working title)
The doctoral project examines explanatory videos on YouTube as a component of current digital history culture. At the center of the product analyses are questions about the representation of history in these videos. The reproduction and transformation of images of history in the discourses of history culture that can be found are examined. In a second part of the work, the side of the recipients is examined. The focus here is on the question of how students deal with these forms of historical representations.