Dr. med. Marion Hulverscheidt
Part-Time Lecturer, Section: Modern and Contemporary History
Phone: 01752373364
Marion Hulverscheidt, MD (born 1970 in Hanau), studied human medicine and history of science at the universities of Kiel and Göttingen, with a study visit to Vienna. She works primarily in the history of medicine and science, but also has clinical experience in gynecology, general medicine, and psychosomatics. With a scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation, she wrote her medical history dissertation at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin on female genital mutilation in German-speaking countries in the 19th century (Göttingen 2001).
After obtaining her full medical license, she worked between 2003 and 2018 as a research associate at the medical history institutes in Heidelberg and Berlin (with research stays in Oxford, UK and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), at a publishing house for independent drug information, and at the Institute for Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine at the University of Zurich. Her research areas are (feminist) gender and body history as well as epidemic history, post-colonialism and medicine under National Socialism, preferably with regard to memory culture.
She has many years of broad teaching experience in, among other things, the history, theory, and ethics of medicine (as a lecturer in the compulsory course in human medical studies in Germany), in medical terminology, in the history of medicine, nursing, and health professions (as part of the diploma course in medical and nursing education at the Charité, Berlin), and as a lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Kassel in the master's program "Philosophy of Forms of Knowledge," where she teaches philosophy of science, with a focus on the medical and life sciences. At the Kassel Medical School she also teaches in the module German Medical Practice. Marion Hulverscheidt is also an external member of the Clinical Ethics Committee of Klinikum Kassel, Gesundheit Nordhessen. Since the winter semester 2019/2020, she now also teaches in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Kassel.
Summersemester 2022
Previous Teching
Summersemester 2021
Wintersemester 2020/21
Summersemester 2020
Wintersemester 2019/2020
- Intersexualität im 20. Jahrhundert, historische Perspektiven von gesellschaftlichen, medizinischen und juristischen Aspekten
- Daten und Medizin
Summersemester 2019
Wintersemester 2018/2019
Summersemester 2018
Summersemester 2017
Current research projects:
- Medical history collaboration in the DFG project "Patients in the large-scale operation of mercy" - the von Bodelschwing Institutions Bethel 1924 to 1949.
- History of tropical medicine from a postcolonial perspective
- ZFF-Project: "What remains are wood and bones".
- Provenance research on a skull after Gall
Female Genital Mutilation. Discussion and practice in medicine during the 19th century in German-speaking countries. Mabuse-Verlag: Frankfurt am Main 2002 (2nd edition 2011, 3rd edition 2016).
Review by Harald Stumpe Review by Friedrike Wapler Review by Antje Schrupp
Collected volumes and edited books:
- NEW: Fedderson, Jan/ Nicolaysen, Rainer/ Hulverscheidt, Marion (eds.): Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2022, Göttingen 2022. https://www.wallstein-verlag.de/9783835352698-jahrbuch-sexualitaeten-2022.html
- Hulverscheidt, Marion: Konstanze Plett: Gender Law. Essays on Law and Gender - from the Taboo of Intersexuality to the Third Option. Bielefeld 2021. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-5539-1/geschlechterrecht/?c=311000219
Review by Franziska Brachthäuser and Theresa Richarz
Hulverscheidt, Marion, Wolff, Kerstin (ed.): Ariadne 77 Barren Debates? 150 years of socio-political struggles over abortion. Kassel 2021.https://www.addf-kassel.de/publikationen/ariadne-77/
Review by Miriam Koppehl
- (co-authored with Holger Stoecker and Christian Hülsebusch) Traces of the Scull. Witzenhausen: German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Studies DITSL 2019.
- (co-authored with Holger Stoecker and Christian Hülsebusch) Traces of the Scull. German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Studies, DITSL: Witzenhausen 2017.
- (together with Hendrik Dorgathen) Raus Rein. Texts and comics on the history of the former colonial school in Witzenhausen. Avant-Verlag: Berlin 2016. review by Andreas Platthaus, FAZ review by Andreas Baum, DLF Kultur review by Edgar Bierende, ArtHist.net review by Felix Denk, Fluter.de review by Ralf Hutter, neues-deutschland.de review by Jonas Engelmann, jungle world review by Imke Staats, Missy Magazine review by Swetlana Hildebrandt, iz3w review by Martin Reiterer, Wiener Zeitung.
- (together with Johanna Bleker and Petra Lennig) Visite(n). Berlin impulses for the development of modern medicine. Kulturverlag Kadmos: Berlin 2012.
- (together with Maike Rotzoll) Nie geschehen! Writing about the Plague. Texts from a medical history teaching experiment (Neuere Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Quellen und Studien, 19). Centaurus Verlag Freiburg: Freiburg i. Br. 2011. review by Florian Steger in: Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin 5 (2012): 273-274.review by Christoffer Klug.
- (together with Judith Hahn and Ulrike Gaida) 125 Years of Hygiene Institutes at Berlin Universities. A Festschrift. Berlin 2010.
- (together with Anja Laukötter): Infection and Institution. Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte des Robert Koch-Instituts in Nationalsozialismus. Wallstein Verlag: Göttingen 2009. review by Heiner Fangerau in: Historische Zeitschrift 292.3 (2011): 856-858.review by Galina Hristeva.
- Review by Karin Orth in N. T. M. Orth, K. Recent research on the self-mobilization of the sciences under National Socialism.N. T. M. 20, 215-224 (2012). doi.org/10.1007/s00048-012-0076-7.
- (co-authored with Nicholas Eschenbruch, Viola Balz, and Ulrike Klöppel) Pharmaceuticals of the 20th Century. Historical Sketches from Cod Liver Oil to Thalidomide. transcript Verlag: Bielefeld 2009.review by Heiko Braunreview by Lea Haller.
Articles in journals and anthologies (selection):
- NEW Hygiene culture, what is it? An overview on the "reduction of dirt and germs" in Politik & Kultur, Zeitung des Deutschen Kulturrates, 12/1 2022-2023, pp. 1-2. https://www.kulturrat.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/puk1222-0123.pdf
- NEW (co-authored with Uwe Kaminsky): The Surgeon of the von Bodelschwingh Institutions Bethel. Richard Wilmanns (1880-1958) - medical historical findings and their changing perception, in: Philipp Rauh, Marion Voggenreiter, Susanne Ude-Koeller, and Karl-Heinz Leven (eds.): Medizintäter. Ärzte und Ärztinnen im Spiegel der NS-Täterforschung. Böhlau: Cologne Vienna 2022, pp. 203-227.
- NEW On the Medical Historical Aspects of the Life Story of Karl Martha Baer or What a doctor could tell about Nobody, in: "N. O. Body - Aus eines Mannes Mädchenjahren" Reprint ed. by Hermann Simon, Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag Berlin Leipzig, 2022: 167-199. https://www.hagalil.com/2022/02/n-o-body/// https://www.queer.de/detail.php?article_id=41232&fbclid=IwAR13pF4LqcZID1rOcw3lYlXVUlvYBqemYQvKEebnBhAcp_j7drMHpVo80J0
Review by Sonia Combe
- Memory of Irmgard Hemme - Victim of the Air Raid of September 18/19, 1940 https://spurensuche-bielefeld.de/spur/erinnerung-an-irmgard-hemme-opfer-des-luftangriffs-vom-18-19-september-1940/
- Richard Wilmanns and the first eugenic sterilizations in Bethel https://spurensuche-bielefeld.de/spur/richard-wilmanns-und-die-ersten-eugenischen-sterilisationen-in-bethel/
- Dorothea Ahrndt (1916-1940) - Jewish patients in Bethel https://spurensuche-bielefeld.de/spur/dorothea-ahrndt-1916-1940-juedische-patientin-in-bethel/
- Miriam Janett, Andrea Althaus, Marion Hulverscheidt, Rita Gobet, Jürg Streuli and Flurin Condrau: Doctors, families and the industry in the clinic: the management of 'intersex' children in Swiss paediatric medicine (1945-1970) in Medical History Oxford University Press 1st June 2021 https://www.doi.org/10.1017/mdh.2021.17.
- On the history of the transmission of Joachim Mrugowsky's typhus manuscript, in: Paul Weindling: Fleckfieberforschung im Nationalsozialismus. Joachim Mrugowsky's Spotted Fever Treatise and His Activities as a Hygienist of the Waffen-SS (Acta Historica Leopoldina vol. 76, ed. by Wolfgang U. Eckart and Dieter Hoffmann), Stuttgart 2021, 27-33.
- Nobody's Body. Medical historical reflection on "Aus eines Mannes Mädchenjahren". In: Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 5 (2020), 37-63.
- Homeopathy, Orificial Surgery, and the Clitoris in the United States, 1880-1920 - an eclectic approach? In: Gender Forum 67 (2018), http://genderforum.org.
- (with Norbert Finzsch) Introduction to "Special Issue: On Cliteridectomy." In: Gender Forum 67 (2018), http://genderforum.org.
- The Trace of the Skull. Provenance Research and Memory Culture at the Ethnological Museum Witzenhausen, Mitteilungen des Hessischen Museumsverbandes 55 (2018): 42-43.
- "N. O. Body - Aus eines Mannes Mädchenjahren" - re-read by a medical historian. In: male-female-between, 10.11.2017, http://intersex.hypotheses.org/4931.
- Intersexuality between 1957 and 1961 - On the shift in meaning and reorientation in German-speaking countries. In: Sexuologie 24.3-4 (2017): 147-158.
- (Together with Holger Stoecker) Memories of a Skull. On the handling of human bones in the Ethnological Museum Witzenhausen. In: Anna-Maria Brandstetter, Vera Hierholzer (eds.): Nicht nur Raubkunst! Sensitive things in museums and university collections. Göttingen: V&R unipress 2017: 205-221;https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/pdf/10.14220/9783737008082.205.
- The German Society for Tropical Medicine and its difficult legacy. On dealing with Claus Schilling and Gerhard Rose. In: Matthis Krischel, Mathias Schmidt, and Dominik Groß (eds.): Medical Societies under National Socialism. Stocktaking and perspectives. Münster: Lit Verlag 2016: 71-84.
- (together with Maike Rotzoll): Decamerone read and perpetuated. Tagebuch eines Kapitäns und Logbuch einer Schiffsärztin vor Madagaskar 2011 - Bericht über ein medizinhistorisches Lehrexperiment., in Jörg Vögele, Stefanie Knall, and Thorsten Noack (eds.): Epidemien und Pandemien in historischer Perspektive. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag 2016: 259-272.
- (co-authored with Christina Bauer and Idah Nabateregga): Health consequences of female genital mutilation. In: Terre des Femmes (ed.) Cut into the Soul. Female genital mutilation - a fundamental human rights violation. 2nd revised and updated edition. Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse-Verlag 2015: 75-92.
- Medical History: Female genital mutilation in 19th century Europe. In: Terre des Femmes (ed.) Cut into the Soul. Female genital mutilation - a fundamental violation of human rights. 2nd revised and updated edition. Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse-Verlag 2015: 259-274.
- (together with Christina Bauer): Lust in secret - towards a feminsitic understanding of the female voluptuous organ. In: Terre des Femmes (ed.) Cut into the Soul. Female genital mutilation - a fundamental violation of human rights. 2nd revised and updated edition. Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse-Verlag 2015: 302-310.
- The Way to the World. Propaganda films for German colonial schools. In Philipp Osten, Gabriele Moser, Christian Bonah, Alexandre Sumpf, Tricia Close-Koenig, and Joël Danet (eds.): The Preliminary Program. Lehrfilm / Gebrauchsfilm / Propagandafilm / unveröffentlichter Film in Kinos und Archiven am Oberrhein 1900 - 1970. A French-German Comparative Study. Heidelberg and Strasbourg: A25 Rhinfilm 2015: 339-361.
- Stockrose. In MPI for the History of Science: a natural history for the 21st century. In honor of Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. Berlin: Alpheus Verlag 2014: 56-58.
- Colonial Hygiene, Shipborne and Tropical Diseases, Tropical Medicine. Historical development and importance of tropical medicine in Germany. In: aviation medicine, tropical medicine, travel medicine 21 (2014): 43-48.
- Health right or human right? Changing Tides in the International Discussion of Female Genital Mutilation, 1970-2010. In Alex Mold and David Reubi (eds.) Health Rights in Global Context. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge 2013: 94-108.
- Feverish Research? - German Tropical Medicine as reflected in its funding by the Emergency Association/German Research Foundation 1920-1970. In: Mark Walker, Karin Orth, Ulrich Herbert and Rüdiger vom Bruch (eds): The German Research Foundation 1920-1970. Funding poised between Science and Politics. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2013: 255-267.
- History of yellow fever vaccination - Tropical disease yellow fever, on the development and longevity of a vaccine. In: aviation medicine, tropical medicine, travel medicine 20 (2013): 80-84.
- Hilda Sikora - The invisible one. In: aviation medicine, tropical medicine, travel medicine 20 (2013): 213- 217.
- Historical roots of vaccination skepticism. In: occupational medicine, social medicine, environmental medicine 48 (2013): 48-49.
- Malaria during World War 2 - A disease of wartime importance? In: aviation medicine, tropical medicine, travel medicine 19 (2012): 182-186.
- A dark chapter of malaria research under National Socialism - on the vaccine research of Claus Schilling. In: aviation medicine, tropical medicine, travel medicine 19 (2012): 130-134.
- Female genital mutilation and its consequences - consequences for travel medicine consultation. In: Aviation Medicine, Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine 18 (2011): 178-183.
- The naked and the circumcised shame. A medical historical underpinning of the recent discussion on female genital mutilation. In: Wiedlack, Maria Katharina and Lasthofer, Katrin (eds.): Body Regime and Gender. Innsbruck: Studien-Verlag 2011: 115-35.
- Research Steering Internationally - Malaria Research within the Malaria Eradication Programme of the WHO 1955-1972. In: Hüntelmann/Schneider: Jenseits von Humboldt - Wissenschaft im Staat 1850-1990. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag 2010: 133-146.
- (together with Volker Hess): Zur Etablierung der Hygiene an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. In: Rüdiger vom Bruch and Heinz-Elmar Tenorth (eds.): Geschichte der Universität Unter den Linden 1810-2010: Praxis ihrer Disziplinen, vol. 5: Wandel der Wissensordnung: Verwissenschaftlichung der Gesellschaft und Vergesellschaftung des Wissens. Berlin: de Gruyter 2010: 713-733.
- (with Gerhard Baader and Thomas Beddies) "1850-1890 Surgery and Scientific Medicine." In Johanna Bleker and Volker Hess (eds.): Berlin Charité. The history of a hospital. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2010: 80-111.
- (together with Gerhard Baader and Thomas Beddies) "1890-1918 Children, Strike and New Spaces." In Johanna Bleker and Volker Hess (eds.): Berlin Charité. The History of a Hospital. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2010: 112-136.
- (together with Gerhard Baader and Thomas Beddies) "1918-1933 Syphilis in Therapy and Research." Johanna Bleker and Volker Hess (eds.): Berlin Charité. The history of a hospital. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2010: 137-160.
- Summary of the panel discussion on the occasion of the International Colloquium: "The National Socialist "Euthanasia" Action "T 4" and its Victims. From the historical conditions to the consequences for the ethics of the present. In: Maike Rotzoll, Gerrit Hohendorf, Petra Fuchs et al. (eds.): The National Socialist "Action T4" and its Victims. History and ethical consequences for the present. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2010: 325-330.
- The Scientist-Entrepeneur or Financing in Pharmaceutical research - a Portrait of the Malariologist Werner Schulemann, 1888-1975. In: Quirke/Slinn: Perspectives on twentieth century pharmaceuticals. Oxford Bern Berlin et al: Peter Lang Verlag 2010: 121-148.
- Feverish research? - Zur deutschen tropenmedizinischen Wissenschaft im Spiegel ihrer Förderung durch die Notgemeinschaft/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1920-1970. In: Karin Orth and Willi Oberkrone (eds.): Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1920-1970. Forschungsförderung im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Politik. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2010: 279-292.
- (with Annette Hinz-Wessels) Medical Implications of Nazi Resettlement Policy and Further Contributions of the Tropical Medicine Department of the Robert Koch Institute to Medicine under National Socialism. In: Medizinhistorisches Journal 44 (2009): 6-41.
- (with Christoph J. Ahlers and Isabelle Ihring): Female genital mutilation - sociocultural background, legal framework, health consequences, possibilities of intervention. In: Sexuologie 16 (2009): 17-32.
- (with Anja Laukötter) The Smallpox Vaccination Debate in the Period 1920 to 1990 - Continuities and Breaks in Vaccination Opposition and Health Policy Response. In Prevention 32 (2009): 10-13.
- (together with Nicholas Eschenbruch, Viola Balz, Ulrike Klöppel and Michael Bürgi) Magic Bullets, Chemical Gags and Regulated Risks - Overview of the Research Field of the DFG Research Unit on Drugs in the 20th Century. In: Medical History Journal 43 (2008): 183-201.
- (with Nicholas Eschenbruch, Viola Balz, Ulrike Klöppel, and Michael Bürgi) Magic Bullets, Chemical Gags, and Regulated Risks - Overview of the Research Field of the DFG Research Group on Drugs in the 20th Century. Journal of Medical History 43 (2008): 183-201.
- Female genital mutilation and the "Hottentot apron" - a 19th century medical history discourse. Journal of Ethnology 3 (2007), journal- ethnologie.inm.de/.
- (with Claudia Piccolantonio) Health consequences of female genital mutilation. In: Journal of Ethnology 3 (2007), journal- ethnologie.inm.de/.
- Lemma "Alfred Hegar." In: Dictionary of Medical Biography, ed. by William F. Bynum and Helen Bynum, Greenwood Press: Westport Conneticut 2007.
- Lemma "Carl Adolf Basedow." In: Dictionary of Medical Biography, ed. by William F. Bynum and Helen Bynum, Greenwood Press: Westport Conneticut 2007.
- German malarialogy experiments with humans, supported by the DFG until 1945. In: Eckart, Wolfgang U. (ed.) Man, Medicine and the State, the Human Body as an Object of Government Sponsored Research 1920-1970. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2006: 221-235.
- Reorientation of German tropical medicine - smallpox virus research in the postwar period. Journal of Medical History 40 (2005): 191-214.
- Humans, Mosquitoes and Malaria - The Environment of the Malaria Researcher Claus Schilling. In: Kopke, Christoph, Hahn, Judith,: Medicine and Concentration Camps. Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse Verlag 2005:108-126.
- Eine merkwürdige Methode zur Verhinderung der Onanie - zur Geschichte der weiblichen Genitalvermutmmelung im deutschsprachigen Raum. In: Journal of Sexual Research 18 (2005): 215-241.
- Single parent and scientist - that's possible?!, In: Biller-Andorno, Nicola et al (eds.): Karriere und Kind. Erfahrungsberichte von Wissenschaftlerinnen, Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verlag 2005: 165-176.
- (together with Christina Bauer) Health Consequences of Female Genital Mutilation. In: Terre des Femmes (ed.) Cut into the Soul. Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse Verlag 2003: 65-84.
- Medical History: Female genital mutilation in 19th century Europe. In: Terre des Femmes (ed.) Cut into the Soul. Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse Verlag 2003: 253-268.
- (together with Christina Bauer) Lust in secret - on a feminist understanding of the female voluptuous organ. In: Terre des Femmes (ed.) Cut into the Soul. Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse Verlag 2003: 296-303.
- In Mabuse, NTM, Gesnerus, Curare, Sächsische Zeitung, Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Sudhoffs Archiv, Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift, Mitteilungen der Magnus Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft on sehepunkte, literaturkritik.de.
Scientific expert advice and media contacts:
- Medical history expert consultation and interview in the documentary film "Shadow of Death. The history of epidemics" (2010).
- Medical and medical-historical expert consultation on the documentary film "Mit meiner Tochter nicht! Female circumcision in Europe" by Valentin Thurn (2006).
- Medical-historical expert consultation for the documentary film "Vulva 3.0 - Zwischen Tabu und Tuning" -by Claudia Richarz and Ulrike Zimmermann (2014).
- Curator of the exhibition "4 cm2" - Intervention in the dissecting room of the Berlin Medical History Museum of the Charité with works by Linda-Josephine Knop, funded by the Ernst Schering Foundation, Berlin 2013-2014.
- Lecture at the Helmholtz Center "KrankheitsErregend - Impfung", Braunschweig 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWanXB2kzwo.
- Radio interview on "Frausein als Krankheit," April 2016, https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/kontext/ist-frausein-eine-krankheit.