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By appointment. Please register in advance by mail.

You can find the events from the current semester here.

  • As of July 2017, research assistant at the Institute of Sport and Sport Science at the University of Kassel.
  • Exam thesis (2016) entitled: "Mindful" on the Kassel Marathon. Effects of a 6-week mindfulness training on running performance, running economy, flow experience and stress perception."
  • Study of the subjects Physical Education and Spanish on L3 (Gymnasiumlehramt) from WS 2011/2012 until WS 2016/2017 with the completion of the 1st state examination.
  • Study-accompanying activities as a student assistant in sports psychology.
  • Limmeroth, J. (2022). Automatic affective processes toward different types of exercise and physical activity in adults and children (Doctoral dissertation, University of Kassel). Cobra University of Kassel.
  • Limmeroth, J., Schücker, L. & Hagemann, N. (2022). Don't stop focusing when it gets harder! The positive effects of focused attention on affective experience at high intensities, Journal of Sports Sciences,

  • Limmeroth, J., & Raboldt, M. (2022). "I Do What I Like": 8- to 10-Year-Old Children's Physical Activity Behavior Is Already Interrelated With Their Automatic Affective Processes. Journal of Sport & Exercise psychology, 44(2), 138-147. doi. org/10.1123/jsep.2021-0251

  • Limmeroth, J., & Braun, C. (2022). "Some hate it, others love it": Formation of automatic and reflective affective processes toward exercising in fitness centers and mountain biking. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 52, 321-330. doi. org/10.1007/s12662-022-00803-4
  • Limmeroth, J., Hagemann, N., Heussner, F. & Scheid, V. (2021). Conditions for success of a digital sport offer. Forum Kinder- und Jugendsport, 2, 59-65.

  • Braun, C., Fischer, S., Qiu, X., Limmeroth, J., & Kibele, A. (2021). Last and fast? - A gender-specific analysis of effort gains in swimming relay events across Olympic Games and World Championships during the past 20 years, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 55(6973):101949.

  • Limmeroth, J., & Hagemann, N. (2020). To Run or Not to Run? Automatic Evaluations and Reflective Attitudes Toward Exercise, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 42(5), 358-367.<wbr></wbr>2019-0284
  • 08/2016 Workshop on working with children and young people in sports social projects: "Tips in sports social projects".
  • 08/2017 Workshop leader for work with children and young people in sports social projects: "Sport und Wertevermittlung".
  • 10/2018 Head of the training for the Sportjugend Hessen "Teambuilding - Group processes in sports design".
  • 10/2019 Leading the advanced training "Praise or scolding? Motivation in sports"
  • -07/2021 Conditions for success of a digital sports offer - "Get Up - Stand Up - Move Up

Working Group for Sport Psychology (ASP)