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Universität Kassel
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Baumgärtner
FB 05 - Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Nora-Platiel-Straße 1
D-34109 Kassel


  • Geb. in Augsburg
  • Studium der Geschichte, Germanistik und Sozialkunde an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Promotion 1983 in Universitäts- und Bildungsgeschichte (Schwerpunkt: Mittelalter) bei Frau Prof. Dr. Laetitia Boehm
  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und dann Akademische Rätin auf Zeit am Lehrstuhl für Mittelalterliche Geschichte der Universität Augsburg 1983-1992
  • Habilitation in Mittelalterlicher Geschichte an der Universität Augsburg 1992
  • Privatdozentin an der Universität Augsburg 1993-1994
  • Vertretung des Lehrstuhls für Mittlere und Neuere Geschichte an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel (1993)
  • seit September 1994 Professorin für Geschichte des Mittelalters an der Universität Kassel

Stipendien und Fellowships

  • Visiting Professor an der University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania/USA (1989)
  • Habilitanden-Stipendium der DFG in Rom/Italien 1989-1991
  • Visiting Member am Institute for Advanced Study (School of Historical Studies) in Princeton/New Jersey (1992/1993)
  • Heisenberg-Stipendiatin der DFG (1993/94)
  • Visiting Scholar am Department of History der Stanford University in California/USA (1994)
  • 2007 bis 2009 und 2011 bis 2016,  Research Associate, dann Director's Appointment, an der Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florenz

Ämter und Funktionen

  • Leitung des DFG-Projekts "Burchards Descriptio Terrae Sanctae: Edition und historische Rezeptionstexte" (seit 2022)
  • Mitglied im Kuratorium des Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani (seit 2023)


Ingrid Baumgärtner is a Senior Professor at the University of Kassel, where she held the chair of Medieval History from 1994 to 2023. She was Visiting Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Research Fellow of the DFG in Rom, Visiting Member at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, Heisenberg Fellow at Augsburg University and Research Associate at the Villa I Tatti in Florence. She served as Vice-president of the Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani, as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Kassel University, as a member of the Mediävistenverband’s presiding committee and in Review Boards of the DFG. She is still active on different scientific boards, among them the Academic Committee of the Martin Buber Society of Fellows in Jerusalem.

Her publications are concerned with medieval law, cultural and urban history as well as social space and cartography. Geographically, her focus is on Germany, Italy and the Mediterranean world. She led DFG projects on court proceedings in the late medieval city, on maps as bridges between the Western European and the Muslim world and on travel reports of the Holy Land. Her current long-term coop-project ‘Burchards Dekret Digital’ (2020-2037) is financed by the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz.

A complete list of publications is available below ("Publikationen").

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