
Kuratorische Projekte

Curator (with David Garcia), “Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis”, Framer Framed (Amsterdam) 

Curator (with Slavs and Tatars), “Clouds and Power”, Mill6 Centre for Heritage Arts and Textile (Hong Kong) and Tselinny Contemporary Art Center (Almaty) 

Curator (with Joella Kiu and Kenneth Tay), “Lonely Vectors”, Singapore Art Museum (Singapore)  

Curator of 13th Shanghai Biennale, with Andres Jaque, Lucia Pietroiusti and Marina Otero (Shanghai) (2020-2021)

Curator of “Sci-(no)-fi”, exhibition, workshops and sci-fi-a-thon, Academy of Arts of the World (Cologne)

Co-curator (with Binna Choi) “One Northeast” exhibition on Northeast Asia, Zarya Center for Contemporary Art, Vladivostok (October 2018)
Co-initiator (with Binna Choi) “Unmapping Eurasia” long-term research and curation platform at Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons:

Curator of transcultural mediation program to the exhibition “Qiu Zhijie: Travels without Arrivals”, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Adjunct curator “Around Ai Weiwei: Photograph 1983-2016”, CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Turino, Italy
Curator “Silk Road: Transgression, Syncretism”, a festival of performance, performative lecture, art and screening program at Asian Cultural Center Theater as part of its inaugural season program, Gwangju, South Korea
Curator of the inaugural Ulaanbaatar Media Art Festival, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Co-Curator, “Herding Islands, Rats and the Anthropocene” research and screening program with Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin) Synapse network curator Renan Laru-An, University of the Philippines – Los Banos

Curator, Audi Urban Future Initiative, research exhibition at Istanbul Design Biennale, Turkey

Founding member and curator, Dashila(b), a think tank for creative urban regeneration in Beijing’s Dashilar neighborhood, China
Co-organizer and Curator, Transnational Dialogues, with European Alternatives, supported by European Union “Youth in Action” Program (first phase until end of 2012, second phase 2015-2016)



"Künstlerische Praktiken der Fürsorge und ihr transformatives Potential für ländliche Räume", a HMWK-funded „Dimensionen der Kategorie Geschlecht - Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in Hessen“ project focusing on the artistic practice of female* artists in rural areas of northern Hesse

Forschungsprojekte mit sozialen Akteuren

Chair of “Themenjahr 4: Transformationen in Kultur & Zusammenleben” in “SDGplus Lab”, a BMBF-funded Innovative Hochschule project

“Art meets Companies”, model project on transformation processes in companies through artistic practice, in cooperation with UniKasselTransfer as part of TRegKS by the BMWK

Commons.Art”, development of a social platform for artists in cooperation with Casco, with a workshop and public gathering (forthcoming), supported by The Supporting Act Foundation

“The Lost Art of Organizing Solidarity”, migrant workers’ summit, supported by European Alternatives