Herausgegebene Sammelbände und Gastherausgeberschaft
Leonardo Dellanoce, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Arthur Steiner and Mi You (eds.) Vertical Atlas, Arnhem: ArtEZ Press, 2022.
Joella Kiu, Kenneth Tay and Mi You (eds.) Lonely Vectors, Singapore: Singapore Art Museum, 2022. DOI: 10.1353/book.123210.
Nikolay Smirnov and Mi You (eds.) Metageography: towards the new politics of geographical imagination, Vladivostok: Zarya Centre for Contemporary Art, 2019.
Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters
"The Problems with the Critique of Political Economy in the Arts", Lateral, issue 13.2 (Fall 2024).
“China-Africa: Performing the Image of Migration and Migration of Image", in Cathrine Bublatzky, Burcu Dogramaci, Mona Schieren and Kerstin Pinther (eds.) Entangled Histories of Art and Migration: Theories, Sites and Research Methods, London: Intellect books, 2024. DOI: 10.1386/9781789389616_25
- “In the Middle of History Looking Sideways: On Askhat Akhmedyarov’s Work and His Time”, Afterall, issue 55-56, 2023, 192-207. DOI: 10.1086/729141
“Confucianism and Technology: Conceptual borders between tradition and modernity, Chinese and Euro-American modernity”, in Paul Gladston, Beccy Kennedy and Ming Turner (eds.), Visualizing Chinese Borders, Palgrave, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-5293-6
- “Confucius”, in Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca and Alice Lagaay (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy, Routledge, 2020. DOI: 10.4324/9781003035312
- “Manchukuo, Capitalism and the East Asian Modern: Transhistorical Desire in Kishi the Vampire”, Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia, Vol. 2 No.1, 93-117, 2018. DOI: 10.1353/sen.2018.0003
- “Desire, DNA and Transgenetic Technology: Life after Necropolitics”, in Natasha Lushetich (ed.) The Aesthetics of Necropolitics, Rowman and Littlefield, 2018.
- “Intermediating Immanence: On Ho Tzu Nyen’s Ten Thousand Tigers”, in Katia Arfara, Aneta Mancewicz and Ralf Remshardt (eds.), Intermedial Performance and Politics in the Public Sphere, 229-243, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-75343-0_15
- “Differences and sameness: secularity in the case of Nicholas Roerich”, with Eszter Szakács, PARSE Journal, No. 6, 156-175, autumn 2017.
“The Nomad, Space and Network of the Silk Roads”, MaHKUscript: Journal of Fine Art Research, Vol. 1 No. 2, 1-10, 2016. DOI: 10.5334/mjfar.19
- “Is Chineseness too big for China? Chineseness in Negotiation in Minoritarian Practices of Organhaus Art Space”, Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 3 No.1&2, 13-26, 2016. DOI: 10.1386/jcca.3.1-2.13_1
- “Taqiyyah, Language and Game: On Lawerence Abu Hamdan’s Contra Diction: Speech Against Itself”, Performance Research, Vol. 21 No.4, 113-121, 2016. DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2016.1192884
- “On the Sleep of the Computer, or the Performance of Randomness: a close reading of Ralf Baecker’s Mirage”, Performance Research, Vol. 21 No.1, 18-24, 2016. DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2016.1138762
Publications (selection)
"Art, History, and Globalization: A Dialogue on Gwangju’s Biennale. A conversation between David Teh and Mi You", interview as part of Madang Dialogue, (website), 2024.
"Art in a Multipolar World: Problem Analysis and Horizons", in Mi You (ed.) Experimental Publics, guest-edited issue of e-flux journal, 2024.
- "Around the World in 500 Wefts", in June Yap (ed.) On the Mat with Yee I-Lann, Singapore Art Museum, 2024. DOI: 10.2307/jj.22940387.8.
- “Another Currency, Another Speculation: Reflections on Art and Economies Projects at documenta fifteen”, OnCurating, issue 58, 2024.
- “Silk Road as Geo-Imagination of China”, in Nav Haq (ed.) Eurasia – An Atlas, Antwerp: MuHKA Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp, 2024.
"What Community?", in Martin Köttering and Sabine Boshamer (eds.) The Controversy over documenta fifteen, Hamburg: Materialverlag, 2023.
"Welche Gemeinschaft/Community?", in Martin Köttering and Sabine Boshamer (eds.) Kontroverse documenta fifteen, Hamburg: Materialverlag, 2023.
"Between l’art pour l’art and total instrumentalization of art: Experiences from organizing art for social transformation", in Seema Syeda (ed.) ARTSFORMATION JOURNAL: Mobilising the arts for an inclusive digital transformation (online), 2023.
- “Qian Xuesen and other Feedback Loops”, in Mohammad Salemy (ed.) Model is the Message: Incredible Machines Conference 2022, Berlin: The New Centre for Research & Practice, 2023.
"Clouds and Power", with Slavs and Tatars in Wang Weiwei (ed.) Clouds, Power and Ornament. Roving Central Asia, Hong Kong: Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile, 2023.
"Voices from the Desert Sands: The Responsibilities and Possibilities in Studying the Tarim Basin", with Susan Whitfield and Puay-Peng Ho in June Yap, Selene Yap and Joella Kiu (eds.) The Gift: Collecting Entanglements & Embodied Histories, Singapore: Singapore Art Museum, 2023.
“Atlas estelares, petroglifos y símbolos familiares”, Concreta 21 (primavera 2023), 102-109.
“Forever Possible: Self-Abolition, Speculation, and Platforming in Rirkrit Tiravanija’s Works”, in Ruba Katrib and Yasmil Raymond (eds.) Rirkrit Tiravanija: A LOT OF PEOPLE, New York: MOMA PS1, 2023.
“Speculation against Speculation: science-fiction and science-non-fiction in China”, in Marina Vishmidt (ed.) Speculation (Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art), Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023.
“Reading Earth Signs”, in Kristiina Koskentola and Marjolein van der Loo (eds.) Enfleshed: Ecologies of Entities and Beings, Eindhoven: Onomatopee, 2023.
“Transnational Histories of Painting at Art Basel Hong Kong”, in Art Basel (online), 2023.
"What Politics? What Aesthetics? Reflections on Documenta Fifteen." e-flux, no. 131, 2022.
- “Vectors, Vectors Everywhere: A Curatorial Introduction” (with Joella Kiu and Kenneth Tay), in Joella Kiu, Kenneth Tay and Mi You (eds.) Lonely Vectors, Singapore: Singapore Art Museum, 2022. DOI: 10.1353/book.123210.
- “All the Way Down: A Conversation between Curator Mi You and Artists Ho Tzu Nyen, Royce Ng (of Zheng Mahler), Zarina Muhammad, Zachary Chan and Joel Tan”, in Joella Kiu, Kenneth Tay and Mi You (eds.) Lonely Vectors, Singapore: Singapore Art Museum, 2022. DOI: 10.1353/book.123210.
- “sg_DAO.Inc” (with Federico Ruberto), in Joella Kiu, Kenneth Tay and Mi You (eds.) Lonely Vectors, Singapore: Singapore Art Museum, 2022. DOI: 10.1353/book.123210.
- “ruangrupa: a sustainable model for documenta fifteen, and after” (with Iswanto Hartono and Reze Afisina), Ocula, 2022.
- “Star Atlas, Petroglyphs and Family Tokens: technics and mutation from deep histories of Eurasia”, in Leonardo Dellanoce, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Arthur Steiner and Mi You (eds.) Vertical Atlas, Arnhem: ArtEZ Press, 2022.
- “China and the West can build a better world, together” (with Lorenzo Marsili), Al Jazeera, October 30, 2021.
- “Anywhere or Here: Art and Society Revisited”, in Madhusree Dutta and Nanna Heidenreich (eds.) fAKE hYBRID sITES pALIMPSEST, De Gruyter, 2021.
- “Decolonization and East Asia’s Modernity: From Manchukuo to China”, in Ekaterina Degot, David Riff and Jan Sowa (eds.) Perverse Decolonization?, Berlin: Archive Books, 2021.
- “The Many Shapes of Bodies of Water, the 13th Shanghai Biennale” (with Andres Jaque, Marina Otero Verzier, Lucia Pietroiusti and Filipa Ramos), in Filipa Ramos (ed.) Flows, Dijon: les presse du reel, 2021.
- “Embodying the Yangtze River” (with Fan Xiao), in Filipa Ramos (ed.) Flows, Dijon: les presse du reel, 2021.
- “On the Shared Cosmologies of One Northeast”, discussion with Andrei Vasilenko, EastEast, 2021.
“Nomadic Imaginaries and Chinese Globalization”, conversation with Yulia Gromova, Strelka Magazine, Moscow: Strelka, 2021.
“On Fluidity, Collaboration, and Remains: A Conversation”, conversation between Shanghai Biennale curators and Sylvie Fortin and Basak Senova, PASS Journal of the International Biennial Foundation, Sharjah: the International Biennial Foundation 2021.
- “Eurasian Geo-fictions: Models for transformations”, in Defne Ayas, Natasha Ginwala and Young-Jun Tak (eds.) Minds Rising, Spirits Tuning: 13th Gwangju Biennale Catalogue, Gwangju: Gwangju Biennale Foundation, 2021.
- “Silk Roads, Tributary Networks and Belt and Road Initiative”, in Rana Dasgputa, Nanna Heidenreich and Katrin Klingan (eds.) Tidal Thinking: What comes after nations?, as part of the publication series 100 Years of Now Library, edited by Bernd Scherer, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2020.
- “The social support networks stepping up in coronavirus-stricken China”, openDemocracy, March 2020.
- Smirnov, Nikolay, and Mi You (eds.) Metageography: towards the new politics of geographical imagination, Vladivostok, Zarya Centre for Contemporary Art, 2019.
- “Eurasia Underground Library - Notes on its formation” with Binna Choi, in Patrick Flores (ed.) Every Step in the Right Direction (Singapore Biennale 2019 Catalogue), Singapore: Singapore Art Museum, 2019.
- “Space, Technology and Chinese Science Non-Fiction”, Obieg magazine Issue 10, Warsaw: Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, 2019.
- “Transnational Movements: Meyer Lemon, Chinese Exclusion Act, and Yellow Peril” in He Xiangyu (ed.) Yellow Book, Stuttgart: Hatje Cantz, 2019.
- “Two or Three Great Walls: Notes on Chinese information and capital controls” in Mona Schieren (ed.) Re:Bunker: Erinnerungspolitiken – Neue Faschismen – Ökologien, 14-25, Berlin: argobooks, Germany, 2019.
- “Transcultural Glossary”, in Qiu Zhijie: Journeys without Arrivals, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Holland, 2017.
- “Around Ai Weiwei: Photograph 1983-2016, or the Politics of Image and Representation” (with Davide Quadrio), Corraini Press, Milan, 2016.
- “Many Exertions: Eurasia, Deep Networks and Dynamism” in Tarek Abou El Fetouh and Ala Younis (eds.), Time is Out of Joint, Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah UAE, 2016.
- “Beauty in Motion: a Tangential Reading of Aurora Musuem’s North Qi Buddhist Statue Collection”, in Kaleidoscope Asia, Vol. 1 No. 2, Milan, Italy, 2015.
- “Forensics out of Joint”, in Vermeir & Heiremans and Andrea Phillips (eds.) In Residence artist publication, LTD.ED.vzw, Brussels, 2015.
- “Independent Art Spaces as Spaces of Commons in China.”, in Transnational Dialogues Journal, European Alternatives, Rome, 2013.
- “Shenzhen Architekturbiennale: Mehr Mensch bitte!” In Baumeister (website), 2012.
- “Hans Ulrich Obrist: Interview on Interview” In Abitare China, Vol. 8, No. 2, 142-147, 2009.
- “A Fictional Dialogue Between Two Curators.” In MONU Magazine on Urbanism: Border Urbanism, Vol. 8, No. 1, 60-69, 2008.