Academic Organisation

Academic Organisation

How to apply: Interested students will pre-register with their advisor at their home university. Alternatively, students may as well register at the University of Kassel.

Examination, Certificates and Credit Transfer: For each class, a written final exam in English language will be given. The duration for this exam will be 60 min. Students will receive a certificate of participation for their IS4 attendance. The certificate will be provided by the University of Kassel including the name of the student, the course title and the grade. For a credit transfer, students have to confirm with their home universities that the courses taken during the IS4 will be acknowledged prior to their arrival in Germany.

Living and Accommodation: Participating students will be accommodated in German host families which will offer breakfasts and small German dinners. Duvet covers and towels will be provided. Most host families will offer Internet access and laundry machines. A public transportation ticket will be provided for the daily trips to the University of Kassel.

Meals: While breakfasts and small German dinners will be provided by the German host families, daily lunches will be taken at noon time. Small snacks and beverages will be offered between classes.