10.04.2020 | So­zio­­­lo­gie der Di­­ver­­­si­­tät | News

Lab se­ries "Re:Co­ding Al­go­­rit­h­­mic Cu­l­­tu­­re"

20.–27.04.2020, On Being Tur­ned Off. An Un Ti­me­ly Lab

Through a_synchronous meetings (gatherings) we will practicestory-telling, go for a walk in between different times, encounterunknown matters, and speculate on staying not-healthy.

  • Meet_up 1, Tuesday 21 April 20, 10.00 – 12.00 GMT+1
  • Meet_up 2, Thursday 23 April 20, 19.00 – 20.30 GMT+1
  • Meet_up 3, Friday 24 April 20, 17.00 – 19.00 GMT+1

Please register for the meet_ups at un-timely(at)r-calc.net, you will getan email with an access code for the meet_up chat space. Emails will beanswered until 2 hours prior to each meet_up. Chat access codes arevalid for all meet_ups. Please visit r-calc.net/beingturnedoff for more information on the meet_ups.


12.05.2020, 9:30-12:00, So­ci­al Dis­tan­cing in Ti­mes of So­ci­al Me­dia

Discussing the phrase "social distancing", implemented as a prevention strategy against COVID-19 outbreak, we will ask what "social distancing" means in times of social media. We will analyze the different contexts of social media and try to understand how this socio-medical implementation is shaping society discursively, affectively, and materially.

Please register by 05.05.2020 at pinar-tuzcu(at)uni-kassel.de.


19.05.2020, 11:00-16:00, Ta­king a Walk Through a Com­pu­ter

Taking a walk through a computer is an online coding lab that will explore computation through playing with things already present: Our bodies and our computer terminals

Please register by 05.05.2020 at l.britton(at)uni-kassel.de.


16.06.2020, 11:00-20:00, Play­ing the Code - Co­ding in Touch

In the game Ham Playing the Code / Coding in Touch we will work collaboratively to make our own games. We begin by exploring unexpected modes of communication and non linear narratives that unfold with the logic of algorithms.

Please register by 02.06.2020 at l.britton(at)uni-kassel.de.