Publications I Urban and Regional Planning


Stadt­er­neue­rung im ver­ein­ten Deutsch­land – Rück­bli­cke und Aus­bli­cke. Jahr­buch Stadt­er­neue­rung 2017

Uwe Altrock / Ronald Kunze / Detlef Kurth / Holger Schmidt / Gisela Schmitt (eds.)

This yearbook takes a reflective look back at 25 years of urban renewal, takes stock and highlights future prospects.
In the year of German reunification, a group of experts came together to form the Urban Renewal Working Group at German-speaking universities with the aim of contributing to the institutionalization of the professional debate on urban renewal by publishing a "Yearbook of Urban Renewal". In doing so, they referred to a field of urban development that, although no longer young, had only been consolidated as a guiding principle a few years previously. With the emergence of "cautious urban renewal", an approach that particularly respects both the urban design and architectural substance as well as the existing uses and residents, had largely prevailed in the old Federal Republic of Germany following lengthy disputes in the 1980s. It thus embodies an essential expression of a turning point in urban planning, in which the rational planning model was replaced or at least supplemented by a more communicative one, the God-father model of planning was strongly questioned and the urban design and architectural models of "modernism" were replaced by principles of a "post-modernism".


ISBN-10: 3658186488
ISBN-13: 978-3658186487
Price: €69.99

Groß­wohn­sied­lun­gen im Halt­bar­keit­scheck. Dif­fe­ren­zier­te Per­spek­ti­ven ost­deut­scher Groß­wohn­sied­lun­gen

Uwe Altrock / Nico Grunze / Sigrun Kabisch (eds.)

This volume is dedicated to the current stocktaking and reflection on the situation of large housing estates in Eastern Germany. It shows that their development trends can hardly be generalized. Rather, their adaptability and thus "durability" must be emphasized. The aim was to increase the attention of both the academic debate and the practical housing industry and housing policy to the medium to long-term perspectives. This volume aims to create a fundamental understanding of the differentiated types of large housing estates and to explore options for action beyond the current urban development program.

The starting point is the current change in public perception: after an intensive debate on concepts of demolition and dismantling as well as selective upgrading in the years of urban redevelopment, things have now become quieter around large housing estates. There are many reasons for this - they may lie in the stabilization success of some larger East German cities, especially university towns. These are now characterized by population growth and a shortage of affordable housing. The large housing estates no longer appear to be under existential threat. A different situation can be observed in smaller cities, where the housing stock in suburban estates is still characterized by vacancies and the demolition of apartments continues.

Nevertheless, large housing estates in Eastern Germany remain interesting locations for differentiated socio-spatial and demographic development. Their importance is likely to increase again, as the challenges posed by the shortage of affordable housing, inner-city displacement and increased immigration will grow. As a result, familiar issues of coexistence and interaction in the residential environment, the use of social and technical infrastructure and the embedding of large housing estates in overall urban development goals are once again gaining attention.

These topics are examined in detail using the example of a number of large housing estates. In order to broaden the geographical dimension, the volume includes two contributions on the perspectives of Czech and Polish large housing estates.

ISBN-10: 3658185783
ISBN-13: 978-3658185787
Price: € 39.99

Windows Upon Planning History

Karl Friedhelm Fischer / Uwe Altrock (ed.)

Windows Upon Planning History delves into a wide range of perspectives on urbanism from Europe, Australia and the USA to investigate the effects of changing perceptions and different ways of seeing cities and urban regions. Fischer, Altrock and a team of 13 distinguished authors examine how and why the ideologies and the processes of city making changed in modern and post-modern times.
Illustrated with over 45 images, the themes addressed in the book range from the changing outlook on Berlin's historic apartment districts and their demolition, salvation and gentrification to how planning was deployed to support dictatorship; from the shattering of myths like democracies totally departing from preceding dictatorships to the model of the post-war modern city and its fate towards the end of the twentieth century.
The volume combines case studies of cities on three continents with reflections on the historiography and the state of planning history.
With a foreword by Stephen V. Ward, this book will appeal to a wide readership interested in the histories of planning, architecture and cities.

ISBN: 9781472469564
ISBN: 9781134768622

So­zi­al­staat­li­che Ver­pflich­tun­gen und raum­ord­ne­ri­sche Mög­lich­kei­ten zur Si­che­rung der Da­seins­vor­sor­ge

Dr. Jan M. Stielike. Space, City, Architecture, vol. 2.

Windows Upon Planning History delves into a wide range of perspectives on urbanism from Europe, Australia and the USA to investigate the effects of changing perceptions and different ways of seeing cities and urban regions. Fischer, Altrock and a team of 13 distinguished authors examine how and why the ideologies and the processes of city making changed in modern and post-modern times.
Illustrated with over 45 images, the themes addressed in the book range from the changing outlook on Berlin's historic apartment districts and their demolition, salvation and gentrification to how planning was deployed to support dictatorship; from the shattering of myths like democracies totally departing from preceding dictatorships to the model of the post-war modern city and its fate towards the end of the twentieth century.
The volume combines case studies of cities on three continents with reflections on the historiography and the state of planning history.
With a foreword by Stephen V. Ward, this book will appeal to a wide readership interested in the histories of planning, architecture and cities.

ISBN: 978-3-8487-5129-7
eISBN: 978-3-8452-9330-1


Die schö­ne Stadt. Be­grif­fe und De­bat­ten – Theo­rie und Pra­xis

Uwe Altrock / Sandra Huning (eds.)

The volume takes a look at current political challenges – including refugee and migration movements, increasing social inequality and privatization pressure. It sheds light on what these mean for cities and how they can be responded to. The contributions provide a broad overview of current debates, convey detailed knowledge on individual key topics and call for a closer examination of the success of socially integrative urban renewal efforts.

ISBN-10: 393773516X
ISBN-13: 978-3937735160


Stadt­er­neue­rung und Ar­mut. Jahr­buch Stadt­er­neue­rung 2016

Uwe Altrock / Ronald Kunze (eda.)

The volume takes a look at current political challenges – including refugee and migration movements, increasing social inequality and privatization pressure. It sheds light on what these mean for cities and how they can be responded to. The contributions provide a broad overview of current debates, convey detailed knowledge on individual key topics and call for a closer examination of the success of socially integrative urban renewal efforts.

ISBN-10: 3658134178
ISBN-13: 978-3658134174
Price: €64.99

Resi­li­enz. Stadt und Re­gi­on – Re­alla­bo­re der resi­li­enz­ori­en­tier­ten Trans­for­ma­ti­on

Hahne, Ulf / Kegler, Harald (eds.) Book series "Stadtentwicklung", vol. 1.

This anthology presents current methodological and theoretical foundations as well as initial practical results for the future task of urban resilience, which is becoming increasingly important for social transformation in the Anthropocene. Resilient cities are the most important design task of the future. Theoretical and practical approaches to urban resilience are being tested in real-world laboratories. Renowned researchers and practitioners bring together positions that reflect the international status quo and systems theory contexts as well as concrete suggestions for urban-regional resilience policy. The book ranges from the threshold of the transition from growth to resilience to urban laboratories in the new utopia.

ISBN: 3631671814
Price: €29.95


Über Städ­te­bau­för­de­rung hin­aus? Jahr­buch Stadt­er­neue­rung 2014/15

Uwe Altrock / Ronald Kunze / Gisela Schmitt / Dirk Schubert (eds.).

The need to discuss and reflect existing paradigms of urban renewal is driven by the fact that cities are facing a plurality of different problems within very heterogeneous spatial contexts, and new challenges like the energy efficient redesign of the built environment. The contrary situations of German cities reflect the diversity of challenges associated with urban renewal: Many cities in Eastern Germany are confronted with vacancies in housing estates whereas other metropolitan regions in Germany have to deal with upgrading processes and shortages in housing. Thus, facilitating social inclusion, participation and sustainability in urban renewal within different spatial settings are major topics in this issue. Besides, the issue includes contributions on the history and practice of urban renewal in foreign countries and the role of urban renewal in research and education.

Contributors are: Uwe Altrock, Hannah Baltes, Adam Bartoszek, Fabian Beran, Matthias Bernt, Julia Drittenpreis, Martin Düchs, Susanne Dürr, Daphne Rebecca Frank, Katrin Großmann, Annegret Haase, Anna Juliane Heinrich, Martin Hölscher, Petra Jähnke, Sigrun Kabisch, Arvid Krüger, Ronald Kunze, Holger Leimbrock, Michael Locher, Gerhard Mahnken, Anja B. Nelle, Elsbieta Niezabytowska, Heike Oevermann, Christian von Oppen, Hana Riemer, Semâ Sahin, J. Alexander Schmidt, Holger Schmidt, Gisela Schmitt, Achim Schröer, Hildegard Schröteler-von Brandt, Dirk Schubert, Christina Simon-Philipp, Eric Tenz, Angela Uttke, Jutta Vorkoeper, Theo Winters.

ISBN-10: 3937735143
ISBN-13: 978-3937735146

theo­rie+ent­wer­fen N°5/6 - Woh­nen im Port­fo­lio/ die Groh­ner Dü­ne

Stefan Rettich (ed.); School of Architecture Bremen

ISBN: 978-3-944140-02-5
free download


Ziel­grup­pen in der räum­li­chen Pla­nung. Kon­struk­tio­nen, Stra­te­gi­en, Pra­xis. Rei­he Pla­nungs­rund­schau 21

Uwe Altrock / Sandra Huning / Thomas Kuder / Henning Nuissl (eds.)

ISBN-10: 3937735127
ISBN-13: 978-3937735122

Ber­lin: Das En­de der Be­hut­sam­keit?. Jahr­buch Stadt­er­neue­rung 2013

Uwe Altrock / Ronald Kunze / Gisela Schmitt / Dirk Schubert (eds.)

The need to discuss and reflect existing paradigms of urban renewal is driven by the fact that cities are facing a plurality of different problems within very heterogeneous spatial contexts, and new challenges like the energy efficient redesign of the built environment. The contrary situations of German cities reflect the diversity of challenges associated with urban renewal: Many cities in eastern Germany are confronted with vacancies in housing estates whereas other metropolitan regions in Germany have to deal with upgrading processes and shortages in housing. Thus, facilitating social inclusion, participation and sustainability in urban renewal within different spatial settings are major topics in this issue. Besides, the issue includes contributions on the history and practice of urban renewal in foreign countries and the role of urban renewal in research and education.

Contributors are: Uwe Altrock, Hannah Baltes, Adam Bartoszek, Fabian Beran, Matthias Bernt, Julia Drittenpreis, Martin Düchs, Susanne Dürr, Daphne Rebecca Frank, Katrin Großmann, Annegret Haase, Anna Juliane Heinrich, Martin Hölscher, Petra Jähnke, Sigrun Kabisch, Arvid Krüger, Ronald Kunze, Holger Leimbrock, Michael Locher, Gerhard Mahnken, Anja B. Nelle, Elsbieta Niezabytowska, Heike Oevermann, Christian von Oppen, Hana Riemer, Semâ Sahin, J. Alexander Schmidt, Holger Schmidt, Gisela Schmitt, Achim Schröer, Hildegard Schröteler-von Brandt, Dirk Schubert, Christina Simon-Philipp, Eric Tenz, Angela Uttke, Jutta Vorkoeper, Theo Winters

ISBN-10: 9783798326446
ISBN-13: 978-3798326446

Maturing Megacities. The Pearl River Delta in Progressive Transformation

Uwe Altrock / Sonia Schoon (eds.)

This book reviews the transformation of the Pearl River Delta mega-urban region of China, analyzing the maturing socio-economic, political and spatial structures after early waves of economic globalization, political transformation and rapid urbanization.

This edited volume covers the multiple changes concerning urban governance in the course of the progressive transformation of the Pearl River Delta mega-urban region in China. Looking at the megacities Guangzhou and Shenzhen, it analyzes the maturing of socio-economic, political and spatial structures after the first waves of economic globalization, political transformation, and their rapid expansion and urbanization. The initial claim and starting point of the book is the existence of a profound multidimensional shift in the coastal mega-urban region with a major tendency towards urban upgrading, economic restructuring and a clearly observable consolidation of political institutions. For the first time since the beginning of the reform and opening up after 1978, this has led to a stronger bias toward urban regeneration, an adaptive re-use of the building stock and an establishment of post-industrial knowledge-based creative industries. The book investigates these changes as a set of mutually dependent developments that have to be understood and analyzed in connection with one another. Thus, the backgrounds and underlying forces that shape physical restructuring in the developed urban cores of the mega-urban region and the ways in which the relevant actors and institutions are trying to both cope with and to influence each other are introduced here.


Resi­li­enz – Stra­te­gi­en & Per­spek­ti­ven für die wi­der­stands­fä­hi­ge und ler­nen­de Stadt

Harald Kegler. Bauwelt-Fundamente series.

How resilient and willing to learn are our cities? Spatial planning only reacts – to demographic change, to climate change, to changing lifestyles or to economic processes. It has lost its ability to act and steer, but also its capacity to formulate visions for the future. It has difficulties in changing itself.

In this situation, one keyword offers orientation: resilience. Resilience promises a reversal of the familiar recipes. With resilience concepts, urban planning works on the causes instead of just tackling symptoms. It asks what causes crises and where they lead. It uses resilience concepts to develop strategies and perspectives: for a resilient and learning city.

Harald Kegler's book represents a new approach to the discourse on the future – beyond the often stagnant debates on sustainability. For urban planners, architects, spatial scientists, local politicians, social scientists, environmental researchers and activists, cultural scientists and students as well as for initiatives for urban and regional renewal, it opens up a topic that is becoming increasingly important internationally.

ISBN-10: 9783038215295
ISBN-13: 978-3038215295
Price: €29.95


theo­rie+ent­wer­fen N°3/4 - Die neue Woh­nungs­fra­ge/ 1.029 von 14.000

Stefan Rettich (ed.); School of Architecture Bremen
Bremen, 2013

ISBN: 978-3-944140-01-8
free download


Jahr­buch Stadt­er­neue­rung 2012: 40 Jah­re Städ­te­bau­för­de­rung – 50 Jah­re Nach­mo­der­ne

Uwe Altrock / Ronald Kunze / Gisela Schmitt / Dirk Schubert (eds.)

The Urban Renewal Yearbook 2012 is the 20th yearbook after the first edition was published shortly after the fall of communism in 1990/91. The main reason for the current reflection on the achievements, status quo and perspectives of urban renewal was the 40th anniversary of the Städtebauförderungsgesetz (Urban Development Promotion Act), which in 1971 initiated a unique success story in German urban policy and still today, as a special urban development law in a further developed form, decisively determines the legal framework of federal and state urban development promotion and thus urban renewal in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Building on key works of criticism of modern Urban Design, such as Jane Jacobs' book "Death and Life of Great American Cities", published in 1961, this volume places urban renewal historically in the development of post-modern urban design. Against the backdrop of the undoubtedly recognized achievements and the numerous breaks, aberrations, experiments and reinterpretations of the existing development policy, he examines which social forces, stages and guiding principles were decisive for the development of post-modern urban renewal, how the results of urban renewal achieved since then are to be assessed and what significance is attached to the guiding principles of urban planning and urban renewal in the field of tension between social trends and upheavals.

The focus is on the development of the still valid basic principles of a policy for existing buildings, which were gradually adapted and transferred to other types of neighborhoods and urban development policy challenges. In addition to tracing and classifying the historical changes in the culture of planning and, in particular, urban renewal, the book also reflects on the effectiveness of post-modern principles such as mixed use, compactness, perimeter block development on corridor streets or urban development on parcels, which only gradually began to reassert themselves in urban design and urban development through the development of existing buildings, but which today – at least at the guiding principle level – seem almost uncontroversial.

ISBN-10: 3798324204
ISBN-13: 978-3798324206

Wer ent­wi­ckelt die Stadt? Ge­schich­te und Ge­gen­wart lo­ka­ler Go­ver­nan­ce

Uwe Altrock / Grischa Bertram (eds.)

Who 'makes' the city? The public sector has lost considerable importance in urban development. In a new division of labor with politics and administration, private companies – and sometimes also civil society – now have enormous influence. But is the participation of non-state actors in urban development really new? What precursors of today's cooperation can be identified in Germany and in a European comparison? Was the 20th century perhaps just an episode of particularly strong state influence on urban development processes? This volume provides answers to these and other questions.

ISBN-10: 3837617521
ISBN-13: 978-3837617528

theo­rie+ent­wer­fen N°1/2 - Kon­fliktraum BRD/ Neue

Stefan Rettich (ed.); School of Architecture Bremen

ISBN: 978-3-944140-00-1


Jahr­buch Stadt­er­neue­rung 2011: Schwer­punkt "Stadt­er­neue­rung und Fes­ti­va­li­sie­rung". Bei­trä­ge aus Leh­re und For­schung an deutsch­spra­chi­gen Hoch­schu­len

Uwe Altrock / Ronald Kunze / Gisela Schmitt / Dirk Schubert (eds.)

The topic of the festivalization of urban planning and urban regeneration has been the subject of controversial debate for two decades. Small and large festivals and various events of different formats are still in vogue, and such events are used specifically as a strategic instrument of urban policy. In recent years, they have also played a special role as international building exhibitions, garden shows and similar events for urban redevelopment and urban renewal. This is reason enough to focus on this topic - now the subject of urban research and planning theory – in this Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung (Urban Regeneration and Planning Theory Yearbook) and to critically reflect on it from various perspectives in the individual contributions. In addition to the focus on teaching and research, this yearbook also addresses theoretical and historical aspects of urban renewal as well as practices in Germany and abroad.

ISBN-10: 3798323399
ISBN-13: 978-3798323391


Zwan­zig Jah­re Pla­nung seit der Wie­der­ver­ei­ni­gung

Uwe Altrock / Sandra Huning / Thomas Kuder / Henning Nuissl (eds.)

On November 9, 2009, Germany celebrated the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and on October 3, 2010, the 20th anniversary of reunification was celebrated. Reason enough for the Planungsrundschau (Planning Review) to look at the consequences of the fall of the Wall and reunification from the perspective of spatial development and spatial planning in the old and new federal states. How has planning changed over the last 20 years? What old and new problems does it face today? What experiences have been made that have changed our view of spatial planning; which of these experiences can be made fruitful for future challenges? The aim of this anthology is, on the one hand, to shed light on the characteristics and particularities of spatial development and planning in the recent past in Germany – not least in order to place current German spatial planning in its historical context and to understand planning decisions, discourses and constellations of actors in this context. On the other hand, this volume aims to offer interpretations that establish a connection between social conditions, planning problems and options for action and to encourage both planning theory and planning practice to reflect and develop further.

ISBN-10: 3937735119
ISBN-13: 978-3937735115

Sym­bo­li­sche Or­te: Pla­ne­ri­sche (De-)Kon­struk­tio­nen

Uwe Altrock / Sandra Huning / Thomas Kuder / Henning Nuissl / Deike Peters (eds.)

ISBN-10: 3937735100
ISBN-13: 978-3937735108

Jahr­buch Stadt­er­neue­rung 2010: Schwer­punkt "In­fra­struk­tu­ren und Stadt­um­bau". Bei­trä­ge aus Leh­re und For­schung an deutsch­spra­chi­gen Hoch­schu­len

Uwe Altrock / Sandra Huning / Thomas Kuder / Henning Nuissl (eds.)

The Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung (Urban Renewal Yearbook) 2010 focuses on "Social and technical infrastructure in transition". The framework conditions, the significance and the connection between infrastructure and urban regeneration have changed dramatically in recent years. Shrinking cities, demolition, municipal budget problems and the decline and closure of facilities that were supported with public funds in earlier phases of urban renewal require a reassessment and a differentiated inventory in order to reflect new challenges.

ISBN-10: 3798322309
ISBN-13: 978-3798322301

Trans­for­ma­ti­on der Ge­sell­schaft für ei­ne resi­li­en­te Stadt- und Re­gio­nal­ent­wick­lung

Hahne, Ulf (ed.)

Steps towards a post-fossil economy and a climate-friendly lifestyle cannot wait. The major transformation of the economy and society requires a foundation of many "small" transformations in the local arenas of the city and region. The design of system transitions involves both the attempt to actively steer and the endeavor to cushion the impact of crises and adapt to long-term systemic changes.

In this sense, resilience in the contributions to this volume refers not only to climate and environmental issues, but also to other fields of socio-ecological transformation, from demographic change to "buen vivir".

With contributions by Martin Coy, Peter Droege, Ulf Hahne, Michael Klingler, Jörg Knieling, Felix Kühnel, Ariane Ruff, Katja Säwert, Michael Steinke and Elisabeth Süßbauer.

The Institute of Urban Development was founded at the University of Kassel in 2009 and deals with strategies and proposals for the sustainable development of cities and regions from the perspective of the various disciplines associated with urban planning. It advocates responsible governance and policy in spatial planning and in the monitoring of urban processes.

ISBN: 978-3-939486-86-2
Price: €29.00