Publications I Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning


#überORTE Grenzfluss - Documentation of the Semester Project in the Winter Semester 2017/18

Florian Otto (ed.), Christine Baumgartner (ed.): Books on Demand, Norderstedt

ISBN-13: 978-3-7528-8874-4

#superluogoMARCHE - Programmatic Design Studio Summer Semester 2017

Florian Otto (ed.), Christine Baumgartner (ed.). Kassel University Press.

ISBN-13: 978-3-7376-0478-9

#aboutORTE - Documentation of the Semester Project in Winter Semester 2016/17

Florian Otto (ed.), Christine Baumgartner (ed.). Books on Demand, Norderstedt.

ISBN-13: 978-3-7528-1354-8

modell versuchs labor - Documentation Compact Course Winter Semester 2016/17 and 2017/18

Florian Otto (ed.), Christine Baumgartner (ed.). Books on Demand, Norderstedt

ISBN-13: 9783752849929

Me­tho­dik der Ein­griffs­re­ge­lung im bun­des­wei­ten Ver­gleich

Andreas Mengel, Klaus Müller-Pfannenstiel, Markus Schwarzer, Katrin Wulfert, Torsten Strothmann, Christina von Haaren, Carolin Galler, Johanna Wickert, Sonja Pieck and Jörg Borkenhagen. BfN publication series "Nature conservation and biodiversity"; No. 165, 2018

Area protection is one of the central and classic instruments of nature conservation and landscape conservation in Germany. Protected areas play an important role in safeguarding and developing biodiversity, the functioning of the ecosystem and the diversity, character and beauty of nature and landscape, including landscape-based recreational use.

This book presents the results of a research and development project financed by the Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation) with funds from the Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety) on the management potential of area protection. The focus of the project was on landscape conservation areas. A special focus was also placed on the question of controlling the expansion of renewable energies with the help of area protection.

The volume contains a systematic analysis of all national categories of site and object protection, a presentation of the results of empirical studies on landscape protection areas in eight sample regions, an in-depth analysis of selected fields of action and management aspects with regard to nature and landscape protection areas and the derivation of recommendations, in particular on landscape protection areas and on managing the expansion of renewable energies by means of site protection.

The analyses and recommendations are based on an evaluation of scientific publications, legal commentary literature and case law on the subject, as well as on the analysis of selected landscape protection area ordinances, expert interviews and the results of discussions at a specialist workshop.

ISBN: 978-3-7843-4065-4
Price: € 44.00 (book format) € 39.99 (PDF format)


Aneignung urbaner Freiräume. Ein Diskurs über städtischen Raum

Hauck, Thomas E.; Hennecke, Stefanie; Körner, Stefan (eds.): Bielefeld: transcript

ISBN: 978-3-8376-3686-4

Na­tio­na­le Na­tur­land­land­schaf­ten (NNL) und Nut­zung er­neu­er­ba­rer En­er­gi­en - Ein Hand­lungs­leit­fa­den

Andreas Mengel, Ulrich Gehrlein, Eva Milz, Deborah Hoheisel, Beatrice Barthelmes, Britta Düsterhaus, Christoph Mathias, Jörg Liesen, Elke Baranek and Stephanie Schubert. Bonn - Bad Godesberg, 2017.

BfN-Skripten; No. 467
ISBN: 978-3-89624-204-4
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Na­tio­na­le Na­tur­land­land­schaf­ten (NNL) und Nut­zung er­neu­er­ba­rer En­er­gi­en - Ge­samt­be­richt -

Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
Andreas Mengel, Ulrich Gehrlein, Eva Milz, Deborah Hoheisel, Beatrice Barthelmes, Britta Düsterhaus, Christoph Mathias, Jörg Liesen, Elke Baranek and Stephanie Schubert. Bonn - Bad Godesberg, 2017 BfN-Skripten; No. 482 and No. 483

ISBN: 978-3-89624-219-8 and 978-3-89624-220-4
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Bun­des­kon­zept Grü­ne In­fra­struk­tur – Expert Opinion

Andreas Mengel, Stefan Heiland, Kersten Hänel, Bettina Geiger, Philipp Arndt, Nicole Reppin, Verena Werle, Dorothea Hokema, Claudia Hehn, Linda Mertelmeyer, René Burghardt and Stefanie Opitz. Bonn - Bad Godesberg, 2017 BfN-Skripten; No. 457

ISBN: 978-3-89624-194-8
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Plan­zei­chen für die Land­schafts­pla­nung

Volume 1: Fachlich-methodische Grundlagen (Technical and Methodological Basics)
Volume 2: Planzeichenkatalog (Catalog of Planning Symbols)

Andreas Mengel, Deborah Hoheisel, Stefan Heiland, Linda Mertelmeyer, Julian Meurer and Katrin Rittel. Bonn - Bad Godesberg, 2017 BfN-Skripten; No. 461/1 and No. 461/2

This Volume 1 of BfN Script 461 provides a comprehensive technical and methodological basis for the derivation and use of planning symbols as well as sample layouts.
Volume 2 presents and describes the planning symbols as a catalog for planning practice. Subsequently, the plan symbols for landscape planning were converted into ready-to-use symbol palettes for geographical information systems. This is intended to further facilitate the use of the plan symbols in nationwide planning practice and to promote the web-based publication of landscape plans.

ISBN: 978-3-89624-219-8 and 978-3-89624-198-6
Free download vol. 1
Free download vol. 2


Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe

Annette Voigt, Simon Bell, Runrid Fox-Kämper, Nazila Keshavarz, Mary Benson, Silvio Caputo, Susan Noori (eds.)

Although urban allotment gardening dates back to the nineteenth century, it has recently undergone a renaissance of interest and popularity. This is the result of greater concern over urban greenspace, food security and quality of life. This book presents a comprehensive, research-based overview of the various features, benefits and values associated with urban allotment gardening in Europe.

The book is based on a European COST Action project, which brings together researchers and practitioners from all over Europe for the first detailed exploration of the subject on a continent-wide scale. It assesses the policy, planning and design aspects, as well as the social and ecological benefits of urban allotment gardening. Through an examination of the wide range of different traditions and practices across Europe, it brings together the most recent research to discuss the latest evolutions of urban allotment gardening and to help raise awareness and fill knowledge gaps.

The book provides a multidisciplinary perspective, including insights from horticulture and soil science, ecology, sociology, urban geography, landscape, planning and design. The themes are underpinned by case studies from a number of European countries which supply a wide range of examples to illustrate different key issues.


Landscape Culture - Culturing Landscapes: the Differentiated Construction of Landscapes

Diedrich Bruns, Olaf Kühne, Antje Schönwald, Simone Theile (eds.)

IBAN: 978-3-658-04283-7

Um­set­zung des 2 %-Ziels für Wild­nis­ge­bie­te aus der na­tio­na­len Bio­di­ver­si­täts­stra­te­gie

Gert Rosenthal, Andreas Mengel, Albert Reif, Stefanie Opitz, Nicolas Schoof and Nicole Reppin. Bonn - Bad Godesberg, 2015. BfN-Skripten; No. 422

ISBN: 978-3-89624-158-0
Free download


Land­schaft im po­li­ti­schen Dis­kurs: Die Eu­ro­päi­sche Land­schafts­kon­ven­ti­on in Theo­rie und Pra­xis

Bruns, Diedrich (ed.); Gotzmann, Dirk (ed.); Kühne, Olaf (ed.)

The European Landscape Convention (ELC), which was signed by 40 countries (but not by Germany) and came into force in 2004, is a key document for dealing with landscape: It is largely based on a constructivist conception of landscape and gives humans a central role in the conservation and development of landscape.

In this book, renowned authors deal with the legal, social, political and planning significance of the ELC.

In addition to case studies on the implementation of the Convention in various European countries, the book also examines the question of why Germany is hesitating to sign the ELC and how it could be implemented in Germany.

ISBN: 978-3-658-01470-4

Von Mond­land­schaf­ten zur Vi­si­on ei­nes neu­en Se­en­lan­des - Der Dis­kurs über die Ge­stal­tung von Ta­ge­bau­bra­chen in Ost­deutsch­land

Markus Schwarzer. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2014. series "RaumFragen: Stadt - Region - Landschaft", ed. O. Kühne, S. Kinder and O. Schnur

The debate on the rehabilitation, recultivation and design of brownfield sites in East Germany after 1989/90 is the subject of this study. Markus Schwarzer analyzes the ideas, values and symbolisms of landscape that characterize the aesthetic perception, scientific research and planning transformation of brownfields. For his study, he has selected leading concepts from the Southern region of Leipzig, the Dessau-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg region and Lusatia. The author works out the cultural content of landscape in the respective concepts and interprets the changes in the discourse on the post-mining landscape.

ISBN: 978-3-658-05640-7
Price: 59.00 € (book format) 46.99 € (PDF format)


Land­schafts­theo­rie - Land­schaf­ten: Theo­rie, Pra­xis und in­ter­na­tio­na­le Be­zü­ge

Impulses on the concept of landscape with its aesthetic, economic, social and philosophical references with the aim of strengthening the connection between theory and practice / with contributions by Dora Drexler, Olaf Kühne, Diedrich Bruns (eds.).

ISBN: 978-3-941148-05-5
Price: €19.90

De­mo­kra­ti­sches Grün. Olym­pia­park Mün­chen

Hennecke, Stefanie; Keller Regine; Schneegans Juliane (eds.). Berlin, Jovis Verlag.

Based on the conference „Demokratisches Grün – 40 Jahre Olympiapark München“ ("Democratic Green - 40 Years of the Munich Olympic Park"), which took place on October 25 and 26, 2012 in the Vorhoelzer Forum at the Technical University of Munich, a comprehensive publication will appear in May.

The Munich Olympic Park of 1972 stands for the almost congenial coexistence of architecture, landscape architecture and visual communication. It was realized with the intention of representing a new, democratic Germany. Demokratisches Grün – 40 Jahre Olympiapark München explores the history, the social and political framework and the effects of this project, which integrated all planning disciplines. One focus is on the landscape architecture of Günther Grzimek, who formulated the idea of a park landscape outlined by Behnisch & Partner into a modern public park – the Benutzerpark (user park).

ISBN: 978-3-86859-230-6


Sehn­sucht nach Na­tur: über den Drang nach drau­ßen in der heu­ti­gen Frei­zeit­kul­tur

Voigt, Annette; Kirchhoff, Thomas; Vicenzotti, Vera (eds.).

In modern cultures, spending free time outdoors has become a mass phenomenon. But what motivates this longing for nature?

This book explores this question with a view to current trends in leisure culture. In systematic analyses and using regional examples, it reveals the variety of meanings that make nature a fascinating object, a place to prove oneself or a setting for self-dramatization. The contributions open up deep insights into the current relationship between man and nature, which enable an exciting reflection on ourselves and are also indispensable for the development of contemporary utilization concepts for landscape and wilderness.

ISBN: 978-3-8376-1866-2


Kunst - Gar­ten - Kul­tur

Hennecke, Stefanie; Gröning, Gert (eds.) Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag.

The contributions in this anthology open up perspectives on garden culture research in a field between art, cultural and social sciences. Questions on the relationship between garden and science, garden and politics, garden and media as well as garden and music are developed across disciplines. Cultural attributions to the garden are reflected in art projects, in literature, but also in advertising campaigns. The explanations on the design and use of gardens provide an insight into the social conditions and political constellations of their time of origin and show that gardens can always be read and interpreted as political projects. The role of garden art in past centuries is addressed as well as the mutual influence and inspiration of other arts. The transfer of questions of art theory from garden art to painting, dance or music, for example, plays an important role. As an example of other arts, musicology and the history of garden culture enter into a dialog in this volume.

Contents (translated from German to English)

  • Perspectives on Garden Culture Research at the Beginning of the 21st Century (Gert Gröning and Stefanie Hennecke)

Research on Garden Art:

  • Gardens and Landscape Architecture in Comics (Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn)
  • The Availability of Source Material in Garden Culture Research (Uwe Schneider)
  • The Genesis of Garden Art as a Genre in the System of Early Modern Arts (Stefan Schweizer)

The Musicalization of the Garden:

  • Ornamental Spatial Formulas in the French Dance and Garden Arts of the 17th Century (Olivier Perrier)
  • Musical Spaces in the Los Angeles of Joe Wright's film The Soloist (Annette Richards and David Yearsley)
  • The Aeolian Harp. An Instrument for the Musicalization of Gardens in the 18th and 19th Centuries (Martin Ullrich)

The Art Garden:

  • The Jardinesque in Literature (Sigrid Thielking)
  • Gardens as Works of Art - Nature as a Material and Medium of Art since the 1990s (Jessica Ullrich)
  • The Prasialogic Buffet. Spaces, Forms and Tastes (Anastassia Bichan)

The Published Private Garden:

  • A Manifesto of Political Authority: the Reconstruction of the Yiheyuan (Bianca Maria Rinaldi)
  • Community Gardens in New York City: Private-Community Public Gardens for Inner-City Outdoor Living Space (Carolin Mees)
  • "Gardening like Goethe" - Reflections on Contemporary Trends in Garden Design (Annette Geiger)

Politicized Garden Landscapes:

  • The View from Above: Discovered and Hidden Landscape between 1920 and 1945 (Sonja Dümpelmann)
  • The Original Landscape. Reflections on the Landscape Design of National Modernism, explained using the example of the Olympic Village of the 1936 Summer Games in Elstal (Johanna Söhnigen and Rainer Schmitz)
  • Swimming for the Economy. The Steinbachtalsperre Outdoor Swimming Pool of the 1930s in the Eifel (Gundula Lang)


ISBN-10: 3496014237
ISBN-13: 978-3496014232
Price: € 39.00

Die Kri­ti­sche Re­kon­struk­ti­on als Leit­bild. Stadt­ent­wick­lungs­po­li­tik in Ber­lin zwi­schen 1991 und 1999

Hennecke, Stefanie. Hamburg. Published by Dr. Kovac.

The model of critical reconstruction has been the subject of intensive public debate in Berlin since 1991 on the basis of various expert reports. This concept aims to achieve social revitalization and redensification of Berlin's city center on the basis of the historic urban layout. In November 1996, the Critical Reconstruction was introduced into the political debate in the form of the Planwerk Innenstadt Berlin and in 1999 it was given the status of a cross-district model of Berlin's urban development policy by a Senate resolution. Since November 2008, the Critical Reconstruction model has once again been the subject of intense debate among experts and in the Berlin House of Representatives. Ten years after the Senate's decision on the Planwerk Innenstadt Berlin, this work can thus make a contribution to a once again highly topical urban debate.

The guiding principle as an informal planning instrument is discussed in current planning science literature as a possible contribution to a democratization of planning. In contrast, this paper takes a critical stance towards the guiding principle. On the basis of the concept of the guiding principle, a detailed procedural critique of the political actions of the responsible actors, from the individual planners to the responsible politicians, is carried out in connection with the implementation of the guiding principle of critical reconstruction. The existing literature on Berlin's urban development policy in the post-reunification period is supplemented here above all by a detailed reconstruction of the urban policy debate in the House of Representatives. A look at the political debates surrounding the inner city plan for Berlin between 1996 and 1999 makes it possible to identify interesting differences between the publicly perceived expert debate and the debate between the decision-makers in urban policy.

The criticism of the approach of an urban policy controlled by a model is underpinned by an examination of the contents of the model. Core concepts such as "urban identity" and "new urban citizenship" are discussed in the context of a critique of modern urban planning that has been put forward since the early 1970s. Critical Reconstruction can be seen as a consistent reaction to the undesirable developments of post-war urban development policy. At the same time, however, the present work demonstrates that the construction of the recovery of urban identity through built urban history ultimately promotes an exclusive concept of urban citizenship.

With its simultaneous critique of procedure and ideology, the work thus provides a comprehensive insight into a complex debate on urban development policy on the threshold of the 21st century, which has been perceived and considered exemplary far beyond Berlin.

Finally, the case study reconstructs the strategic approach and the procedures by which the guiding principle of Critical Reconstruction was initially implemented in the expert debate and, from 1996, in the political debate in the form of the Planwerk Innenstadt Berlin. The parliamentary debate on this model is analyzed here on the basis of the minutes of the House of Representatives between 1996 and 1999.

The study shows that this model cannot be seen as an expression of an open, transparent and consensus-oriented opinion-forming process involving the whole of society. Rather, a few individuals determined the content of the mission statement and used it to strategically assert their personal convictions and interests.

ISBN-10: 3830048440
ISBN-13: 978-3830048442

Steue­rungs­po­ten­zia­le im Kon­text na­tur­schutz­re­le­van­ter Aus­wir­kun­gen er­neu­er­ba­rer En­er­gi­en

Andreas Mengel, Alexander Reiß, Alexandra Thömmes, Ulf Hahne, Simone von Kampen and Martin Klement. Bonn - Bad Godesberg, 2010. BfN publication series "Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt"; Issue 97

The expansion of renewable energies is a declared environmental and energy policy goal in Germany, particularly in light of the urgent need to protect the climate. However, the increasing use of renewable energies is not without impact on the interests of nature conservation and landscape conservation. For this reason, this project considers the impacts that are relevant to nature conservation, which are characterized by their spatial significance and which emanate from the use of biomass, wind and solar radiation as energy sources.
The variety of control approaches to minimize the impact on nature and landscape in the context and combination of the energy sources mentioned becomes clear. The booklet provides quick and targeted access to the recommendations developed in the R+D project for managing the spatial and nature conservation impacts of renewable energies.

ISBN: 978-3-7843-3997-9
Price: € 22.00

Brown Hare Symposium - Results of the "Brown Hare Symposium"- the Current State of Hare Research

March 19 - 20, 2010 in Kassel / University of Kassel, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning. Lang, Johannes (ed.) Godt, Jochen (ed.), Rosenthal, Gert (ed.).

The brown hare has been the focus of hunting and science for decades. The causes of its decline are still not fully understood and aid measures have not yet led to the desired success. However, research can now provide answers to many questions and individual projects are successfully helping the hare to recover.
Since the last scientific conference on the brown hare in Berlin in 2001, a whole series of research projects on the brown hare have been completed and new projects started. The aim of the conference on brown hares held in Kassel from March 19 to 20, 2010 was to compile the current status of hare research in German-speaking countries. To this end, scientists and practitioners from Germany, Austria and Switzerland presented both completed and ongoing or planned projects. The summary of the presentations in this conference volume is intended to promote the dialog between science and practice and to help ensure that the brown hare will soon be doing better again.

ISBN: 978-3-936412-05-5
Price: €8.45