Social milieus in suburban areas

Milieu contrasts in the urban region are currently calling into question the common sociological thesis of a widespread urban way of life. Election results in Berlin, for example, indicate that populist political currents enjoy a large following in the urban periphery.

This provides an opportunity to examine changing social structures, cultures, milieus and lifestyles in the new suburban peripheries. The aim is to analyze on a small scale how older suburban areas are changing in this respect and which new population groups are settling in suburban areas. It needs to be clarified to what extent the suburban space serves as a place of self-realization for the privileged, to what extent as a catch basin for the displaced and left behind and to what extent as a search space for middle-class households with limited budgets and pragmatic housing requirements, as well as which needs and lifestyles are linked to this for different milieus.

Sub-project in the "New Suburbanity" research network
(University of Kassel, Future funding line)


Participants from the University of Kassel: Carsten Keller, Maik Kiesler, Stefanie Hennecke
Participant from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Henning Nuissl