
Within the University of Kassel, the institute works closely with related institutes and departments of architecture, landscape planning, civil engineering, political, social and economic sciences. In this way, the ZFF network "Planning and Building in the Post-Modern Age" was created.

The Kassel Institute of Urban Development sees itself as a point of contact and coordinator for the aforementioned urban development issues within the University of Kassel and also cooperates with national and international partners.

Urban Research Forum

SRL e.V. - Association for Urban, Regional and State Planning

The SRL is an association of people who are active in spatial planning and who are aware of the social responsibility associated with this activity.

Urban Research Forum: Read More

Uwe Altrock

The Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung (German Academy for Urban Design and Regional Planning) is an association of experts who have distinguished themselves through special achievements in the fields of urban design and regional planning or related research and planning disciplines.This goes back to the Freie Akademie des Städtebaus (Free Academy of Urban Design) founded in 1922 and established itself under its current name in 1946.The Academy is legally organized as a registered association that pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes and is also selflessly active in this form.The headquarters were moved back to Berlin after German reunification and are also entered in the register of associations there.

Informationskreis der Raumplanung (IfR) e.V.

The Forum Stadterneuerung (Urban Renewal Forum) serves as an open network for all members of the Informationskreis der Raumplanung (Spatial Planning Information Group (IfR)), the SRL and the Arbeitskreis Stadterneuerung an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen (Urban Renewal Working Group at German-speaking universities (AKS)) to inform each other about publications and events in the field of urban renewal. This forum is moderated by the editors of the Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung (Yearbook of Urban Renewal). Information on events, contributions from publications or previously unpublished texts and reviews can be added here via the moderators.

Published by the Arbeitskreis Stadterneuerung an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen (Urban Renewal Working Group at German-speaking Universities) and the Institute for Urban and Regional Planning at the Technical University of Berlin

The Netzwerk Stadtforschung in Hessen (Network Urban Research in Hesse) (NeStH) is aimed at urban researchers and practitioners who work or conduct research in Hesse and/or on Hessian cities and regions. The network focuses on current societal challenges and is convinced that the complex tasks involved in urban and regional development require cooperation between different disciplines and research areas.

  • between different disciplines and
  • between science and practice (in their various forms)


The network forms a framework for the scientific processing of topics and problem areas that characterize urban and regional developments of the present and future. The aim of the network is to accompany the processes of change scientifically and to promote a corresponding transfer of knowledge from practice to research and vice versa. With this goal in mind, the aim is to initiate cross-university and cross-disciplinary projects and make their results accessible to the scientific and general public.

Particular attention is paid to the goal of socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development.

The Oberprüfungsamt für den höheren technischen Verwaltungsdienst, FachrichtungStädtebau (Higher Examination Office) conducts the major state examination as part of administrative training in all traditional technical fields, including the Department of Urban Design. Among other things, the office develops the training and examination regulations on the basis of recent scientific experience and the needs of the member administrations and uses the expertise and professional experience of examiners working in various administrations, universities or the private sector.