
All content is covered in the context of practical exercises. The free and open source software QGIS is used so that all exercises can also be carried out from home and the newly acquired skills can be applied to projects and coursework. The following topics are covered:

  • What is GIS?
  • Basic characteristics of geographic information systems: Data types, data management and user interfaces
  • Thematic cartography, map design/map layout and map export
  • Coordination systems and projections
  • Working with vector and raster data; use of blending modes and transparency of individual color channels
  • Capturing and creating new geometries/own geodata (drawing with GIS), georeferencing scanned maps
  • Geodata analysis: queries, selection and calculation of attributes and simple statistical evaluation of geodata
  • Geodata processing: overlaying, intersecting, merging, spatial queries, spatial attribute transfer, further