
The Kassel Model 1973-2023

50 years of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel

In 2023, the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel celebrated its 50th anniversary.

In 1973, the new Gesamthochschule Kassel (comprehensive unversity) initiated the reform courses of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning. With its reform courses, the "Kassel Model" called pedagogical concepts, institutional structures and subject content into question. The comprehensive university pursued a strong socio-political agenda and rethought the relationship between science, planning and society. Kassel made a name for itself in the German higher education landscape as a radical educational experiment, which in the years that followed gave rise to numerous professional innovations that had a lasting influence on the design and planning disciplines. Many topics were anticipated that have taken on a new urgency today in the face of unequal development and climate catastrophe. At the same time, the increased number of students, their diversity, the economisation of the education system with limited budgets and digitalisation require new ways of relating in university teaching and in joint learning and research.

The faculty took the anniversary as an opportunity to look back on its own history with a series of critical research exhibitions and to ask itself what relevance the experiments of that time have for us today. Until the summer semester of 2024, key aspects of the faculty's history and profile will be presented in the three Institutes of Architecture, Urban Development and Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning.

At the big anniversary celebration on 31 May 2023, the faculty hosted "Hot Chairs" with researchers and lecturers, talks with alumni and guests, lectures and a party.

The anniversary of the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning is supported by the Chamber of Architects and Urban Planners of Hesse, Städtische Werke AG Kassel, the Krieger + Schramm Group and the City of Kassel.

Anniversary Events


The exhibition series presents focal points from the history and profile of the Faculty in the three Institutes of Architecture, Urban Development and Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning.

Exhibitions : To the exhibition series
Image: Sonja Rode


Public lecture series
Wednesdays 19:00

FUSION : Dates & topics

Anniversary Celebration

May 31, 2023

At the big anniversary celebration, the faculty hosted "hot chairs" with researchers and lecturers, talks with alumni and guests, lectures and a party.

Anniversary Celebration: Looking back in pictures

Podcast StadtLabor: 50 years of the ASL Faculty

In the StadtLabor podcast, a cross-generational team talks about 50 years of ASL. They include: Sarah John von Zydowitz (student), Britta Wagemann (Raamwerk), Christian Kopetzki (university lecturer from 1978 to 2005) and Alexander Stumm (research assistant at the Department of Theory of Architecture and Design).

Helena Wolff and Klaus Schaake, also a student and a graduate and lecturer respectively, will moderate this StadtLabor.

Further information on the StadtLabor podcasts:

Podcast StadtLabor: 50 years of the ASL Faculty : Podcast