Semester Exhibition Rundgang

R:31 in the Winter Semester 2024/25

At the end of the semester, students from the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning will be showing their current projects in the "Rundgang" exhibition.

Rundgang R:31 will take place from February 10 to 13, 2025.

It is organized by academic and student employees from the History and Theory of Architecture (Prof. Alla Vronskaya) and Art and Knowledge (Prof. Felix Vogel) departments.

Image: Kira Centini

How to exhibit ASL?

Each Rundgang is more than just a collection of materializations of the projects created during the semester (be it models, designs or excursion reports), but also an exhibition in its own right. But what exactly does that mean?

For R:31, we would like to invite you to explore questions of exhibiting, displaying and communicating concepts developed at our faculty.

Especially after 30 editions, it is worth reflecting on how our thematic priorities have been exhibited at faculty 06 over the last 15 years: What exhibition patterns and habits have become established in the process and how can we critically interrogate them? How do the initial ideas of the lecturers that they propose as a project, the specific teaching content and the individual implementations of the students “spatialize” themselves in the Rundgang? How can such a process be mediated? And what spatial experience does result from this? By referring to spatial experiences, we ultimately want to raise awareness of how the combination of learned knowledge and established patterns of perception “produces” space, with the aim of reflecting on one's own perception of space, spatial design and spatial communication.


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