R:30 | Summer Semester 2024

What themes do S, L and A connect? Where are new dialogs emerging? And what will be relevant in the future?

To mark the 30th anniversary of the semester exhibition Rundgang , the ASL faculty invited the three disciplines of Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning and Architecture to exchange ideas and create new networks.

The event was organised by two Departments of the Institute of Architecture in the summer semester 2024: ARCHITECTURE CITIES ECONOMIES (Prof. Gabu Heindl) and Structural Design (Prof. Julian Lienhard).


Info and Media

Impressions R:30

Image: Maike Raatz
Image: Maike Raatz
Image: Maike Raatz
Image: Maike Raatz

Selection of Projects

NHW Award 2024 – Brückenschlag Bettenhausen. Stadtteile verknüpfen - Experiment_Stadt von Morgen wagen! Verdichtet, sozial, produktiv, energieerzeugend, CO2-negativ, grün.

NHW Award 2024 - Bridging Bettenhausen. Connecting districts - daring to experiment with the city of tomorrow! Densified, social, productive, energy-generating, CO2-negative, green.

The NHW Award - organised by Nassauische Heimstätte I Wohnstadt GmbH and the ASL faculty, carried out by the Department of Design and Sustainable Construction  (Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Frank Kasprusch) -deals with topics of urban living and housing and in 2024 focuses on bridging the districts of Unterneustadt and Bettenhausen to the center of Kassel. The competition area is located near the city center in the Southeastern part of the City of Kassel, around the Platz der deutschen Einheit. The entries range from individual architectural, landscape and urban planning tasks to designs for entire neighborhoods.

Contributions were submitted by the Departments of Structural Design (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Julian Lienhard) , among others, Landscape Architecture I Engineering (Prof. Florian Otto), Theory of Architecture and Design (Prof. Dr. Philipp Oswalt), Landscape Aesthetics in Design  (guest Prof. Carla Lo), Design and Sustainable Construction  (Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Frank Kasprusch), Future Housing Lab  (guest Prof. Anna Weber and guest Prof. Peter Tschada) and Designing in Urban Contexts  (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Verena Brehm).

Die Gärten der Riedwiesen-Siedlung zwischen Denkmalpflege, Biodiversität und aktuellem Lebensstil

The Gardens of thehousing estate Riedwiesensiedlung between Heritage Conservation, Biodiversity and Contemporary Lifestyle

Department of Landscaping, Landscape Management and Vegetation Development
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Körner

In the housing estate Riedwiesensiedlung in Kassel, there is a desire to adapt the garden design to climate change and at the same time provide an attractive habitat for a variety of animal and plant species. The aim is also to revive the self-sufficiency that was an integral part of the gardens 100 years ago when the estate was founded. But while the wet grassland had to be drained back then in order to be able to colonize it at all, water is now becoming scarce. The cooperative is therefore looking for new ideas for a sensible use of the available water and thus for garden design. The deliberate use of vegetation offers great potential for this, whereby sometimes the requirements of monument protection need to be rebalanced.

Ruins of Speculation - Designs for Signa's Elbtower in Hamburg


Prof. Dr. Gabu Heindl

In 2023, the real estate giant Signa – developer of the still unfinished Elbtower – filed for insolvency. Construction of what was supposed to be Hamburg's tallest landmark was stopped. The city was left with a huge concrete shell adorning the harbor. The studio projects propose a new future for this ruin by establishing rules for its development based on common good and redesigning the building so that it does not stand for dominance and power, but for cooperation, social benefit and environmental justice. Ruins of Speculation – and Signa's ruins in particular – are being worked on simultaneously at HCU Hamburg, Berlin University of Applied Sciences, TH Nuremberg, TU Braunschweig and RWTH Aachen.

Gomde: Orte des Wandels

Gomde: Places of Change

Department of Design and Building Theory

Prof. Mag.arch. Marie-Therese Harnoncourt-Fuchs

The Department of  Design and Building Theory (EuG) , together with TU Innsbruck (Austria) and UCL Bartlett London (United Kingdom), has been invited to design and implement experimental wooden meditation pavilions for the Gomde  Buddhist Center in Scharnstein as part of the European Capital of Culture 2024 Bad-Ischl (Austria). In the winter semester 2023/24, the students developed innovative concepts and prototypes, two of which were realized in the summer semester 2024. Another focus was on the use of mixed reality tools in design and production methods as well as sustainable aspects of construction.