R:25 I winter semester 2021/22

R:25, the hybrid semester exhibition of the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel, took place from February 15 to 17, 2022.

During digital open talks in the morning and analogue open studios on the ASL campus in the afternoon, students and lecturers provided insights into regional and national semester projects.

Info and Media

Selection of #Kassel Projects

Der Raum. Questioning documenta 15

The Space. Questioning documenta 15

As part of the architecture project with the Lichtenbergschule (Lichtenberg School) in Kassel, a new, democratic space for pupils is to be created. The approach was based on the idea of collective work, which also forms the basis of documenta 15.

Bachelor and Master Architecture

Resource development and equitable distribution are at the heart of the curatorial work and characterise the entire process. The project participants wanted to create a new space that is constructed in a way that conserves resources as much as possible and incorporates ideas of urban mining in its conception. The existing institutional structures for distribution and access to education were critically questioned and examined by the students. To emphasise the special importance of this democratic reversal process of sender and recipient, a space for action should be created that is unoccupied and not pre-structured. On the one hand, it can function like an editorial office where people negotiate, research and work. On the other hand, it can serve as a presentation space where happenings, performances and events take place.

Benjamin Zweig, Nora Aimée Grzywatz, Igor Vrana

Laura Hammelmann, Michel Leithäuser, Anika Kirchner, Nicole Kozlewski, Shukuh Poursharifi, Hilal Tasdemir, Laura Festor, Sara Reyhanj, Virginia Gau, Carina Gries, Deborah Hörhold, Annika Schmidt, Victoria Eyrich, Leonie Freyberg, Tuna Birlik, Hanna Lugg, Niklas Seimann, Julia Scheefer, Angelika Vu, Isabell Jakel, Veronika Pfetzer, Sebastian Rey Martinez, Christian Kern, Luisa Scheibelhut, Maria Eichler

Infra-Objects Art Zone Hugenottenhaus

As part of the architectural project, the garden of the art and culture venue Hugenenottenhaus became a field for experimentation. Students developed infra-objects designed to sustainably expand the art zone.

Bachelor and Master Architecture

As part of a cooperation with Silvia, Marén and Lutz Freyer, co-initiators of the art and culture venue Hugenottenhaus, the garden of the art zone will be made available to students as a field for experimentation. The task is to sustainably expand the art zone functionally and ideally through so-called "infra-objects" in order to give artists, visitors and flaneurs of the art zone additional opportunities to act, reflect and discuss. Two prototype projects have been created, the Kochwerkstatt and the Infra-Tower, which are to be realised with combined forces by the opening of documenta 15.

The art zone Hugenottenhaus, centrally located between the town hall and Brüder Grimm Platz, consisting of the Hugenottenhaus with adjoining garden, has been developed as an art area by artists Silvia and Lutz Freyer together with Udo Wendland since 2019. Last summer, the previously overgrown garden was cleared out and a special kind of guest garden with a temporary stage and various places to linger was created for the revitalised Café-Bar Perle. The initially informal meeting place quickly became a lively and charming place for art, culture and community, which is now to be intensified by the projects presented here by the students of the Department of Design and Building Theory.


Discovering spaces I Function and Space: The Fragmented House
Introductory studio, cooking workshop with roof

Marie-Therese Harnoncourt-Fuchs, Harun Faizi and Mia Sehrt, Louise Kötter, Axel Lippmann

Ahmad Al Halaki, Sabrina Asadova, Christoph Becker, Niklas Böddeker, Aylin Cetinyol, Gina Geis, Moritz Heß, Max Küpper, Mareike Koch, Sören von Liebermann, Hannes Michal, Jean Jaques Michel, Sarah Mustaffa, Maja Riemann, Harm-Matz Schmidt, Pauline Steden, Rüya Toy, Hanna Tilenius, Tudor Tarnowietzki, Jonas Wirth, Salitanon Woranakprasitt

Function and Space I Infra-Objects: Collaborative Design and Making
Project BA + MA Architecture, Infra-Tower

Marie-Therese Harnoncourt-Fuchs, Sarah Blahut, Julian Lienhard, Seyed Mobin Moussavi and Julian Fiegehenn

Steve Brieden, Vanessa Nadine Fricke, Tobias Haase, Christian Hayn, Luca Kiemen, Sebastian Körner, Saadet-Serap Kulac, Salar Mohamad Anwar, Moritz Mühlbauer, Lea Noll, Andreas Panagiotopoulos, Vicco Agung Saputra, Marc Stoffels, Sinan Tonguc, Mauricio Esteban Acosta

Umbau Holländischer Platz

Reconstruction Holländischer Platz

Autopsy of the car-friendly city III: In ASL-spanning project teams, individual perspectives on the car-friendly, neglected square and street space of Holländischer Platz in Kassel and its connection to the urban space were developed.

Master Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning

Even 50 years after its foundation and the decision to locate the University of Kassel on the site of the former Henschel works, the campus is still cut off from the city centre by the car-friendly expansion of Holländischer Platz and the adjacent streets.

In cross-ASL project teams, individual perspectives on the car-friendly, neglected square and street space and its connection to the urban space were developed. Designs were created to initiate a discourse - even with radical approaches, if a comprehensive improvement of the situation can be initiated.

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Ariane Röntz, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Rettich

Kathrin Mundry, Jana Reuse, Julia Rolka, Jannik Aulich, Ziyu Chen, Zhen Zhu, Silja Hou, Delia Rothas, Nils Weiper, Michael Jell, Gamze Gönül, Didem Deniz, Zhouli Jia, Shikai Kong, Yuqing Wan, Linda Laußmann, Henk Härtel-Klopprogge, Necati Karalar, Anasatasia Fischer, Ariane Nehrmann, Linda Obst, Ina Nennstiel', Maren Lindemann

punkt.raum I Arbeiten im Kollektiv

punkt.raum I Working in a Collective

The basic principles of Lumbung as a basis for project work: With documenta 15 approaching, students came together in a self-organised collective. The work of the collective did not develop in a linear fashion, but rather like a network in many different directions, while the joint gathering and discussion of ideas repeatedly linked the divergent strands of content.

Bachelor and Master Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning

Under the artistic direction of the Indonesian artist collective ruangrupa, the fifteenth edition of documenta in 2022 will focus on working collectively. Taking this as an opportunity, the students themselves came together as an experimental and interdisciplinary planning collective. Ruangrupa based documenta fifteen on the values and ideas of Lumbung, which were used as the basis for the students' project work. Lumbung is the Indonesian term for a rice barn that is used collectively to store the harvest. The stored resources are redistributed according to jointly determined criteria. For the work of the documenta team, the principles of a lumbung shape their concrete work: "Principles of collectivity, resource building and fair distribution characterize the entire process, the structure, the self-image and the appearance of documenta fifteen." https://documenta-fifteen.de/ueber/

As a result, the outcome of the project was open and the project work itself became a free space: over the course of the semester, the collective tested suitable forms of organization and structures and worked out specific themes, locations and forms of expression in small groups in a self-organized manner. At the end of the four-month collaboration in the winter semester, various things were created, such as "documenta caching", an Instagram account of artworks in public spaces from previous documenta exhibitions, "Kompost.raum", a concept for generating energy from compost in the form of an exhibited meta-compost, "Hinter der Fassade" and "Arbeitsräume", a reflection on the use of university spaces during the Covid-19 pandemic, and "Farbe im Ohr", a study on the translation of colors into sounds.

Teaching staff
Margarete Arnold, Franziska Bernstein

Ayse Olcay, Kaining Jin, Lea-Elain Vollrath, Elena Jacobi, Maike Rohleder, Lilian-Vanessa Recla, Greta Thole, Philipp Helmreich, Natalie Sperl, Valerie Gunzenhäuser, David Rothfuss, Ida Kuschel, Ziying Wang, Helena Wolff, Leon Fomin, Leon Meißner, Laetitia Göttermann, Noah Becker, Lina Besserer, Thekla Ernst, Ida Reuter