

Straßen(raum)umbau für die Verkehrswende | Lecture by Georg Förster, Elisabeth König, Michael Volpert, Samson Kirschning, Britta Wagemann and Stephan Grunewald (tbc)

Kassel was converted into a car-friendly city after the Second World War. Criticism was voiced early on, which continues to this day. Gradual redesigns followed. While the initial aim was to reclaim urban space, today the demand for a traffic turnaround in terms of climate protection is playing an increasingly important role. But the issue is polarizing - street space is contested between cars, bicycles and pedestrians, between mobility function and amenity value. The controversy in the Kirchditmold district is a good example of this.

With Georg Förster (Head of Road Traffic Office, City of Kassel), Elisabeth König (local councillor), Michael Volpert (LK Argus traffic planner), Samson Kirschning/ Britta Wagemann (Raamwerk), Stephan Grunewald (tbc)

Please note: The lecture will be held in German.

The lecture will take place in person, will be recorded and will soon be available as a video here.

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