Promotion of Graduates

The promotion of young researchers and artists is an important goal of the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning. In order to increase the number of doctorates, artistic qualifications and habilitations, the young ASL graduates are actively supported.

Image: Mirko Bergmann

The graduates' representative supports young researchers and artists at the ASL faculty. He coordinates applications for financial support from the graduate fund, organizes the graduate colloquia and provides information on subject-specific qualification offers.


Prof. Dr. Carsten Keller

The Graduates' Commission jointly decides on applications for financial support from the Graduate Fund.

Current members of the commission

More Information

The faculty's concept for promoting graduates

Graduate Colloquium

Since 2014, two to three dates of the ASL Graduate Colloquium have been held every semester. This networking platform offers you the opportunity to present and discuss your qualification topics to an interdisciplinary audience from the field of ASL.


No news available.


No news available.

Two lectures are given per session. The colloquium takes place in a constructive and collegial working atmosphere on a small scale. The colloquium is supplemented by external specialist lectures or workshops on overarching topics.

Are you interested in giving a lecture? Please contact the Graduates' Representative Prof. Dr. Carsten Keller

Graduate Conference

Each year, an ASL conference for young talent can be supported with up to €3000.

The application must be submitted no later than June 1 of the previous year with a brief concept and cost plan. Preference will be given to cooperative applications from several ASL junior researchers and to ASL-related questions.

November 4, 2016Urban Appropriation Strategies (in cooperation with TU Berlin, University of Copenhagen, University of Cambridge)
May 18, 2016

SWEEP – Internationales Symposium zur Klangforschung (in cooperation with Offenburg University of Applied Sciences)

Graduate Promotion Fund

The Graduates' Commission decides on the allocation of funding on a rolling basis. The ASL faculty's fund comprises €10,000 per year.

The informal application for financial support can be submitted to the Young Talent Respresentative at any time (please submit digital applications only).

  • The application should clearly state the connection to the qualification project.
  • The application must clearly state the costs incurred.
  • The thematic connection of the application to the qualification project must be evident.
  • detailed overview of costs
  • application for artistic qualification/ doctorate/ habilitation has been approved by the respective committee
  • preference will be given to first-time applicants
  • proportionate allocation of funding according to application status
  • proof of use must be submitted to the Dean's Office without being asked in accordance with the approval letter

Individual applications can be submitted, for example, to support participation in conferences, research trips, further training, but also to support the implementation of self-organized events, test series or surveys.

A list can be found in the young talent concept on page 2.

If you have any questions, please contact the Young Talent Representative.