Doctoral Studies / Artistic Qualification

To qualify young academics and artistis, the faculty offers the possibility to obtain a doctorate or an artistic qualification.

  • Position with the State of Hesse
    You can finance the qualification phase by working as a research associate in one of the faculty's departments.
  • Third-party funded position
    Third-party funded positions can be awarded for research projects at the faculty.
  • Scholarships
    It is possible to apply for scholarships from foundations, state organizations or the University of Kassel's doctoral funding scheme in order to finance the qualification phase.
  • Independent doctorates / artistic qualifications
    You can contact a professor of the faculty at any time with a suitable topic proposal.

Graduate Academy

of the University of Kassel

Graduate Academy: More information


At the faculty you can obtain the following academic degrees in the doctoral subjects of architecture, urban planning or landscape planning:

  • Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.)
  • Doctor of Economics and Social Sciences (Dr. rer. pol.)
  • Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.)
  • a university degree in engineering or a Master's degree in a relevant subject
  • an exposé of the doctoral project. The synopsis should be approximately ten pages long, including a cover sheet and list of references. It should first describe the background or the problem, followed by a clear research question (objective, if necessary with sub-objectives and/or hypotheses). In addition, an overview of the current state of knowledge, a clear presentation of the methodology and a time and funding plan are important. The Doctoral Committee examines each exposé with regard to whether the respective topic is appropriate for a doctorate, whether new, transferable findings are to be expected and whether the time and financing plan are plausible.
  • appointment of a first supervisor at Faculty 06 = Head of a Department for your doctoral project
  • registration at the Doctoral Office of the University of Kassel with all formalities

Further information can be found in the general and department-specific information and provisions for doctorates.

Doctoral Programs

The faculty's doctoral students are actively supported by doctoral programs within the individual departments. The faculty also offers interdisciplinary colloquia for young researchers.

Artistic Qualification

In addition to a doctorate, the faculty offers the possibility of an artistic qualification, the basic prerequisite for which is status as an academic employee at the University of Kassel.


The Committee for Artistic Qualifications decides on admission to the artistic qualification.

Meeting dates and contact persons

  • a university degree in engineering or a master's degree in a relevant field of study
  • an exposé of the qualification project
  • appointment of a first supervisor at Faculty 06 = Head of a Department for your qualification project
  • registration with the Qualification Committee of the ASL faculty with all formalities