aktuelle internationale Veröffentlichungen (seit 2020)
Bertram, M.G., M. Ågerstrand, E.S.J. Thoré, J. Allen, S. Balshine, J.A. Brand, B.W. Brooks, Z. Dang, S. Duquesne, A.T. Ford, F. Hoffmann, H. Hollert, S. Jacob, W. Kloas, N. Klüver, J. Lazorchak, M. Ledesma, G. Maack, E.L. Macartney, J.M. Martin, S.D. Melvin, M. Michelangeli, S. Mohr, S. Padilla, G. Pyle, M. Saaristo, R. Sahm, E. Smit, J.A. Steevens, S. van den Berg, L.E. Vossen, D. Wlodkowic, B.B.M. Wong, M. Ziegler, T. Brodin (2024). EthoCRED: a framework to guide reporting and evaluation of the relevance and reliability of behavioural ecotoxicity studies. Biological Reviews.
Mohr, S., S. Meinecke, M. Feibicke, S. Duquesne, T. Frische & R. Sahm (2023). Effects of a realistic pesticide spraying sequence for apple crop on stream communities in mesocosms: negligible or notable? Environmental Science Europe 35, Article number: 35.
Herzog, S.P., J. Galloway, E.W. Banks, M. Posselt, A. Jaeger, A. Portmann, R. Sahm, B. Kusebauch, J. Lewandowski & A.S. Ward (2023). Combined Surface-Subsurface Stream Restoration Structures Can Optimize Hyporheic Attenuation of Stream Water Contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology 57: 4153–4166.
Heimann, W., D. Futterer, H.K. Schulz, R. Sahm, J.H.E. Koop & R. Schulz (2022). Electrofishing distances for sampling fish assemblages in oxbow lakes of the River Rhine. Fisheries Management and Ecology 29: 851-857.
- Koester, M., C. Frenzel, G. Becker & R. Sahm (2022). Food spectrum of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis): insights from the Lower River Rhine comparing stable isotope mixing models and genetic gut content analyses. Aquatic Invasions 17: 560-576.
- Carl, S., S. Mohr, R. Sahm & C. Baschien (2022). Laboratory conditions can change the complexity and composition of the natural aquatic mycobiome on Alnus glutinosa leaf litter. Fungal Ecology 57-58: 101142.
- Rothmeier, L.M., A. Martens, B. Watermann, K. Grabow, J. Bartz & R. Sahm (2021). The Danubian cryptic invader Theodoxus fluviatilis (Gastropoda: Neritidae) in the River Rhine: a potential indicator for metal pollution? Ecotoxicology 31: 24-32.
- Ford, A., M. Ågerstrand, B. Brooks, J. Allen, M. Bertram, T. Brodin, Z. Dang, S. Duquesne, R. Sahm, F. Hoffmann, H. Hollert, S. Jacob, N. Klüver, J. Lazorchak, M. Ledesma, S. Melvin, S. Mohr, S. Padilla, G. Pyle, S. Scholz, M. Saaristo, E. Smit, J. Steevens, S. Vandenberg, W. Kloas, B. Wong, M. Ziegler & G. Maack (2021). The role of behavioral ecotoxicology in environmental protection. Environmental Science & Technology 55: 5620-5628.
- Rothmeier, L.M., R. Sahm, B. Watermann, K. Grabow, M. Koester, A. Cichy & A. Martens (2021). The Ponto-Caspian parasite Plagioporus cf. skrjabini reaches the River Rhine system in Central Europe - higher infestation in the native than in the introduced Danubian form of the gastropod Theodoxus fluviatilis. Hydrobiologia 848: 2569-2578.
- Sahm, R., E. Sünger, L. Burmann, J.P. Zubrod, R. Schulz & P. Fink (2021). Compound‐specific δ15N analyses of amino acids for trophic level estimation from indigenous and invasive freshwater amphipods. International Review of Hydrobiology 106: 41-47.
- Périllon, C., M. Feibicke, R. Sahm, B. Kusebauch, L. Hönemann & S. Mohr (2021). The auxin herbicide mecoprop-P in new light: Filling the data gap for dicotyledonous macrophytes. Environmental Pollution 272: 116405.
- Mäck, K., A. Scharbert, R. Schulz & R. Sahm (2021). A new approach combining forensic thresholds and a multiple-tubes approach to unravel false microsatellite profiles from cross-contaminated sample material. Conservation Genetics Resources: 13: 89-95.
- Rothmeier, L.M., A. Martens, B. Watermann, M. Feibicke, J. Kullwatz & R. Gergs (2020). Effects of Copper Ions on Non-target Species: A Case Study Using the Grazer Theodoxus fluviatilis (Gastropoda: Neritidae). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 105: 62-66.
- Duquesne, S., U. Alalouni, T. Gräff, T. Frische, S. Pieper, S. Egerer, R. Gergs & J. Wogram (2020). Better define beta–optimizing MDD (minimum detectable difference) when interpreting treatment-related effects of pesticides in semi-field and field studies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 8814-8821.
vorherige internationale Veröffentlichungen
Gergs, R., I. Gemmer, M. Koester, K. O. Rothhaupt & J. Behrmann-Godel (2019). No evidence for a genetic impoverishment of the indigenous amphipod Gammarus roeselii (Gervais, 1835) due to the invasion of Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894) in Lake Constance. Hydrobiologia 829: 189-204.
Koester, M., M. Schneider, C. Hellmann, J. Becker, C. Winkelmann & R. Gergs (2018). Is the invasive amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus the main factor structuring the benthic community across different types of water bodies in the River Rhine system? Limnologica 71: 44-50.
Koester, M. & R. Gergs (2017). Laboratory protocol for genetic gut content analyses of aquatic macroinvertebrates using group-specific rDNA primers. Journal of Visualized Experiments 128: e56132.
Taupp, T., C. Hellmann, R. Gergs, C. Winkelmann & M.A. Wetzel (2017). Life under exceptional conditions - Isotopic niches of benthic invertebrates in the estuarine maximum turbidity zone. Estuaries and Coasts 40: 502-512.
Schreiber, B., J. Monka, B. Drozd, M. Hundt, M. Weiss, T. Oswald, R. Gergs & R. Schulz (2017). Thermal requirements for growth, survival and aerobic performance of weatherfish larvae Misgurnus fossilis. Journal of Fish Biology 90: 1597–1608.
Schäfer, R.B., B. Kühn, E. Malaj, A. König & R. Gergs (2016). Contribution of organic toxicants to multiple stress in river ecosystems. Freshwater Biology 61: 2116–2128.
Koester, M., B. Bayer & R. Gergs (2016). Is Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea, Gammaridae) a ‘killer shrimp’ in the River Rhine system? Hydrobiologia 768: 299-313.
Goedknegt, M.A., A.-K. Schuster, C. Buschbaum, R. Gergs, A.S. Jung, P.C. Luttikhuizen, J. van der Meer, K. Troost, K.M. Wegner & D.W. Thieltges (2016). Spillover but no spillback of two invasive parasitic copepods from invasive Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) to native bivalve hosts. Biological Invasions 19: 365–379.
Wieczorek, M.V., D. Kötter, R. Gergs & R. Schulz (2015). Using stable isotope analysis in stream mesocosms to study potential effects of environmental chemicals on aquatic-terrestrial subsidies. Environmental Science & Pollution Research 22: 12892-12901.
Schulz, R., M. Bundschuh, R. Gergs, C. Brühl, D. Diehl, M.H. Entling, L. Fahse, O. Frör, H.F. Jungkunst, A. Lorke, R.B. Schäfer, G.E. Schaumann & K. Schwenk (2015). Review on environmental alterations propagating from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 538: 246-261.
Martin, P., M. Koester, L. Schynawa & R. Gergs (2015). First detection of prey DNA in water mites (Hydrachnidia, Acari) - a new perspective for discovering the predator-prey relationships of field-grown individuals. Experimental and Applied Acarology 67: 373-380.
Krell, B., N. Röder, M. Link, R. Gergs, M.H. Entling & R.B. Schäfer (2015). Aquatic prey subsidies to riparian spiders in a stream with different land use types. Limnologica 51: 1-7.
Hundt, M., M. Schiffer, M. Weiss, B. Schreiber, R. Eckmann, C. M. Kreiss, R. Schulz & R. Gergs (2015). Effect of temperature on growth, survival and respiratory rate of larval Allis shad Alosa alosa. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 416: 27.
Hundt, M., A. Scharbert, U. Weibel, G. Kuhn, K. Metzner, P. Jatteau, A. Pies, R. Schulz & R. Gergs (2015). First evidence of natural reproduction of the Allis shad Alosa alosa in the River Rhine following re-introduction measures. Journal of Fish Biology 87: 487-493.
Hundt, M., J. Brüggemann, B. Grote, A.A. Bischoff, D. Martin-Creuzburg, R. Gergs & B.H. Buck (2015). Fatty acid composition of Turbatrix aceti and its use in feeding regimes of Coregonus maraena (Bloch, 1779): is it really a suitable alternative to Artemia nauplii? Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31: 343-348.
Hellmann, C., S. Worischka, E. Mehler, J. Becker, R. Gergs & C. Winkelmann (2015). The trophic function of Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894) in invaded rivers: a case study in Elbe and Rhine. Aquatic Invasions 10: 385-397.
Gergs, R., N. Steinberger, B. Beck, T. Basen, E. Yohannes, R. Schulz & D. Martin-Creuzburg (2015). Compound-specific δ13C analyses reveal sterol metabolic constraints in an aquatic invertebrate. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 29: 1789-1794.
Gergs, R. & K.O. Rothhaupt (2015). Invasive species as driving factors for the structure of benthic communities in Lake Constance, Germany. Hydrobiologia 746: 245–254.
Gergs, R., M. Koester, K. Grabow, F. Schöll, A. Thielsch & A. Martens (2015). Theodoxus fluviatilis re-establishment in the River Rhine - a native relict or a cryptic invader? Conservation Genetics 16: 247-251.
Koester, M. & R. Gergs (2014). No evidence for intraguild predation of Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky 1894) at an invasion front in the Untere Lorze, Switzerland. Aquatic Invasions 9: 489–497.
Gergs, R., M. Koester, R.S. Schulz & R. Schulz (2014). Potential alteration of cross-ecosystem resource subsidies by an invasive aquatic invertebrate: implications for the terrestrial food web. Freshwater Biology 59: 2645–2655.
Gergs, R., N. Steinberger, T. Basen & D. Martin-Creuzburg (2014). Dietary supply with essential lipids affects growth and survival of the amphipod Gammarus roeselii. Limnologica 46: 109-115.
Koester, M., S. Claßen & R. Gergs (2013). Establishment of group-specific PCR primers for the identification of freshwater macroinvertebrates. Conservation Genetics Resources 5: 1091-1093.
Gergs, R., L. Schlag & K.O. Rothhaupt (2013). Different ammonia tolerance may facilitate spatial coexistence of Gammarus roeselii and the strong invader Dikerogammarus villosus. Biological Invasions 15: 1783-1793.
Gemmer, I. & R. Gergs (2013). Characterization of the first twelve microsatellite loci for the amphipod Gammarus roeselii (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Conservation Genetics Resources 5: 955-957.
Bundschuh, M., R. Gergs, S. Schadt & R. Schulz (2013). Do differences in sensitivity between native and invasive amphipods explain their coexistence in Lake Constance? A case study with lambda-cyhalothrin. Chemosphere 92: 483-489.
Basen, T., R. Gergs, K.O. Rothhaupt & D. Martin-Creuzburg (2013). Phytoplankton food quality effects on gammarids: benthic-pelagic coupling mediated by an invasive freshwater clam. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70: 198-207.
Hanselmann, A.J., R. Gergs & K.O. Rothhaupt (2011). Embryonic development time of the freshwater mysid Limnomysis benedeni Czerniasky as a function of water temperature. Aquatic Ecology 45: 539-546.
Hanselmann, A.J., R. Gergs & K.O. Rothhaupt (2011). Seasonal shifts in the life cycle of the ponto-caspian invader Limnomysis benedeni (Crustacea: Mysida): a physiological adaptation? Hydrobiologia 673: 193-204.
Gergs, R., J. Grey & K.O. Rothhaupt (2011). Temporal variations in zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) density structure the benthic food web and community composition on hard substrates in Lake Constance, Germany. Biological Invasions 13: 2727-2738.
Gergs, R., K.O. Rothhaupt & J. Behrmann-Godel (2010). Characterisation of polymorphic microsatellite markers from the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex L. (Crustacea: Amphipoda). in: Molecular Ecology Resource Primer Development Consortium. Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 August 2009 - 30 September 2009. pp. Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 232-236.
Gergs, R., K. Rinke & K.O. Rothhaupt (2009). Zebra mussels mediate benthic-pelagic coupling by biodeposition and changing detrital stoichiometry. Freshwater Biology 54: 1379–1391.
Aßmann, C., E. Von Elert & R. Gergs (2009). Effects of leaf litter and its fungal colonization on the diet of Limnomysis benedeni (Crustacea: Mysida). Hydrobiologia 636: 439-447.
Gergs, R. and K.O. Rothhaupt (2008). Feeding rates, assimilation efficiencies and growth of two amphipod species on biodeposited material from zebra mussels. Freshwater Biology 53: 2494-2503.
Gergs, R. & K.O. Rothhaupt (2008). Effects of zebra mussels on a native amphipod and the invasive Dikerogammarus villosus: the influence of biodeposition and structural complexity. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27: 541-548.
Gergs, R., A.J. Hanselmann, I. Eisele & K.O. Rothhaupt (2008). Autecology of Limnomysis benedeni Czerniavsky, 1882 (Crustacea: Mysida) in Lake Constance, southwestern Germany. Limnologica 38: 139-146.
Buchkapitel & weitere Artikel
Eligehausen, J., L. Hasselsweiler, A. Hornbogen, R. Sahm & A. Schwarzer (2025). Erfolgskontrolle der Renaturierung der oberen Diemel anhand von Hydromorphologie und Fischfauna, Teil 2: Ergebnisse und Ausblick. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 18: 25-33. DOI: 10.3243/kwe2025.01.002
Eligehausen, J., L. Hasselsweiler, A. Hornbogen, R. Sahm & A. Schwarzer (2024). Erfolgskontrolle der Renaturierung der oberen Diemel anhand von Hydromorphologie und Fischfauna, Teil 1: Projektvorstellung. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 17: 785-790. DOI: 10.3243/kwe2024.12.002
Kusebauch, B. & R. Sahm (2022). Chemikalienforschung in aquatischen Modellökosystemen am Umweltbundesamt. Mitteilungsblatt der GDCh-Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie. 01/2022: 16-18.
Gergs, R. (2013). Potential spreading of the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) as epibiont of Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis). Lauterbornia 76: 91-94.
Gergs, R., K. Theissinger & R. Schulz (2013). Komplexe Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse – Gibt es eine Pfälzer Bachforelle? UNIPRISMA spezial: Das Wissenschaftsmagazin der Universität Koblenz-Landau 07/2013: 46-49.
Brauns, M., D. von Schiller & R. Gergs (2012). Stabile Isotopentechniken und ihre Bedeutung für die gewässerökologische Forschung. in: M. Hupfer, W. Calmano, H. Klapper and R.-D. Wilken. Handbuch Angewandte Limnologie. 30. Ergänzungslieferung. Methodische Grundlagen III-3.3. 1-20 pp. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
Hanselmann, A. & R. Gergs (2008). First record of Crangonyx pseudogracilis Bousfield 1958 (Amphipoda, Crustacea) in Lake Constance. Lauterbornia 62: 21-25.