Microclimate measurements in Kassel

Bild: FG Umweltmetorologie

Microclimate measurements in Kassel

Climate and weather data are presented and widely discussed in the public, yet assessing the quality and reliability of climate data is difficult. For the same, it is required to have knowledge about how to collect data, which measuring instruments are used and how are meteorological observations conducted, analysed and interpreted?

In this seminar, we work on an approach to handle simple meteorological measurement. But it is not only limited to that. Moreover, we go through the entire process of creating a study design, setting up experiments, carrying out measurement campaigns, analysing and interpreting the results for various meteorological variables in the Kassel.

The aim is to set up and apply the measuring instruments on specific micro-climatological research questions. In these course students will conduct measurement campaign and understand which Local climate zone is climate friendly.

The seminar is aimed to all students from ASL who would like to have hands-on experience using practical measurement procedures and methods. This helps them to apply their knowledge to understand and interpret climate reports, climate data, and carry out their own simple research project designs e.g. for the final theses. The research questions can be associated with the field of architecture, urban planning or landscape architecture or planning. 


  • Weekly meeting ( Wednesday)
  • Presentations
  • Practical sessions
  • Field work for data collection


The participants will be graded based on their presentations, participation during the seminar and written assignments in the form of a final report at the end of the seminar.

Language: This project will be held in English.


Further Information (HisPos)