Prof. Dr. Anna Growe
Fachgebiet Ökonomie der Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung
- Telefon
- +49 561 804-3076
- anna.growe[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Standort
- Gottschalkstraße 22
34127 Kassel
- Raum
- Gottschalk 22, Raum 2110
Nach dem Studium der Raumplanung promovierte Anna Growe an der TU Dortmund. Als Post-Doc war sie an der Universität Freiburg tätig, wo sie 2019 auch ihre Habilitation abschloss. Von 2015 bis 2022 hatte Anna Growe eine Juniorprofessur für Regional Governance am Geographischen Institut der Universität Heidelberg inne.
Ihre Forschungsinteressen liegen in der Raumentwicklung in der Wissensökonomie, in Governanceprozessen in Metropolräumen sowie in den Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Raumentwicklung. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt ihrer Arbeitsgruppe ist die Analyse sozio-räumlicher Netzwerke in der Raumentwicklung.
Anna Growe ist Mitglied der Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft.
2007 - 2012 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, TU Dortmund |
2012 - 2015 | Post-Doc, Universität Freiburg |
2015 - 2022 | Junior Professor, Universität Heidelberg |
seit 2023 | Universitätsprofessor, Universität Kassel |
2024 | Bakry, A., & Growe, A. (2024). Determinants to cross-border cultural integration: The cases of the EU Basque and Upper Rhine border regions. European Urban and Regional Studies, 32, 1–20. |
2024 | Yan, S., Zou, L., Growe, A., & Wang, Q. (2024). Propositions for place-based policies in making regional innovation systems. Evidence from six high-tech industrial development zones in China. Cities: the International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning , 154, 105322. |
2024 | Growe, A., & Bakry, A. (2024). Spatial effect of ethnicity on cross-border regions. Comparative analysis for a cultural aspect based on territorial and network perspectives: the cases of the EU Basque and Upper Rhine border regions. European Planning Studies, 32(2), 345–367. |
2024 | Terfrüchte, T., & Growe, A. (2024). Spatial-functional patterns in the European urban system: metropolitan functions in small and medium-sized towns. European Journal of Spatial Development, 21(2), 18–41. |
2023 | Growe, A., Wang, X., Ma, L., Yan, S., & Chen, X. (2023). Trade for Food Security: The Stability of Global Agricultural Trade Networks. Foods, 12(2), 271. |
2023 | Wagner, M., & Growe, A. (2023). Patterns of knowledge bases in large city regions in Germany: comparison of cores and their surrounding areas. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 105(3), 284–304. |
2023 | Growe, A., & Terfrüchte, T. (2023). Bedeutende Städte jenseits der Metropolen? Regiopolen und ihre Rolle im deutschen Städtesystem. Spatial Research and Planning, 81(2), 154–169. |
2023 | Growe, A., & Scheffer, C. (2023). Jenseits urbaner Wissenszentren: Co-Working-Spaces in ländlichen Räumen in Baden-Württemberg. Standort, 47, 347–355. |
2023 | Growe, A., & Wagner, M. (2023). Medium-Sized Towns in the Knowledge Economy - Towards a Systematic Classification. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(2), 1532. |
2022 | Simin, Y., Qixuan, W., & Growe, A. (2022). Cross-jurisdictional Governance Practices and Implications from the Rescaling Perspective: The Case of Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar in Germany. Originaltitel: 尺度重组视角下的德国跨域治理实践及启示--基于莱茵-内卡大都市区的经验. Urban Planning International, 2022, 1–8. |
2022 | Growe, A. (2022). Book review of: Brandt, Arno; Danneberg, Marc; Krätke, Stefan; Polom, Lina (2021): Wissensvernetzung und Metropolregionen. Eine Netzwerkanalyse des Innovationssystems der Metropolregion Hannover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 80(2), 244–246. |
2022 | Growe, A., Wagner, M., & Wagner, C. (2022). Bilanzierende Ökosystemdienstleistungsanalyse als Werkzeug in Kommunikationsprozessen der partizipativen Planung? Spatial Research and Planning, 80(1), 40–57. |
2022 | Growe, A., & Yan, S. (2022). Regional Planning, Land-Use Management, and Governance in German Metropolitan Regions - The Case of Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region. Land, 11(11), 2088. |
2022 | Growe, A., Voglmann, K., Münter, A., & Osterhage, F. (2022). Profitiert das Umland vom Boom der Großstädte? Reichweite und funktionale Differenzierung von Ausstrahlungseffekten in den deutschen Stadtregionen. Spatial Research and Planning, 80(4), 397–413. |
2022 | Growe, A., & Voglmann, K. (2022). Metropolisation through Regionalisation? Spatial Scope and Anchor Points of Metropolitan Functions in German Urban Regions. Journal of Economic and Human Geography, 113(5), 502–522. |
2022 | Growe, A., Feng, P., & Shen, Y. (2022). The Middle-aged and Knowledge Workers: Demographic and Economic Changes in the Pearl River Delta, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 32(2), 268–284. |
2022 | Growe, A. (2022). Harrison, John; Hoyler, Michael (2015): Megaregions.Globalization’s New Urban Form? Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 270 Seiten (Rezension). Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 73(4), 305–307. |
2022 | Growe, A., Ziafati Bafarasat, A., & Baker, M. (2022). The integrating role of regional spatial planning: five mechanisms of policy integration. Town Planning Review, 93(4), 423–450. |
2022 | Wang, X., Qiang, W., Niu, S., Growe, A., Yan, S., & Tian, N. (2022). Multi-Scenario Simulation Analysis of Grain Production and Demand in China during the Peak Population Period. Foods, 11(11), 1566. |
2021 | Growe, A., & Wagner, M. (2021). Research on Small and Medium-Sized Towns: Framing a New Field of Inquiry. World, 2(1), 105–126. |
2021 | Bakry, A., & Growe, A. (2021). Analysing cultural networks in cross-border metropolitan regions. The case of the Upper Rhine region (Germany–Switzerland–France). Erdkunde: Archive for Scientific Geography, 75(3), 169–190. |
2020 | Growe, A., & Wagner, M. (2020). Creativity-enhancing work environments: Eventisation through an inspiring work atmosphere in temporary proximity. Spatial Research and Planning, 78(1), 53–70. |
2020 | Growe, A., & Wagner, M. (2020). Regional Urbanization and Knowledge-Intensive Business Activities (KIBS): An Example of Small and Medium-Sized Cities in the Greater Stuttgart Region (Germany). Urban Science, 4(1), 1. |
2020 | Growe, A., Henn, S., & Scheffer, C. (2020). Co-Working-Spaces als Treffpunkte - Impulse für die Quartiersentwicklung? Das Beispiel Heidelberg. Standort, 44(2), 73–79. |
2020 | Growe, A., & Henn, S. (2020). Temporäre räumliche Nähe - Akteure, Orte und Interaktionen. Spatial Research and Planning, 78(1), 1–3. |
2020 | Growe, A., Shen, Y., & Feng, P. (2020). Decentralisation and functional specialisation in super mega-city regions: Changing functional patterns of manufacturing and knowledge-intensive business services activities in the polycentric super mega-city region of the Pearl River Delta. ERDKUNDE – Journal of Human and Physical Geographies, 74(3), 161–177. |
2020 | Growe, A. (2020). Zimmermann, Karsten; Galland, Daniel; Harrison, John (eds.) (2020): Metropolitan Regions, Planning and Governance. Cham: Springer-Verlag, 270 pages. Raumforschung und Raumordnung. |
2020 | Growe, A., Ziafati Bafarasat, A., & Baker, M. (2020). The Legitimation of Planning Processes as a Challenge to Metropolitan Governance. Administrative Sciences, 10(2), 34. |
2019 | Growe, A., Wagner, M., Mager, C., Kiese, N., & Schmidt, N. (2019). Conflicts about Urban Green Spaces in Metropolitan Areas under Conditions of Climate Change: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Planning Processes. Urban Science, 3(1), 15. |
2019 | Growe, A., & Jemming, M. (2019). Regional Councils in a Global Context: Council Types and Council Elements. Urban Science, 3(1), 22. |
2019 | Growe, A. (2019). Doing global urban research. Regional Studies, 53(2), 309–310. |
2019 | Growe, A. (2019). Developing trust in face-to-face interaction of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). Regional Studies, 53(5), 720–730. |
2019 | Growe, A., & Freytag, T. (2019). Image and implementation of sustainable urban development: Showcase projects and other projects in Freiburg, Heidelberg and Tübingen, Germany. Spatial Research and Planning, 77(5), 457–474. |
2018 | Growe, A. (2018). Buzz at workplaces in knowledge-intensive service production: Spatial settings of temporary spatial proximity. European Urban and Regional Studies, 26(4), 434–448. |
2018 | Growe, A., & Mager, C. (2018). Changing workplaces in the creative process in creative industries - the case of advertising and music. ERDKUNDE – Journal of Human and Physical Geographies, 72(4), 259–271. |
2016 | Growe, A. (2016). Where do KIBS workers work in Germany? Shifting patterns of KIBS employment in metropoles,regiopoles and industrialised hinterlands. ERDKUNDE – Journal of Human and Physical Geographies, 70(3), 201–215. |
2015 | Growe, A., & Voglmann, K. (2015). Exploring Cosmopolitanity and Connectivity in The Polycentric German Urban System. Journal of Economic and Human Geography, 107(2), 214–231. |
2014 | Growe, A., & Harrison, J. (2014). From places to flows? Planning for the new `regional world’ in Germany. European Urban and Regional Studies, 21(1), 21–41. |
2014 | Growe, A., & Harrison, J. (2014). When Regions Collide: In What Sense a New `Regional Problem’? Environment and Planning A, 46(10), 2332–2352. |
2013 | Growe, A. (2013). Regionalisation of Knowledge-Based Services: The Change of City-Hinterland Relation Within the German Urban System. Spatial Research and Planning, 71(2), 129–142. |
2012 | Growe, A. (2012). Spatial Patterns of Knowledge Forms. The Influence of Transaction Costs on Spatial Concentration of Knowledge-Based Services in the German Urban System. Spatial Research and Planning, 70(3), 175–190. |
2012 | Growe, A. (2012). Emerging polycentric city-regions in Germany. Regionalisation of economic activities in metropolitan regions. ERDKUNDE – Journal of Human and Physical Geographies, 66(4), 295–311. |
2011 | Roost, F., Danielzyk, R., Growe, A., & Volgmann, K. (2011). Schnittstelle zur Welt: Der Metropolraum Rhein-Ruhr im globalen Vergleich. Polis - Magazin für Urban Development, (1), 44–48. |
2011 | Growe, A., & Blotevogel, H. H. (2011). Knowledge Hubs in the German Urban System: Identifying Hubs by Combining Network and Territorial Perspectives. Spatial Research and Planning, 69(3), 175–185. |
2009 | Growe, A. (2009). Knowledge-holders and networking in metropolitan regions. Spatial requirements of knowledge-holders and the combination of politics. Spatial Research and Planning, 67(5-6), 383–394. |
2009 | Growe, A. (2009). Wissensallianzen und regionale Wissenskonzepte als Bausteine zur Nutzung von Wissen in Metropolregionen. In U. Matthiesen & G. Mahnken (Hrsg.), Das Wissen der Städte (S. 323–342). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. |