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Project description
InWaMod - Innovative Heating Service Models: new ways to overcome the "tenant-landlord dilemma" in the context of energy modernization, Sub-project: shaping the legal framework.
The German government intends to make Germany's building stock CO2-neutral by 2045. But how to achieve such a feat? The rental housing sector is particularly troublesome, because the current legal situation fosters the so-called "landlord-tenant dilemma", which leads to the problem that the required renovation quotas in the rental building stock have so far been missed by a wide margin.
Especially in view of the CO2-tax and the sharp rise in energy prices, the issues of energy saving, heating costs and socially acceptable and efficient climate protection in the rental market are more relevant than ever. This adds even more urgency to the topic of energy transition in the rental building sector.
This is where the transdisciplinary joint project "InWaMod" comes into play. It aims to analyze new billing models for the rental building sector, to specify heating service models - rent including heating ("Warmmiete") and heat supply - in a plausible manner, as well as to test their effectiveness under various conditions with regard to the aforementioned CO2-neutrality and questions of a fair distribution of burdens.
The main aspects to be considered are
- legal feasibility and policy options
- digital control of energy flows
- comprehensibility and acceptance on the part of tenants, property managers and property owners
- calculation of the economic and ecological savings.
The joint project InWaMod is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gill (LMU Munich). Further scientific partners are the IWU (Institut Wohnen und Umwelt, Darmstadt), the Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau as well as the industrial partners Jenawohnen GmbH (Kommunale Wohnungsbaugesellschaft, Jena) and Brunata-Metrona GmbH. The Department of Civil Law, Corporate and Competition Law, University of Kassel, is working on the relevant legal issues as part of the sub-project "Shaping the legal framework".
The joint project is funded for two and a half years by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) as part of the "Energy Transition and Society" funding program of the German government's 7th Energy Research Program.
Further information can be found on the homepage of the project!