State Exam

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Oral state examination

In the subprogram of study "Industrial Education" there is the possibility to take an oral state examination. The examination, which lasts one hour, is divided into a half-hour subject-specific and a half-hour subject-didactic part. The adjacent document gives you an overview of the areas and requirements for the oral state examination.

Written state examination

As an alternative to an oral state examination, you can also take a written examination (written test) in the subprogram of study "Industrial Education". To arrange the examination topics, please contact an examiner in the subject area (see below). The Kassel examination center of the Hessian Teachers' Academy is responsible for conducting the four-hour written examination. As with the oral examinations, please note the registration deadlines.

Scientific term paper (WHA)

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The following (incomplete) list of completed scientific theses should give you an overview of possible topics:

  • Sustainability attitudes of residents of urban living environments with regard to food
  • Development potentials for ecologically sustainable actions in the teaching kitchen of the secondary school I.
  • The influence of advertising on the nutritional behavior of adolescents aged 11 to 16.
  • Climate behavior of adolescents and adults - considerations from an environmental psychological perspective.
  • Why do products have a gender? - Historical derivation and current developments
  • Sustainable Investment Funds from the Perspective of Feminist Economics - An Evaluation of the Criteria for Company Selection
  • Analysis of the Sustainability Awareness of Pupils of a Certified Fairtrade AG

  • The Influence of Company Internships on the Career Choice Decision of SuS - Identification of Promoting and Inhibiting Influencing Factors through a Qualitative Study

  • Animal-assisted pedagogy in the teaching of work skills. The horse farm as an approach to support and prepare students with social-emotional developmental disorders with regard to the transition from school to working life - a qualitative study of the project horse farm school of the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Schule Immenhausen as a basis for the development of an exemplary concept for the Arbeitslehre lessons.

  • Experiences with subject-specific rituals in the subject area "textiles" - an empirical study in the context of the subject "working knowledge".

  • Teaching in the school kitchen in times of a global pandemic. An investigation into the use of the subject room for food processing.

  • Consumer education as a way of promoting interdisciplinary teaching? - Synergy effects using the example of the research project "Reform of Nutrition and Consumer Education in General Education Schools (REVIS)" through interdisciplinary cooperation of work teaching and political science and economics teaching.

  • The influence of refugee migration on young people's first career choices

  • Dream job "Influencer" - Embedding the topic area in career orientation and evaluation of a topic-related teaching unit in a ninth grade Realschule class in work teaching.
  • The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the choice of a dual training occupation in the field of skilled trades by Realschule students in grade 9
  • Caught in the cycle of social inequality?! Discrimination in application procedures as a result of social origin
  • Sustainable Projects with Relevance to Industrial Education in Secondary Level I - An Empirical Study at Hessian Schools
  • This is not for girls - Can Girls' Day - Girls' Future Day function as an instrument for gender-unspecific vocational orientation instruction?
  • The Influence of the Corona Pandemic on Personnel Recruitment in Retailing Using the Example of Selected REWE Stores
  • Between "academization mania" and parental aspirations - effects on young people's perceptions of the attractiveness of skilled trades occupations
  • What makes an occupational profile appear attractive from the perspective of young people? - An investigation of selected occupations.
  • Industry 4.0 as a topic in vocational training - illustrated by the example of 3D printing.
  • Work-based learning in times of the "burnt-out generation" - On the importance of work-based learning for the development of children and young people today.
  • Didactic concept for using the results of KomPo7 to support young people's career choices.
  • Inclusive work teaching. A comparative study at comprehensive schools in North Hesse.
  • "That's none of my business! Or is it?" The integration of parents in school-based career guidance with a special focus on parents with a migration background.
  • "The internship takes place in the company, doesn't it?!" A qualitative study on the implementation of the company internship in the classroom
  • Career choice and gender - recommendations for gender-oriented career choice preparation in lower secondary schools, taking into account the experiences of Kassel transition managers
  • Gender-oriented vocational orientation - Influence of Girl's Day on gender-stereotypical attitudes
  • The relevance of gender stereotypes in career choice - strategies for gender-sensitive career orientation at Kassel schools in lower secondary education
  • The importance of cooperation in vocational orientation from the perspective of North Hessian schools
  • 3D printing in schools. Arguments and application examples for the use of 3D printing and related CAM processes in the classroom.
  • Electromobility: The electric car - development of learning materials for discovery learning in vocational training classes
  • Vocational orientation and the development of vocational identity as a lifelong process of people without educational qualifications in a historical context.
  • The Future Workshop as a Method of Vocational Orientation - An Empirical Investigation of the Implementation in Secondary School I
  • The Allocation Theory in Times of Globalization - Does the Allocation-Theoretical Approach to Career Choice Gain a New Meaning through Globalization?
  • Occupational Choice of Prospective Bankers and Civil Engineering Workers - An Empirical Investigation of the Actuality of Occupational Choice Theories
  • The Development of Vocational Orientation in Industrial Education since the Introduction of the Subject Industrial Education - An Analysis of Textbooks and Didactical Literature
  • Parents, Peers, Social Status, or One's Own Abilities? - An Empirical Study of the Career Choice of Secondary School Students with and without a Migration Background
  • Au Pair - Meaningful measure for professional orientation or pure adventure story?
  • Action-oriented methodology with special consideration of the future workshop
  • Textbook Assignments as an Element of Competence Orientation in the Subject of Industrial Education
  • A health-promoting school for children and young people - possibilities of implementation at a comprehensive school in Kassel
  • Topic: Prostheses, robots, androids in media, economy, science and teaching
  • Temporary work - A phenomenon in the world of work
  • The significance of practical work experience for young people's career aspirations. A study of participants in workshop courses at the Felsberg youth workshop
  • The change of the working and living world through technical development using the example of photography
  • The economic simulation in the context of work teaching - analysis and criticism of the computer game "The Planner 4
  • Five-star hotel for insects - production and ecological connections. Concept for an interdisciplinary lesson in industrial education and biology
  • Concept for cooperation between school and company to improve the transition to vocational training using the example of Kreuzburgschule, Hainburg
  • Competency orientation in textbooks for vocational training - a comparative analysis
  • From school to work. The significance of the school subject of work-based learning for training in the skilled trades.
  • Vocational selection tests put to the test - A comparative study in the 7 year group.
  • Learning on the job - A comparison of methods used in vocational training for an original encounter with the world of work.
  • The wheel - development of learning materials for discovery learning in work-based education
  • Competency-oriented teaching in industrial education using the example of the student company
  • Between Claim and Reality - On the Effectiveness of Factors Influencing the Career Choice of Women
  • Career choice. Significance of developmental and allocative theoretical approaches for teaching.
  • The influence of school-accompanying practical phases on the vocational biography of pupils using the example of the Hessian SchuB program.
  • Promotion of career opportunities for young people through extracurricular institutions using the example of Vabia Vellmar e.V.
  • Effect of BOZ modules on the vocational orientation of secondary school students I
  • Writing work in the change - Interdependence of technology and occupation in the work teachings
  • Vocational education in Germany - A comparative study
  • Business games for vocational orientation at the Hauptschule (secondary school)
  • Work Education from the Student's Perspective - An Empirical Investigation of Expectations and Importance
  • Consumer education in the field of work education - basics and didactic suggestions
  • Problems and organization of shift work. A problem of the "old" or is Germany's youth also affected?
  • I'd like to cook like Tim Mälzer - The portrayal of professions on television and its impact on young people's career choices.
  • New media to support young people's career choice decisions in the context of work-based education.
  • The parental influence on the career choice decision and the integration into a school concept of career orientation using the example of the MPS Goddelsheim
  • Joomla at school - Adaptation of the content management system Joomla for use in general education schools
  • Learning in school and enterprise - a comparison of current concepts for the general-educational school
  • Project work and work teaching - On the importance of project work for the didactic development of the subject work teaching
  • Automation in the world of work - An introduction in the subject AL with the Lego NXT system
  • The contribution of the hessian Arbeitslehre to the competence acquisition in the range of vocational orientation in the lower secondary school
  • Change of the factors of influence on the occupation choice of young people since 1980
  • All-day school - A new chance for work education?
  • Nutrition in Schools - An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Education and Nutrition
  • Wage inequality among men and women in Germany
  • Youth unemployment in Germany - dimensions, causes, strategies
  • Vocational orientation as a central task of Hessian work teaching?
  • Promoting the career choice maturity of young people with a migration background in work-based education
  • Determinants of women's career choice and their consideration in contemporary AL teaching
  • Teaching key qualifications in the subject of vocational training - aspiration and reality
  • Online banking - technology and security aspects as a subject in the subject of work education
  • Transporting loads by bicycle - development and construction of a trailer for do-it-yourself use in the subject of work training
  • On your (training) places, get set, go! - Development of a business game for career orientation in the subject of work education
  • Support for secondary school students at the threshold between school and work through transition managers, using the example of the Kassel region.
  • Potentials of the practical training in the secondary level 1 in the discourse
  • The assessment center in work experience classes in secondary level I
  • Career choice and career choice behavior of girls at Hauptschulen and Realschulen
  • The importance of work experience from the point of view of employers
  • The assessment practice in projects of the subject Arbeitslehre
  • Helping secondary school students to plan their lives through career guidance in the subject of work experience and in push classes
  • Stress in the workplace
  • Young people with disabilities between school and work
  • Healthy nutrition for children and young people at the beginning of the 21st century. Healthier food, more exercise
  • Unemployment in Germany - causes, dimensions and ways of overcoming it
  • Learning concept for the teaching of technical facts in industrial education using the example of the hybrid engine
  • Unemployment as a pedagogical challenge in work education
  • Stress at the workplace with special consideration of the stresses and strains of teachers at the school workplace
  • Gender-specific career choice with special consideration of the German Armed Forces
  • Integration of disadvantaged young people into the training market with special reference to the city of Bremerhaven
  • The contribution of work teaching to the media competence of students - analysis of future potentials for influencing people's state of mind as an extension of the media issue

Examiners at the Department of Industrial Education

NameExamination areaoral
Subject-specific science
Subject didactics
Written examWHA
Diana RinkSubject didactics xxx
Malena PfeifferSocio-ecologyx xx
Christian ScheidingEconomyx xx
Dr. Rüdiger Schnause

Subject didactics
Vocational orientation

Prof. Dr.
Ralf Kiran Schulz
x xx