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Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Goller, Michael
Head of the Department of Vocational and Business Education
Prof. Dr. Michael Goller
Name, ForenameContact
Dietz, Tanja
Office for Vocational and Business Education
Dietz, Tanja
Research assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Dr. Dieterich, Juliane
Scientific Associate
Dieterich, Juliane
MBA, M.A. Pfeiffer, Verena
Project employee
Pfeiffer, Verena
M.A. Gierosz geb. Yudakov, Alina
Research Employee:in
Gierosz geb. Yudakov, Alina
M.A. Höhl, Roman
Research Employee:in
Höhl, Roman
PhD candidate
Name, ForenameContact
M.A. Gräter, David
External doctoral candidate
Gräter, David
Student assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Heun, Luisa
Tutor, vocational and business education
Heun, Luisa
Look, Niccolo
Tutor, vocational and business education
Look, Niccolo
Arends, Juliana
Stud. Assistant, Vocational and Business Education
Arends, Juliana
Heiderich, Emely Sophie
Stud. Assistant, Vocational and Business Education
Heiderich, Emely Sophie
Padberg, Franziska
Tutor, vocational and business education
Padberg, Franziska
Matt, Markus
Stud. Assistant, Vocational and Business Education
Matt, Markus
Boumann, Jana
Tutor, vocational and business education
Boumann, Jana
Markwart, Torben
Tutor, vocational and business education
Markwart, Torben

Former employees

Dr. Katrin AriantaFormer research assistant and doctoral candidate