Research projects

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Diversity VET - ME: Diversity Vocation Education and Training in the Domains of Metal and Electrical Engineering

Direction: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bach

Editing: Christian Schaub

Duration: 09.2015-12.2018

Funding situation: BMBF, "Quality Offensive Teacher Education".

Funding amount: 108,000 €

STRAKO: "Strategies and concepts for dovetailing the first, second and third phases of teacher training within the framework of practical school studies for the teaching profession at vocational schools."

Head: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bach

Editing: Britta Brauner, StR Dieter Deiseroth, StR Ngozi Gamisch, StR Jörg Reuter

Duration: since 08.2014

Funding situation: Start-up funding of the University of Kassel

Funding amount: 10.000 €

WILKO: "Implementation, success factors and impact of learning location cooperation in dual initial training for metal and electrical occupations in industry and the skilled trades".

Direction: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bach

Editing: Timo Wenner, M.Ed.

Duration: since 2012

Funding situation: Start-up funding Leibniz Universität Hannover and self-financing

Funding amount: 21.000 €/ currently self-financed

Completed projects