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ICIS 2024 - A conference full of awards

Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, Dr. Mahei Li, Dr. Andreas Janson, Antonia Tolzin, Kristin Geffers, Fabian Karst, Alexander Meier and Andreas Göldi traveled to Bangkok, Thailand for the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) (15 - 18 December 2024). In addition to the nine papers presented, the numerous award ceremonies were a particular highlight of the conference.


  • The paper "Leveraging Prompting Guides as Worked Examples for Advanced Prompt Engineering Strategies" by Antonia Tolzin, Niels Knoth and Andreas Janson received the AIS Best Conference Paper on Education Award.
  • The paper "Beyond Trial and Error: Strategic Assessment of Decentralized Identity in US Healthcare" by Sophia Maite Magdalena Göppinger, Alexander Meier, Edona Elshan, Omid Malekan and Jan Marco Leimeister was awarded Best Overall ICIS 2024 Paper in Honor of TP Liang.
  • The paper "GenAI and Software Engineering: Strategies for Shaping the Core of Tomorrow's Software Engineering Practice" by Olivia Bruhin, Philipp Ebel, Leon Müller, Mahei M. Li was selected as one of three CIO Forum Papers for the conference.
  • The paper "Exploring the Paradoxical Relationship between Citizen and Professional Developers in Low Code Environments" by Olivia Bruhin, Philipp Ebel and Edona Elshan was awarded Best Student Paper in Honor of TP Liang.

Prof. Jan Marco Leimeister was also honored as an AIS Fellow. The title "AIS Fellow" is awarded by the Association for Information Systems (AIS) to academics who have made outstanding contributions to information systems in research, teaching and service. Only 20 researchers in Europe have received this prestigious award.