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HISS Project Meeting at ISF Munich
After a long period of working remotely, the HISS - Hybrid Intelligence Service Support - project team finally met on site again. On the premises of the Institute for Social Science Research (ISF Munich), the representatives of the development and piloting partners, including Dr. Mahei Li and Philipp Reinhard from the Chair of Information Systems at the University of Kassel, and the project sponsor Christoph Ziegler from PTKA worked on the goals for the coming year 2023 and on possible piloting approaches in the companies. The meeting focused on developing a common direction for the final year of HISS. In addition to the participants on site, other consortium partners joined in remotely. Thanks to the hybrid workshop design and the corresponding technology, all partners and team members were able to take part in the pioneering project meeting and contribute to shaping the IT support of tomorrow.
At the beginning, Dr. Mahei Li from the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel presented the status quo and gave a review of the last year and all research and development strands of the HISS project. This was followed by keynote speeches from the project partners and the development team. Among other things, participants were able to follow the progress of chatbot development at Starke+Reichert and discover new approaches in the field of data analysis of ticket data. One highlight was the live demo of Cognigy's Agent Assist. Research associate and HISS Product Owner, Philipp Reinhard, presented possible use cases for the support and augmentation of IT support staff during communication with customers. Intensive discussions already began during the keynote speeches. These were then continued in several workshops. The participants contributed new target proposals, clustered them and categorized them according to cost and benefit. The project team can use the results to set the course for the coming year. The key findings of the project meeting were the planned integration of the individual solution modules, the use of the HISS interface in the pilot partners' live systems, the improvement of data analysis and the development and piloting of an Agent Assist use case. We also discussed the key exploitation strategies of the project partners and how the project can contribute to the sustainable design and integration of innovations in practice.
Both the results of the workshop and the exchange highlighted the high practical relevance of the interim project results and promise sustainable cooperation.