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Conference contributions ICIS 2022
The following papers have been accepted for the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) in Copenhagen,…Karen Eilers at Deloitte Podcast
"What is this agile mindset and how do those affected by agile transformations define it?" This is one of the topics we…More information about the LernBar
You have just started your studies of business education at the University of Kassel and still have to find your way…New 2022 Intake in Industrial Engineering Has Started
We are delighted to welcome 108 new students in our Bachelor program Industrial Engineering from the three different…Winter School at European Research Center for Information Systems
ERCIS BPM Winter School Since 2011, ERCIS has been organizing the ERCIS BPM Winter School (BPMWS) together with the Uni…Welcome to the Department of Economics, Prof. Dr. Judith Brockmann!
As of September 2022, Dr. Judith Brockmann has taken over as head of the Department of Business, Social and Labor Law at…Social commitment: student awarded DAAD prize
Kassel student Jana Zaremba receives the DAAD Prize of the University of Kassel. She is being honored for her…Module 6: Teaching Industrial Science SoSe 2023
In the summer semester of 2023, Module 6 "Teaching Industrial Education" will be offered in the subject Industrial…Report on Marketing Club lecture on buyer behavior published
Various social and offline media (e.g. Extra Tip Kassel of 08.10.22 on page 3) report on the lecture on buyer behavior…Review of the anthology "Export of vocational education and training: Development and evaluation of culturally sensitive learning services using the example of China".
The anthology "Export beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung: Entwicklung und Evaluation kultursensitiver…