Focus: Transformative Consumer Research

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In the field of transformative consumer research, the aim is to gain behavioral insights that help to promote the personal and collective well-being of consumers. Findings from this research area are important for companies to improve customer relations, for governmental and non-governmental institutions to shape societal developments, and for consumers to optimize their personal well-being.

The following topics are particularly desirable for final theses in the context of transformative consumer:research at the FG Marketing:


  • Determinants of pleasure in consumer experiences.
    • Influences of the social environment
    • Influences of "Mindsets
    • Aesthic Value
    • Experience expectations ("Affective Forecasting") & Experience


  • Interactions between consumption patterns / orientations and Consumer Well-Being
    • Consumption of Self-Help / Self-Improvement Products & Services
    • Social Media Engagement
    • Socially and environmentally responsible consumption
    • Mindfullness
    • Materialism
    • Voluntary Simplicity
    • Compensatory consumption