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Kick-off event: Starting signal for our DaWeNa Hub project!

Two weeks ago (25.06. and 26.06.2024) we had the pleasure of launching our latest project with an inspiring kick-off event. It was a great day full of creative ideas and exciting discussions.

Organized by ISF Munich and the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel, the meeting aimed to bring together the projects of the BMBF funding line "DigiLeistDat" in the joint project DaWeNa-Hub (data-oriented sustainable value creation). You can find the project description here.

We started with an exciting introduction to the individual projects, focusing on the diverse goals and innovative approaches of each project, followed by a fishbowl discussion moderated by Prof. Dr. Andreas Boes, in which important topics such as the exploitation of research results and digital transformation in the public sector were discussed. The day was characterized by valuable networking opportunities and the realization of how important interdisciplinary cooperation is for the success of our projects. The closing words of the project sponsor PTKA (Yvonne Haußmann) emphasized the importance of cooperation and the common goals we are pursuing.


Thanks to Barbara Langes and PD Dr. Christoph Peters for their moderation, as well as for the workshop moderation with Dr. Mahei Li and the organizing team Joana Wallraf, Leonie Freise and Philipp Reinhard. We would also like to thank the fishbowl participants Andreas Boes, Stefan Heumann, Christoph Bornschein and all other participants!


We are looking forward to the next steps, which include a variety of exciting activities such as the Learning Journey and numerous hands-on sessions. Follow our "@DaWeNa-HUB - Shaping data-oriented value creation sustainably". These formats will help us to build on the momentum gained at the kick-off and develop practical solutions.

We are looking forward to the coming months with great anticipation and to shaping the future of data-oriented value creation sustainably together!

Special thanks go to the ISF Munich, BMBF and PTKA as well as all participating projects. Your commitment and support are crucial to the success of our joint project.