- Social Media and Local Goverment
- Inter-municipal Cooperation in Germany
- Political Economy of Social Media
- Empirical Analyses of the Emergence and the Effect of Inter-municipal Cooperation (Dr. Eva Bode)
- Determinants and effects of local public education expenditures: an empirical Approach (Dr. Julia Hauschildt)
- Government policy and education performance: Insights from Indonesia (Dr. Ferry Prasetyia)
- Citizens’ preferences for intrafamilial wealth distribution and inheritance taxation (Dr. Nataliya Kusa)
- Emergence of inter-municipal cooperation and its support among citizens and local politicians (Dr. Christian Bergholz)
- Affekte und Kommunikation in ausgewählten Spielen - eine empirische und experimentelle Analyse (Dr. Özcan Ihtiyar)
- Essays on the governance of vertical and horizontal fiscal relations (Dr. Frederic Blaeschke)
- Funding and effects of public expenditures on household related infrastructure – An empirical approach (Dr. Thomas Krauskopf)