Main areas of research

Social media play a growing role at the level of local government. We analyze this process and its effects for local politics and public finance.

  • Which factors drive social media adoption and deployment among local governments? Why do some governments make intensive use of social media while others only use it scarely or not at all?
  • How does the deployment of social media shape local policies?

We address these questions in quantitative studies using data from Germany and Poland (in cooperation with colleagues from the Poznan University of Economics and Business).

Local governments frequently cooperate in public service production. Interlocal cooperation aims at generating economies of scale and scope or at strenghthening the strategic position in the interlocal competition for scarce resources.

  • What factors drive interlocal cooperation and what hinders it?
  • Does interlocal cooperation live up to its expectations? Under which conditions do the consortia prove fruitful?
  • Does interlocal cooperation promote collusion and take the bite out of interlocal competition?

We address these questions in quantitative studies using data from Germany and Poland (in cooperation with colleagues from the Poznan University of Economics and Business).

  • Folk Economics
    • What do laypersons/laymen think of the economic interdependencies?
    • Which implications result from this for economic policy?
  • Voter Preferences and voting behavior