Research Focus

The research work deals with questions from the areas of Private Law (in particular Civil Law as well as the Private Law of Consumers and Tenancy Law), Civil Procedure Law (including the Law of Enforcement) and topics from different areas of Judicial Law (e.g. Law of Judicial Organization, Law of Legal Professions and Education, Judicial Law Comparison and the electronification of Procedural Law and Civil Justice).

This follows from the venia legendi of Prof. N. Fischer for German and European Private Law as well as German and European Civil Procedure Law and Judicial Law (habilitation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. December 2004, extra ordinary professorship there since February 2013).

The research approach of extra ordinary professorship combines the theory as well as practice and implicates the social sciences in jurisprudence. This research approach represents the history tradition of sciences of the (so-called) "Frankfurt School of Civil Procedure Law", which in (civil procedural) teaching and research is closely linked to the name of Gerhard Schiedermair (1906-1986, cf. and his students who obtained their doctorate studies or habilitated at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University (e.g. Wolfram Müller-Freienfels, Othmar Jauernig, Gerhard Lüke, Wolfgang Münzberg, Herbert Fenn, Udo Kornblum, Peter Arens and Peter Gilles, for the latter (academic teacher of Prof. N. Fischer), see and

See in particular Peter Gilles in: Diestelkamp/Stolleis (eds.): Juristen an der Universität Frankfurt/M., 1989, p. 292 ff.; Gerhard Lüke: Gerhard Schiedermair 65 Jahre, JuS 1971, pp. 384 ff.; Bernhard Diestelkamp in: FB Rechtswissenschaft JWGU (ed.): (Festschrift) 100 Jahre Rechtswissenschaft in Frankfurt, 2004, pp. 11 ff., 33 f., 40, 75; and Prof. N. Fischer in: FB Rechtswissenschaft JWGU (ed.): (Festschrift) 100 Jahre Rechtswissenschaft in Frankfurt, 2004, pp. 453 ff., 454 m.w.N., N. Fischer, NJW 2008, p. 492).

  • Member of Editorial Advisory Board (subject: civil law) and permanent scientific author of the law journal "Zeitschrift für die Anwaltspraxis (ZAP)" (Journal of Lawyers' Practice)
  • (Founding) Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the law journal "Deutsche Gerichtsvollzieher Zeitschrift (DGVZ)" (German Bailiff and Law of Enforcement Journal)
  • Co-editor of the NOMOS series of publication on Tenancy and Residential Law.


Research focus / main research focus:

  • German and International Tax Law and Tax Constitution Law
  • German and International Commercial and Corporate Law

Research interests:

  • Law of Enforcement with main focus on Constitutional Law
  • Environmental Law