Research projects
On the following sites you will find information about ongoing research at the Chair for Public Law, IT Law and Environmental Law.
Privacy-preserving and legally compliant eye tracking in everyday digital life (PRETINA)
Secure self-disclosure in intimate communication with dialog systems (SENTIMENT)
ZEVEDI Project Group: Big Data and AI in German Security Authorities (KISib)
Diversity-oriented privacy protection in digital environments (DiversPrivat)
ATHENE: Systematic privacy for large, real-life data processing systems
- Flexible and individual support of disciplinary and interdisciplinary competencies through socio-technical design of systems of hybrid intelligence (Komp-HI)
- Data Protection Certification for Educational Information Systems (DIRECTIONS)
- Recognizing and combating the dynamics of disinformation (DYNAMO)
- Designing self-determined digital self-measurement (TESTER)
- Privacy-friendly Business Models for the Platform Economy (PERISCOPE)
- Privacy, democracy and self-determination in the age of artificial intelligence and globalisation (PRIDS)
Scientific Coordination and Moderation of the “Platform Privacy” (PlattformPrivat)
- emergenCITY - The Resilient Digital City
DFG Research Training Group 2050: Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users