Safe and sustainable mobility in the city of tomorrow – how does artificial intelligence help cycling safety? (DyNaMo)
Digital progress in the mobility sector opens up unexpected potential that needs to be explored and guided by the law in order to ensure a sustainable digitalisation process. The DyNaMo research project aims to tackle this challenge. Its idea is based on the observation that machine learning, sensor technology and the collection of traffic data are well advanced, but certain modes of transportation are currently benefitting from this progress more than others. Such is the case with cycling, where the potential of digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI) has hardly been exploited so far.
The focus of DyNaMo lays on improving the safety of cycling by developing legally compliant cycling assistance systems, infrastructure measures and trainings. For this purpose, the initiative aims to leverage existing technologies from the automobile sector and utilize them for the use in the context of cycling. Modern automobiles are equipped with a range of sensors and AI tools, such as collision avoidance systems, which detect other vehicles and aim to prevent accidents. However, there is currently a lack of similar advancements, that would allow for a detailed detection of cyclist’ behaviour and accordingly – in the case a of critical traffic situation – the appropriate real-time reaction to such behaviour. The use of other widely available tools, such as wearables (smartphones, smartwatches), has also hardly been explored in this context, even though they are well-suited to record cycling behaviour. To effectively reconceptualise such technologies and the data they generate for the purposes of cycling the necessary algorithms need to be researched.
The development of artificial intelligence and its legal framework are strongly influenced by the particularities of the specific area of application. Therefore, research into such socio-technical systems always requires interdisciplinary cooperation. In the DyNaMo project, scientists from the fields of computer science, transportation and legal sciences are working closely together. The cooperation between the different disciplines takes place in an iterative framework - each year the project goes through an interlinked development cycle consisting of four steps (specification of driving behaviour, laboratory and field experiments, evaluation, development of measures), which are each prepared, accompanied and revised for next year's cycle based on the expertise of the different disciplines.
The legal sub-project in DyNaMo deals with all aspects necessary for the legally compliant use of the technologies and measures. Among the topics to be analysed, data law and AI law issues are most prominent. On the topic of ‘data’, the permissibility of collection and protection of personal data needed in the project, as well as the permissibility of using all types of necessary data, regardless of it relating to natural persons or not, will be investigated. The specific goal of such investigations is the development of a data protection and data utilisation concept. When it comes to AI, the high complexity of the technology takes on legal significance. The degree of traceability and rationality that is legally required for the output of AI applications is to be researched. Following this, a catalogue of legal requirements for the development of the technologies will be devised, taking into account the rapidly evolving regulatory framework for AI. Finally, an important accompanying objective of the legal perspective in DyNaMo is to specify the often relatively abstract legal requirements, which are not readily accessible to other disciplines, in a way that promotes rather than hinders the development of technologies and measures.
The entire project is funded by the State of Hessen with a total of 4,778,142 € over four years.
- University of Kassel – Department of Communication Technology (ComTec) / ITeG: Prof. Dr. Klaus David, Dr. Judith Heinisch (Coordination)
- University of Kassel – Department of Intelligent Embedded Systems (IETS) / ITeG: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Sick, Dr. Franz Götz-Hahn
- University of Kassel – Department of Cycling and Sustainable Mobility: Prof. Dr. Angela Francke
- University of Kassel – Department of Transportation Planning and Traffic Systems: Prof. Dr. Carsten Sommer
- University of Kassel – Department of Public Law, IT Law and Environmental Law / ITeG: Prof. Dr. Gerrit Hornung (LL.M.)
Additional associated partner:
- Hessian College for Public Management and Security (HÖMS) – Police chief inspector Jens Peters
For further information see the DyNaMo-Website.
Project information
Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz, Hessian Ministry of Science and Research, Arts and Culture
January 2025 - December 2028
Project leader:
Prof. Dr. Gerrit Hornung, LL.M.