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Sustainability Lab
Interaction & Relationship Lab
- Impoverished vs. Affluent Societies – Approaches to Consuming the Spiritual
- Handling of Missing Values in Strategic Marketing Management-Related Structural Equation Models: A Structured Literature Review
Tech, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Lab
Relationship Lab
Luxury & Sustainable Retailing Lab
Sustainability Lab
Impact of Sports Celebrity Endorsement in the Intention to Purchase Sustainable Sportswear in Spain (EMSB 16)
Emotional Appeals in Sustainable Advertising: Exploring Influential Factors for Consumer Behavior Change (EMSB 16)
Interaction & Relationship Lab
Gender Roles and Leadership: Exploring the Impact of Internal and External Factors on Women's Leadership Development in Labour Market (EMSB 16)
The impact of football broadcasting on consumer satisfaction: the case of Serie A (EMSB 16)
Enhancing Sustainability in Last-Mile Logistics: A Consumer-Centric Approach (EMSB 16)
Social Media's Influence on Tourists’ Destination Decisions: The Role of Perceived Information Credibility, Personalization, and Interactivity (EMSB 16)
Beyond the Cheers: A Consumer Behaviour Analysis of Social Factors, Stigmatization, and Demarketing Strategies in University Alcohol Consumption (EMSB 16)
The Process of Digital Job Crafting Within a Company: A Socio-Technical Systems Analysis (EMSB 16)
Unlocking adventures: the impact of Virtual Reality in the Destination Marketing field (EMSB 16)
Generation Z: Sustainability Generation or Fast-Fashion addicted? (EMSB 16)
Tech, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Lab
Factors influencing Electric Vehicles adoption in the Italian market, in light of the 2035 “Fit for 55” regulation (EMSB 16)
Sustainable business model innovation for small and medium-sized hotel businesses in Germany (EMSB 16)
Article 6,8 and 9 funds under SFDR and the connection to rating agencies (EMSB 16)
Navigating Geopolitical Disruptions in Supply Chain Management: A supplier-management approach (EMSB 16)
Relationship Lab
The Impact of Music in Advertising on High and Low Involvement Consumers: A Comparison Between Europe and India (EMSB 16)
Brand Archetypes Influence on Consumer Behavior: Effects on Customer Loyalty (EMSB 16)
Navigating Clean Beauty: Trust, Loyalty, and Personal Norms in the Italian Consumer Landscape (EMSB 16)
Product downsizing and its impact on Brand Trust in the FMCG industry (EMSB 16)
Inside Out: How Personality Shapes Our Perception (EMSB 16)
Ancestral Instincts: Bridging Evolutionary Psychology and Consumer-Brand Identification (EMSB 16)
Beyond Illusions: CGI's Influence on Advertising Authenticity and Brand Impact (EMSB 16)
Media Perception and National Identity in the Balkan region: a cross-generational study (EMSB 16)
Luxury & Sustainable Retailing Lab
Seducing the Senses: The Sumptuous Dance of Visual Ambiguity and Allure in Luxury Fashion (EMSB 16)
Master Theses (i.a. Business Studies)
- Consumers' attitude towards sustainability in urban and rural areas (Exposé)
- Temporal Discounting and Distribution Via Subscription (EBGO Exposé)
- Fast Fashion Buying Behavior and Environmental Concern - A case of Shein
- How sustainable food demand in urban and rural areas is changing due to inflation
- The Impact of Hotel Website Content on the Online Customer Experience (Exposé)
- Performance measurement of waste disposal/ recycling under consideration of the triple bottom line approach in Germany - (Expose)
- Green purchase behavior in luxury fragrance market and determinants of purchase decision-making process -(Expose)
- Extending the customer relationship management and value creation link through network relationships, societal outcomes and a shared value perspective - (Exposé)
- How are Municipal Solid Waste Managed in different Cultures? - (Exposé)
- The Mystery of Consumer Behavior – Revealing Intention-Behavior Gaps - (Exposé)
- Cross-cultural differences in applying retail therapy in Germany and Ukraine (Exposé)
- The development of the second-hand market through apps in Germany (Exposé)
- The Impact of Airline Mobile Applications on the User Experience: Implementation of the CUE Model (Exposé)
- The Customer Intention to use Chatbots In the European E-Commerce Implementation of MOA Framework (Exposé)
- The influence of Business Intelligence systems on organizational performance: a literature review of empirical studies (Exposé)
- An Individual Being theIdentity of an Organization and Members Being Committed to that Identity (Exposé)
- The phenomena of happiness within people living in poverty (Exposé)
- Assessing the Objectives and Organizational Values of Equestrian Sponsorships in Germany (Exposé)
- A customer journey-based framework for performance measurement of digital marketing strategies (Exposé)
- Social Entrepreneurship: Multidimensional model in Colombia and Germany (Exposé)
- Theory of planned behaviour and elements of green packaging: Impact on purchasing and disposal behavior from a consumer perspective (Exposé)
- Do spirituality and religion affect consumer behavior? Italy and Indian Subcontinent in comparison (Exposé)
- Determinanats of Solid Waste and an Disposal Behaviour - A Literature Review (Exposé)
- Blockchain Technology in Sustainable Fashion Acquisition (Exposé)
- The Impact of Hotel Website Content on the Online Customer Experience (Exposé)
- Performance measurement of waste disposal/ recycling under consideration of the triple bottom line approach in Germany - (Expose)
- Green purchase behavior in luxury fragrance market and determinants of purchase decision-making process -(Expose)
- Extending the customer relationship management and value creation link through network relationships, societal outcomes and a shared value perspective - (Exposé)
- How are Municipal Solid Waste Managed in different Cultures? - (Exposé)
- The Mystery of Consumer Behavior – Revealing Intention-Behavior Gaps - (Exposé)
- Cross-cultural differences in applying retail therapy in Germany and Ukraine (Exposé)
- The development of the second-hand market through apps in Germany (Exposé)
- The Impact of Airline Mobile Applications on the User Experience: Implementation of the CUE Model (Exposé)
- The Customer Intention to use Chatbots In the European E-Commerce Implementation of MOA Framework (Exposé)
- The influence of Business Intelligence systems on organizational performance: a literature review of empirical studies (Exposé)
- An Individual Being theIdentity of an Organization and Members Being Committed to that Identity (Exposé)
- The phenomena of happiness within people living in poverty (Exposé)
- Assessing the Objectives and Organizational Values of Equestrian Sponsorships in Germany (Exposé)
- A customer journey-based framework for performance measurement of digital marketing strategies (Exposé)
- Social Entrepreneurship: Multidimensional model in Colombia and Germany (Exposé)
- Theory of planned behaviour and elements of green packaging: Impact on purchasing and disposal behavior from a consumer perspective (Exposé)
- Do spirituality and religion affect consumer behavior? Italy and Indian Subcontinent in comparison (Exposé)
- Determinanats of Solid Waste and an Disposal Behaviour - A Literature Review (Exposé)
- Blockchain Technology in Sustainable Fashion Acquisition (Exposé)
- Markendifferenzierung durch Audio Branding – mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ohrwurm-Phänomens
- Neobanking
- A Case Study on Fashion-Shopping Apps: Influencing Factors for determining User Behavior and Customer Satisfaction in the Mobile Commerce
- Human waste disposal behaviour in context of human emotions in Germany
- The Political Decision Reflection in Foreign Country
- Intra-Brand Image Confusion
- BOP-Vertrauensmodell: Wie MNE das Vertrauen einer BOP-Community gewinnen
- When Does Brand Love Imply Brand Hate?
- Predictive Behavioral Targeting
- Digitalization as an antecedent for customer satisfaction: A qualitative analysis
- Bestimmung der optimalen Clusterzahl in der empirischen Marktforschung
- Brand Social Responsibility in the FMCG Sector
- Influencer Marketing for Luxury Brands – Implications of Parasocial Relations on Luxury Brand Perception
- Intra-Brand Image Confusion - Eects of Assortment Width on a Congruent
Perceived Brand Image in the Light of Extensive Buying Decisions - Adoption of Blockchains – A Cross Cultural Comparison
- Sustainable Product Offerings – Consumer Preference Elicited by Positive Emotions
- Lokale Wertschöpfung als nachhaltiger vertrieblicher Erfolgsfaktor im Business-to-Government Umfeld
- Establishing Scale Equivalence in Intercultural Marketing Research Studies: A Structured Literature Review
- “Culturally Targeted Social Network Marketing -an approach for SMEs”
- „Auswirkungen von Empfehlungen – Analyse des Empfehlungsverhaltens im Rahmen des Bezugs von Web-Hosting-Dienstleistungen, gemessen an der Persönlichkeit und des Zufriedenheitsgrades.“
- Markenfans - Eine Typologie
- Käuferverhalten im Internet Empirische Untersuchung der Folgen des §312g BGB-E
- Serviceplacement in Social Media
- Medienvielfalt in Verhandlungen: ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Russland
- Cui bono? Eine empirische Untersuchung in Polen zur Auswirkung negativer Emotionen auf den Verhandlungserfolg
- Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Social Media und Mobile-Apps zur Kundengewinnung im Rahmen von B2B-Messen
- Die Illusion Rationalen Verhandelns - Verhandlungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Emotion und Rationalität
- Quantifizierung des Marketingerfolgs in Social Media - Die Facebook Fanpage Involvement Rate-
- Der Einfluß von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften auf den Verhandlungsstil
- Wirkungsanalyse unterschiedlicher Strategien im Online-Marketing - Online-Videos im Spannungsfeld der Grundprinzipien viralen und integrierten Marketings
- Beendigung von Geschäftsbeziehungen im Business-to-Consumer Bereich: Herleitung eines Erklärungsmodells mit Ländervergleich
- Direktmarketing in China - eine empirische Untersuchung
- Auswirkungen kultureller Unterschiede auf die Website-Gestaltung von Unternehmen
- Internationales Direktmarketing in Aktion: Die Ländermärkte Großbritannien, Portugal und Spanien
- Relationship Marketing & Opt-In im internationalen Vergleich Eine empirische Studie in Dänemark, Deutschland und Kroatien
- Hype-Cycle der Mediennutzung aus Konsumenten und Unternehmenssicht - Wie ändern sich die Kommunikationsmodelle?
- Untersuchung des Country of Origin-Effekts in Deutschland unter ökologischen Gesichtspunkten
- The Use of Image Personalization in Direct Mail Advertising
- Kundenkarten und ihre Bindungswirkung - Wie stark ist die Kundenbindung durch den Einsatz von Kundenkarten?
Bachelor Theses
- Kulturelle Einbettung von Dialogen am Beispiel von Frankreich
- Direktmarketing in Kroatien
- Serviceplacement: Eine Wirkungsanalyse am Bespiel des Films Sex in the City II
- Persönlichkeitsmerkmale von Führungskräften:
Ist gesunder Narzissmus eine notwendige Führungseigenschaft? - Green purchase behavior in luxury fragrance market and determinants of purchase decision-making process (Exposé)
The Impact of Hotel Website Content on the Online Customer Experience (Exposé)
Technology Lab
- Health habits and well-being: Investigating the incidence of smartwatches on runners (EMBS15 Exposé)
- The future of Extended Reality in fast fashion: the impact of XR acceptance on consumer behaviour and brand equity (EMBS15 Exposé)
Sustainability Lab
- Encourage people toward better recycling habits thanks to gamification: evidence from the Italian city Pistoia (EMBS15 Exposé)
- Number of followers: how does it affect digital influencers' impact on impulsive purchasing behavior? (EMBS15 Exposé)
- Does price affect critical mass? The creation of a widespread adoption car sharing system. (EMBS15 Exposé)
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
- Selling less and disclosing more. How companies are changing their supply chain practices to comply with the new regulation imposed by the EU Commission in the fashion/textile industry. (EMBS15 Exposé)
- The managers’ perception of Green Innovation’s outcomes: an exploratory application in the Italian Fashion Industry (EMBS15 Exposé)
- The influence of digital transformation on horizontal and vertical collaboration for innovation in the Italian fashion industry (EMBS15 Exposé)
- Drivers of subscription business models, and value creation in the French Machinery & Equipment industry. (EMBS15 Exposé)
- Integrative view of crowd testing barriers (EMBS15 Exposé)
- Organizational identity within Multinational companies (EMBS15 Exposé)
- Connecting Social Enterprise with Impact investing, Case Study in Borgata Paraloup (Italy) (EMBS15 Exposé)
Technology Lab
- Gamification and the determinants of the motivation to behave sustainably (EMBS14 Exposé)
- The role of health consciousness, and application design quality on users’ continuous intention to use Food delivery apps (EMBS14 Exposé)
- Smart Tourism: Tourism apps usage on Augmented Reality (EMBS14 Exposé)
- Social Commerce’s Marketing Activities and the Impact on Brand Loyalty (EMBS14 Exposé)
Sustainability Lab
- The effects of sustainable marketing on airline passengers’ values, beliefs, and purchasing intention (EMBS14 Exposé)
- The impact of social media influencers on consumers conspicuous and inconspicuous sustainable consumption (EMBS14 Exposé)
- Rural-Urban - Young generation’s green purchasing intentions and awareness towards sustainability in France (EMBS14 Exposé)
- Rethink Packaging: Warning Messages and their influence on purchasing behavior (EMBS14 Exposé)
Sharing economy, the consumption of tomorrow? The influence of concerns about sustainability on secondhand consumption in France (EMBS14 Exposé)
Future of sustainable ski resort economy: A quantitative study comparing sustainable daily life and touristic consumer behavior
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
- The decision-making process behind Reshoring: from the drivers to the implementation. A comparative case study (EMBS14 Exposé)
- The impact of the experiential store on brand loyalty (EMBS14 Exposé)
- Influencers’ Trust: The relationship between Brand and Social Media Influencers (SMIs) (EMBS14 Exposé)
- Virtualization, how the shift from physical to virtual working environments affects teams and their members (EMBS14 Exposé)
- Research Exposé: FinTech and Banking industry: Changes Brought by Deposit and Lending Business Model (EMBS 14 Exposé)
The marketing communication of automotive companies in the transitional stage towards full electromobility (EMBS14 Exposé)
- The Role of Social Commerce in Europe: The Impact of Social Support, Trust and Flow Experience in Trust Performance (Exposé)
- Smart Mobility services: a quantitative study of the drivers of citizens’ intention to use (Exposé)
- Organizational identification towards CSR policies from the employees perspective. (Exposé)
- Experience of Mega Sport Events: Technology Acceptance of Virtual Reality (Exposé)
- Consumers’ perceptions of sustainable packaging in the food industry (Exposé)
- The impact of gaming on business related outcomes: The case study of football fantasy (Exposé)
- The perception of industry 4.0 technologies in supply chain and the identification of the barriers to their integration (Exposé)
- CoVid-19, the awakening of a continent? A quantitative study about the perception of the future of ecotourism by Europeans. (Exposé)
- The effects of social and self-motives on e-WOM on Instagram and TikTok (Exposé)
- Sustainability and Blockchain: Defining Product Provenance and Its Implications for the Fashion Industry (Exposé)
- The impact of Business Intelligence Visual Tools on Decision Making: a user perspective (Exposé)
- Survival and success: the manager’s role in achieving organizational resilience (Exposé)
- Formation of coopetition: the role of managerial perception and individual level network (Exposé)
- Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Products for Small Businesses: A Literature Review (Exposé)
- How does Telework Impact Job Satisfaction of Teleworkers from Generation Z? (Exposé)
- Determining the success of persuasion strategies within chatbots: implementation of the ELM framework. (Exposé)
- A Theory-Based Model of Crowdfunding Investment Intention: The Role of Sustainability Orientation on Funder’s Trust and Investment Intention (Exposé)
- Assessing the Objectives and Organizational Values of Equestrian Sponsorships in Germany (Exposé)
- Extending the customer relationship management and value creation link through network relationships, societal outcomes and a shared value perspective (Exposé)
- An Individual Being the Identity of an Organization and Members Being Committed to that Identity (Exposé)
- The phenomena of happiness within people living in poverty (Exposé)
- How are Municipal Solid Waste Managed in different Cultures? (Exposé)
- The Mystery of Consumer Behavior – Revealing Intention-Behavior Gaps (Exposé)
- Cross-cultural differences in applying retail therapy in Germany and Ukraine (Exposé)
- The development of the second-hand market through apps in Germany (Exposé)
- The Impact of Airline Mobile Applications on the User Experience: Implementation of the CUE Model (Exposé)
- The Customer Intention to use Chatbots In the European E-Commerce Implementation of MOA Framework
- The influence of Business Intelligence systems on organizational performance: a literature review of empirical studies
- An Individual Being theIdentity of an Organization and Members Being Committed to that Identity
- The phenomena of happiness within people living in poverty
- A customer journey-based framework for performance measurement of digital marketing strategies (Exposé)
- Social Entrepreneurship: Multidimensional model in Colombia and Germany (Exposé)
- Theory of planned behaviour and elements of green packaging: Impact on purchasing and disposal behavior from a consumer perspective (Exposé)
- Do spirituality and religion affect consumer behavior? Italy and Indian Subcontinent in comparison
- Determinants of Solid Waste and Disposal Behavior – A Literature Review (Exposé)
- Blockchain Technology in Sustainable Fashion Acquisition (Exposé)
- Towards a measure of Omni-Channel Shopping Value in the context of integrated omni-channel fashion retail settings
- What is an agile city? Developing a new concept based on supply chain and manufacturing agility in the sustainable city context
- Hyperloop for the European Market: A qualitative study for a possible application
- Should I green or should I not? The role of social influence to minimize the attitude-behavior gap in green purchasing among Grocery Shoppers.
- Impact of economic sanctions on consumer ethnocentrism in Russia
- Organizational identity in startups Identity formulation process and employee recruitment
- The engagement of a virtual atmosphere: the combined effects of music and colours on online stores’ shopping behaviour
- Country Image Change: An Assessment of the Effects of Brexit on UK’s Country Image: Cognitive, Affective Attitudes, and Conative Outcomes
- Path Creation towards Sustainable Aviation Fuels
- Traceability in the food industry: the impact of a sustainable supply chain management on environmental protection.
- Consumer manipulation: Loot box between game play strategy and profitability How are the different type of players reacting face to loot boxes while playing?
- Stimulating Additional Demand in Dynamic Lot- Sizing Models at Neutral Costs in Online Retailing
- Social CEOs: The effects of CEOs’ social media presence on company reputation
- Barriers to Container Management Outsourcing as Business Model Innovation in the Sea Cargo Industry
- The Pursuit of Happiness and a Better Future: An Analysis of Subjective Well-Being in Latin American Migrants
- Gamification as a Pro-environment Tool: The Role of Motivation in Enhancing Consumer Behaviour Changes
- The Role of Spirituality on Consumer Purchasing Behavior: An Empirical Study with Mexican Consumers
- Millennials’ Online Brand Advocacy in Social Media An Analysis on the Beauty Industry
- Consumer Values on the Materialism-Postmaterialism Scale in Developing and Advanced Economies
- COO-effect on European Consumers’ Quality Perception of Mobile Phone
- Sharing Economy: The impact of carsharing on brand identity
- How do software startups outsource marketing activities? An exploratory study of the state of practice
- Emotional Intelligence in Business Negotiations.
- Technological integration: is augmented reality an effective tool for in-store retailing?
- Disposition Behavior in Mexico City: Comparison of High and Low socioeconomic sectors.
- Do lifestyle and nutrition knowledge affect consumers’ choice of different functional food categories?
- Preferences and programs, dynamicity and loyalty, a quantitative study in the fashion e-commerce
- Assessing the citizens perceptions towards e-government usage in Albania
- What factors influence brand perception and employee identification?
- Public Diplomacy and the Role of Non-State Actors: A Qualitative Study
- Impulsive disposal social and psychological aspects: A global overview of the literature
- Digital trust: Investigating the antecedents of online information disclosure
- Virtual Teams Digital Media Structure and its Impact on Workplace Isolation: Development of a Framework
- How do organizational strategies are set and implemented within the sports industry: A comparative case study between Nike and Adidas, their strategical evolution over the past decade
- Perception of Payment Modes
- The Online Sound of Luxury Watch Brands: The Effects of Classical Background Music on the Attitudes of Costumers
- The impact of digital influencers on value perception and purchase intention
- Archetypal design of storytelling: a theoretical framework for application in marketing
- Giving a frame to pollution: Attitudes, Perceived Risks and Recycling Behaviours
Are you looking for happiness? A plea for a Lifestyle of Voluntary Simplicity - To blog or not to blog? An exploratory research about the motivations of following fashion bloggers and their impact on purchasing decision
- Social Media and Healthy Lifestyle: How can social media influence users on the issue of healthy lifestyle?
- Social media impact on consumer’s food choice
- How does emotional intelligence impact team cohesion? An explorative study in an Airline company
- Throw away and feel free- a disposal therapy
- The impact of wealth on disposal behaviours
- Understanding behavioural-intention gap in green consumption: a comparison between French and German Millennials
- The impact of positive urgency on impulsive buying behaviour
- Consumer purchase intention towards sustainability labelled personal care products
- E-commerce and consumer behaviour: analysis of the influence
of atmospherics on online stores
- Influences of consumers’ social context on brand preferences: How relationship status affects women’s self-discrepancies, cosmetic involvement and brand choice
- The impact of food stores’ marketing manipulations on consumers’ behaviour
- The influence of online reviews on customer’s expectations and booking intention in case of the online peer-to-peer platform Airbnb
- Post-Crisis Response Strategies: A Combined Model to Manage Brand Crises
- What are the drivers influencing the Internet users to use ad-blocking software and what are the moderators influencing them?
- What makes online video advertisements go viral? Analysis of the causes and the effects of viral video advertisements
- The Internet of Things and the effectiveness of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) in predicting the acceptance of the Amazon Dash Button as a (half)-automatically-reordering device for groceries – a cross-cultural study between the USA and Germany
- Intergenerational influence on brand relationship behavior of Millennials
- Food, marketing, neuroscience and health: how to increase the consumption of healthy food through marketing strategies
- Context-Aware Recommendations from IoT Devices: Evaluation of the Impact on Consumer Acceptance and Perceived Performance
- Consumer Likelihood of Acceptance of Battery Electric Vehicles in the European Market
- Assessing the effectiveness of Athletes Sponsorship through brand awareness and brand recall
- An investigation into the factors influencing buying decisions
- Influence of self-discrepancy feelings on materialist consumption behavior
- Comparative study of cultural differences in the use of crowdsourcing: A study conducted in the United States of America, the Netherland and India.
- Explaining Differences in Consumer Behaviour and Lifestyle: Comparison of Sportsmen and Couch Potatoes / Sedentaries
- Linking entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance in post-socialist market context: the moderating role of environment and age
- Personalised smartphone advertising model: The influential factors for its effectiveness
- Do you sound Italian? Assessing the Effectiveness of Italian Sounding as a Marketing Strategy
- Involvement, Attitude Change and Perception in the Fashion Industry. A Contemporary Reassesment of the Elaboration Likelihood Model
- The Adoption of the E-WOM in the Consumer Decision Making Process
- Ethical Consumption: A Meta Analysis Across North America, Europe and, Asia
- Ethnic Consumption: Research on an Ethnic Identity Pattern and Intergenerational Influences on Consumption Using Examples of Germany and England
- Are You What You Want to Be? How Cosmetics Fill the Gap Between Ideal-self and Actual-self Concept among Teenagers: An International Study of Cosmetics Purchasing Habits and Brand Conceptions
- Gamification and User Types: Reasons Why People Use Gamified Services
- Luxury Brands on Social Networks: The Strained Balance between Ubiquity and Exclusivity for Different Levels of Luxury
- Product and Service Placement: A cross-cultural Study on How Italian and German Moviegoers are affected by Different Modalities of This Marketing Experience
- Movie Privacy: A Cross-country Analysis between France and the Netherlands
- Are Asians Less banner Blind than Europeans due to Culturally Indirect Perceptual Differents
- Oppositional Brand Avoidance – A new theoretical approach
- The Determinants for Customer Acceptance and Use of Social CRM Systems: Quantitative Analysis of a User Acceptance Model
- Brand personality, the reason for consumers to pay a price premium for National brands over Private Labels
- How brand anthropomorphism influences automatic behavior in response to brand names: A validation of the partner/servant role distinction attributed to anthropomorphized brands
- Collaboration between brands and cities: A promising engagement based on Personality fit
- Behavior Patterns of the Modern Opinion Leaders in the Latvian Design Market
- Effects of Crisis on the Perception of Change: Multinationals’ Environmental Scanning Strategy and Spanish Consumers’ Perception of FMCG Product Changes in the Context of the Eurozone Crisis
- Intercultural Love Relationships – Personality Traits of People Involved and Significance for Businesses
- Marketing Systems, Origins, and new Trends of Fair Trade: Which Consistency on the French Market?
- Symbols and Promotion: How to Use them Wisely to Affect the Customer’s Decision
- The Placebo Effect in Marketing: Unexplored Influence of Brand Name
- Rebuilding a Brand’s Reputation: Strategic Decisions To Overcome Past Mistakes
- The use of Mass Customization Toolkits and the Proud of Authorship: When the Self-Design of a Product Leads to Social Sharing
- Identifying Motivations of Young Consumers for Visiting Art Museums
- Investigation of the Effects of Scent Marketing Containing Country-of-Origin Information on Product Evaluations
- The Role of Collaborative Consumption: Will Collaborative Consumption Evelop from a Niche into the New Status Quo?
- What Must Online Videos Combine to Become Successful?
Analysis of the Complexity and Configuration of Viral
Videos - Cultural differences in the non-verbal communication within the cross-cultural negotiations – A comparison of German and Turkish business partners’ cultural differences in the non-verbal communication within a business negotiation
- Labeling Ecotourism within the European Market: The Consumers' and Professionals' Perspective
- The impact of experiential marketing on customers’ brand perception in the champagne industry: a cross cultural analysis and an attempt to propose an innovative concept
- Subliminal marketing - Infiltrating the mobile device through multiple exposures
- Consumer attitude and behavior in the ethical fashion industry
- A matter of saving money or new pattern of consumption?: Future of private labels from the consumer perspective after the crisis in Spain
- Cultural differences in the use of mobile shopping – A comparison of France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
- Online Purchasing Behavior in Apparel Virtual Stores
- The use of banned performance – enhancing drugs in sports: How does cultural differences effect public opinion on doping usage and scandals?
- Consumer behaviour on Fairtrade labelled products
- The use of brand heritage for packaging design: An analysis of FMCG’s sector
- The influence of language on the customers’ sensitivity to odd pricing: The clothing industry
- Ethical consumption: A holistic approach towards an understanding of the attitude-intention-behaviour gap
- The impact of the doping effect on cycling sponsorship: analysis of brand lovers and cycling fans consumer reaction
- Green consumer profiling and the effectiveness of the Theory of Planned Behavior
- Is the Reputation Quotient a valid and reliable measure for corporate reputation?
- Internationalisation Process and Start Ups: the Influence of the Financial Crisis
- CSR in food industry: Impact of CSR on consumer behaviour
- Country of origin and stereotypes’ influence on the brand evaluation of a product
- Impact of corporate social responsibility on brand awareness - A mixed model review
- What Product Ratings can learn from Chinese Restaurants: A Stochastical Approach
- Interface of international outsourcing and green marketing
- The impact fo the crisis on the country of origin effect of Spain: a comparative analysis on the USA, Germany and Russia
- Symbolic consumption of luxury goods: example of fashion luxury market in Russia
- Shaping the shapeless: Africa. Targeting the bottom of the pyramid
Emotionen im interkulturellen Dialog
Content Marketing in Social Networks
What brands do consumers love? - A study of fashion brands and food brands
- Consumer behaviour towards the fashion industry. The fast fashion era
- Brand extension evaluation: The The importance direct experience in sample design
- Effective storytelling in charitable appeals: structuring image and story.
A cross-cultural comparison. - On leader-subordinate relationships and social mobility perception: A comparison between domestic and foreign-based organizations in India
- Regaining Consumers’ Trust: Service Crises
- Exploring the spreading phenomenon of unwanted consumers in the luxury fashion industry.
- Online co-creation of the tourist experience: A consumer perspective
- Influence of colour-coded nutrition labels on perceived healthfulness
- Affinity: validation of scale and experiment in socio-managerial context.
- The willingness and inconsistency to follow vegetarian nutrition in Germany and in Hungary: Empirical Study on Behavior-intention Gap
- Peers help peers: Analysis of the participation and non-participation consumers’ drivers in peer-to-peer access-based consumption
Guilty Free Consumption of Middle Aged Man in Automotive Industry
Country of Origin on Food Labeling; How does the Information of the Origin of Ingredients and Production Site impact the Buying Intention of Consumers of Domestic-Brand Products?
Is the world really flat? -The influence of place in terms of spatial and social distance on online shopping
Environmental sustainability at the bottom of the pyramid
The User Generated Content Influence on Holiday Decision Making Process
Determinants for Travelers Acceptance and Use of M-Commerce
Towards an Underlying Framework of Event Studies
Influence of Colour Coded Nutrition Labels on Perceived Healthfullness
Exploring the Symmetric and Asymmetric Efects of Sadness in Negotiations
- Influence of Companies Corporate Social Responsibility on Country of Origin Effect
- Authenticity and Tourism
- Brand Communities of Television Channels
- Challenges of local marketing in emerging economies - Exemplified by the cosmetics industry in Russia
- Consumer behavior during crises
- Consumer Choice in the Retail Setting
- Consumer loyalty in the mobile phone sector: The Spanish case
- Country of Origin Effects-Reputation of Spanish brands outside borders
- Electric Vehicles’ Business Development and Strategies
- Experiential Marketing applied to Private Banking
- Founding a “School for Outdoor Trainers and experiential educators” in the Italian territory: A preliminary market and feasibility analysis of the business idea
- Greenwashing implications of Electronic Waste Management
- Incentive and Control Systems for Employees in Sales Positions
- International Double Taxation Avoidance: Theoretical and Practical Overview on the Example of Russian Federation
- Lovemarks and their Influence on Customer Behaviour
- Nutrition labeling between consumer information source and marketing tool. Is there any extent of synergy?
- Portfolio optimization with numerical representation of risk functions
- Renewable Energy Industry – Competitive Market Analysis and Managerial Implications
- The Glocal Approach: its Challenges and Requirements – The Example of the Automotive Industry
- The Power of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing
- Total Quality Management and Service Quality in Banking Sector
- TV channels in the digital age – New perspectives and limits
- Video games branding strategies
- Viral Marketing: How this new and evolving tool should be used by the companies
- „Implikationen der digitalen Transformation für das Front-End des Innovationsprozesses am Beispiel der Automobilbranche“
- Substitution von Euro-Vouchern durch Targeted Couponing
- Consumer preferences for eco-labels on seafood products – An empirical study of consumer choice and the influence of eco-labels with regard to wild and farmed seafood
Diplom I
- Visuelle Wahrnehmung von Werbeansprachen: Eine Eye Tracking basierte Analyse
- Motive für Falschangaben im E-Commerce - Ein interkultureller Vergleich
- Direktmarketing in China - Eine empirische Untersuchung im Kontext CRM mit Community-Einsatz im chinesischen Social-Media Marketing am Beispiel des QQ-Professionals
- Die Nutzung von Social Media in Energieversorgungsunternehmen am Beispiel der Städtische Werke AG Kassel
- Luxus in Russland
- Nachhaltiger Konsum: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Relevanz von Produktattributen zur Kaufentscheidung
- Erfolgsmessung bei den Social Media Marketing Kampagnen
- Direktmarketing in Russland
- Factors Influencing Viral Marketing Enforcement: an Empirical Study on the Example of the Cinema Industry
- Interaktive Kommunikation Eine empirische Untersuchung: von klassischen Werbespots und interaktiven Gadgets
- Enthusiasmus im Marketing: Eine empirische Untersuchung von Motiven und Auswirkungen der Leidenschaft zu Pin-up Girls
- Verwendung von Weblogs/C-Blogs als Direktmarketing-Instrument
- Timing und Response im Direktmarketing - Eine empirische Auswertung anhand des Nielsen Panels
- Social Engineering im Competitive Intelligence: Impact des Web2.0
- Markentreue bei einer grundlegenden Änderung der Kommunikation - Eine empirische Erhebung am Beispiel Dove
- Virales Marketing: Bedeutung des „Word of Mouth“ in den neuen Medien für das Direktmarketing I
- Der doppelte Diamant im internationalen Direktmarketing
- Der hybride Konsument - von Heute und Morgen - Eine empirische Untersuchung
- Dienstleistungsplacement
- Marketing Intelligence in Practice- Marketinginformationen aus Kundenkarten
- Neuromarketing - State of the Art
- Multi-Channel Retailing Vergleich von Online- und Offline-Einkaufserlebnissen
- Marktsegmentierung und Positionierung im Luxusautomobilbereich mit besonderer Bezugnahme auf Bentley Motors Ltd.
- Motive für Falschangaben im E-Commerce: Eine empirische Untersuchung
- Direktmarketing von Premium-Produkten: Interkulturelle Unterschiede in der Ausgestaltung von Mailings
- Clash of Cultures im Marketing für Gesundheitsdienstleistungen
- Direktmarketing in Polen
- Direktmarketing zur Überwindung von Markteintrittsbarrieren
- Loss Aversion im Preismanagement: Welcher Kunde reagiert?
- Schnäppchen und ihr Einfluss auf das Kaufverhalten: Eine Betrachtung im Kontext des Dialogmarketing.
- Personalisierung von Direktmarketing und Reaktanz: Ein internationaler Vergleich
- Direktmarketing in China
- Blogs im Tourismusmarketing
Diplom II
- Effizient verhandeln: Erfolg in Jahresgesprächen
- Wirkung von Nationalfarben in Mailings: Ein internationaler Vergleich
- Kundenschulungen als Direktmarketinginstrument in Osteuropa
- Direktmarketing in Russland: Entwicklung und Besonderheiten
Theses (FB02)
- Mobile App Usage Styles – An App for Every Lifestlye?
- Success Metrics for Direct Marketing in Web 2.0 - Emotional Brand Attachment versus Customer
- Die Energie des Social Web: Potenziale des Social Web für die Unternehmenskommunikation, am Beispiel der Erneuerbaren Energiewirtschaft
- Ethnozentrismus bei Luxusgütern
- User Attachment within Social Media Platforms: an Empirical Study on the Example of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Xing
- Participation in Virtual Health Care: Benchmarks and Empirical Evaluation
- Interactive Marketing in the Web2.0: The Case of Weleda
- A worldwide examination of cultural differences between micro-bloggers from English-speaking countries and their expression on twitter
- Kulturelle Impacts im Kundendialog und der Sortimentsgestaltung: Ein Vergleich von Online-Shops und Sortimenten britischer und deutscher Handelsketten.
- Clash of Cultures im Luxusgütermarketing
- Buying of Luxury Goods: A Comparison of U.S.A. and Germany