Lesser burnet

Studies on the lesser burnet (Pimpinella saxifraga)

In a population genetic comparison of 1. reclamation of roadsides with non-native seeds and 2. plant diversity of the same species in nearby nature reserves, we investigated whether genetic diversity differs (funded by DBU and Heidehofstiftung). This revealed that two different genotypes coexist in the case of the lesser burnet. Through population genetic analyses, we are now trying to analyze the genetic diversity of the lesser burnet throughout its range to reconstruct whether genetic barriers and local adaptations are responsible for this phenomenon.


Gemeinholzer B, Reiker J, Müller CM, & Wissemann V (2020): Genotypic and phenotypic distinctness of restored and indigenous populations of Pimpinella saxifraga L. Eight or more years after restoration. Plant Biology (Stuttgart, Germany). Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/plb.13174

Reiker J, Rühl T, Wissemann V, Gemeinholzer B (2019): Intraspecific phenotypic variability of the herbaceous species Daucus carota L. (Apiaceae) used for restoration purposes. Acta Botanica Hungarica (manuscript number 217)

Gemeinholzer B, Demant L, Dieterich M, Eser U, Farwig N, Geske C, Feldhaar H, Lauterbach D, Reis M, Weisser W, Werk K (2019): Artenschwund trotz Naturschutz: Handlungs- und Forschungsbedarf, Biologie in unserer Zeit. (49)6.

Reiker J, Schulz B, Wissemann V, Gemeinholzer B (2015): Does origin always matter? Evaluating the influence of non-local seed provenances for ecological restoration purposes in a widespread and outcrossing plant species. Ecology and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.1817