On this pages you can find further information about teaching. For some contents, it might be necessary to sign in on Moodle.
Prof. Dr. Stengl offers a wide content of lectures, as well as practica and seminars for the different courses.
The events can be found in the table below. Attendend documentation can be downloaded via Moodle.
For any other questions regarding teaching or practica, Exam's, Master's or Bachelor's thesis, state examination or promotion please contact Prof. Dr. Stengl or Christina Wollenhaupt.
The Moodle courses for our lecture and seminars in WS 2022/23 are online. Please register on Moodle.
Current courses
- FB1018.1040 Advanced Seminar: Chronobiology and Olfaction - Seminar (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1040a Advanced Seminar: Chronobiology and Olfaction - deutsch - Studienleistung (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1030w Allgemeine Sinnesphysiologie (Sensory Physiology) - Vorlesung (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1635 Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten - Tutorium (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1010a Forschungsmodul Neurobiologie - Praktikumsprotokoll (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1006 Forschungspraktikum Molekulare Aspekte der Tierphysiologie (Advanced research in Neurobiology) - Praktikum (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1006a Forschungspraktikum Molekulare Aspekte der Tierphysiologie (Advanced research in Neurobiology) - Presentation (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1035 Grundlagenseminar: Basics of Chronobiology and Olfaction - Seminar (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.0100w Molekulare Grundlagen der Biologie - Vorlesung (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1020 Neurobiologisches Kolloquium - deutsch (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1010 Praktikum zum Forschungsmodul Neurobiologie (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1005w Praktikum zum Profilmodul Tierphysiologie (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1005a Praktikum zum Profilmodul Tierphysiologie - Studienarbeit (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1005b Praktikum zum Profilmodul Tierphysiologie - Praktikumsvortrag (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1050 Ringvorlesung Graduiertenkolleg "Biologische Uhren" - ENGLISCH (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1035a Studienleistung zum "Grundlagenseminar: Basics of Chronobiology and Olfaction" (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.0171w Superseminar I Seminarvortrag (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1045w Tierphysiologischer Kurs - Praktikum (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1045a Tierphysiologischer Kurs - Abschlussprüfung (opens in a new window)
- FB1018.1015w Tutorium zu Seminaren (opens in a new window)